The following post by the official Weibo account of the Chinese website of the Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报中文网) was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 3:39 a.m. today, November 14, 2012. The post takes readers to an article by Liu Gang (刘罡) about how China should deal with the problem of endemic corruption. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].

[Newspaper Reading: How Should China Deal with the Scourge of Corruption?] At the 18th National Congress of the CCP, corruption has become a very hot issue. How should China deal with corruption that is now rife from top to bottom? Author: Liu Gang

The original Chinese-language post follows:

【读报:中共如何应对腐败沉疴?】- 腐败问题在中共十八大会议上成为十分热门的话题,对于已经从上到下渗透到整个中国社会的腐败现象,中国该怎么办?作者:刘罡

NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

David Bandurski

CMP Director

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