The following post by Liang Mutian (梁幕天), a magazine editor with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 3:42am Hong Kong time today, February 17, 2012. Liang Mutian currently has just under 56,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
The post is a response to this microblog post from Liang Mutian, not deleted, about how the Ministry of Public Security is launching an event in which the public is encouraged to select people in public security they regard as model figures. Wang Lijun, the former top cop in Chongqing often regarded as the right-hand man of the powerful Bo Xilai (薄熙来), was reportedly taken to Beijing by security police after apparently fleeing Chongqing and taking refuge in the U.S. consulate in Chengdu. The incident, a highly sensitive one for China, has raised many questions about Bo Xilai’s future and about internal wrangling within the CCP ahead of a leadership transition later this year.
Sina Weibo users responding to the original Liang Mutian post all agree in nominating Wang Lijun as an exemplary model.
//@jacky-wl: Wang Lijun //@白桦林Rainy:Wang Lijun //@家有烈犬不逗儿:Wang Lijun //@枝枝710:Wang Lijun //@小祁5810:Wang Lijun //@王国富9: Wang Lijun //@钧杰侯: //@Haliluja: Wang Lijun //@likuer33: Wang Lijun //@胡杨树: Wang Lijun //@赵大鹏: Wang Lijun //@风竹欲: Wang Lijun //@稳步如飞: Wang Lijun//@好摄子良: I would choose Wang Lijun!
The original Chinese-language post follows:
//@jacky-wl: 王立军 //@白桦林Rainy:王立军 //@家有烈犬不逗儿:王立军 //@枝枝710:王立军 //@小祁5810:王立军 //@王国富9: 王立军 //@钧杰侯: //@Haliluja: 王立军 //@likuer33: 王立军 //@胡杨树: 王立军 //@赵大鹏: 王立军 //@风竹欲: 王立军 //@稳步如飞: 王立军//@好摄子良: 我评选王立军吧哈哈
NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.