The following post by Jiang Zigang (蒋子刚), an IT expert, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 5:08pm on August 9, 2012. Jiang Zigang currently has just over 26,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
Jiang Zigang’s post first list statistics suggesting that per capita income in China has fallen steadily since the 1960s, but Zhang does not list the source of this data. A ranking of GDP per capita in 2010-2011 can be found here, in which China is ranked 92nd, right after East Timor and Ecuador. Zhang’s post then alleges high rates of foreign passport holding among delegates to China’s National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
Jiang’s post links to a page on this personal blog that re-posts an article by Tian Jiali (田嘉力) including the numbers he cites. Jiang’s version of the Tian Jiali article, originally at, is no longer available. However, the article that appears to have originated the thread, posted to a blog at, is still available in a number of places, like this one.
Jiang Zigang’s post follows:
Shocking Statistics: In 1960, per capita income in China ranked 78th in the world, in 1970 it ranked 82nd, in 1976 it ranked 84th, in 1980 it ranked 94, in 1990 is ranked 105th, in 2008 it ranked 106th and in 2010 it ranked 127th. A Central Discipline Inspection investigation . . . : 76.77 percent of delegates to the CPPCC hold foreign passports, and 57.47 percent of delegates to the National People’s Congress hold foreign passports. The people of China are represented by foreign citizens!…
The following is the original Chinese post:
NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.