The following post from Sha Yexin (沙叶新), a well-known playwright, was deleted from Sina Weibo on January 29. Sha, who was formerly head of the Shanghai People’s Art Theater, is now an honorary vice-chairman of the China Drama and Literature Academy. He currently has more than 120,000 followers on Weibo, according to Sina’s numbers. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].

Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where demonstrations are a normal thing. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where marches don’t end in disaster. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) roots out the dirt. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where the government isn’t in bed with business. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where refuge is provided for exiles [from the Tiananmen Protests]. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where June 4 is not forgotten. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where magazines are free. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where you don’t have to scale the [Internet] wall. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where the sense of human rights is strong. Thank goodness there is Hong Kong, where there are prospects for democracy. Thank goodness there is Taiwan and Hong Kong, when the mainland’s back bristles with thorns and no one dares step too far out of bounds!

Sha’s original post follows:

沙叶新 : 2012-01-29 22:17:57 幸好有香港,示威很家常。幸好有香港,游行不遭殃;幸好有香港,廉署反贪脏。幸好有香港,政府不从商。幸好有香港,黄雀救流亡。幸好有香港,陆肆没有忘。幸好有香港,杂志有开放。幸好有香港,上网不翻墙。幸好有香港,人权意识强。幸好有香港,民主尚可望。幸好有台港,大陆背有芒,不敢太疯狂!

NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

David Bandurski

CMP Director

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