The 5:1 loss of the China men’s soccer team to Thailand on June 15 resulted in riots online and offline as fans vented their frustration over a series of setbacks for its national team in the world’s most popular sport. As disappointed fans poured onto social media to voice their anger, a joke dialogue between China and Thailand summed up frustration not just over the sucking sound of Chinese soccer, but over all of the patchy vulnerabilities in the country’s professed greatness.

China: We have 5,000 years of history!
Thailand: Your team was abused 5:1.
China: We have an area of 9.6 million square kilometres.
Thailand: Your team was abused 5:1.
China: One in every five people in the world is Chinese!
Thailand: Your team was abused 5:1.
China: Can’t we talk of something other than men’s football?
Thailand: You’re beaten down by local government officials every day.
Thailand: You eat toxic food every day.
China: …
Thailand: You suck in toxic air.
Thailand: Even if you struggle for a lifetime you can’t afford a house.
China: Let’s continue talking about the football team, OK?
Thailand: Your team was abused 5:1.”

In the above cartoon, posted by artist Zhu Senlin (朱森林) to Sina Weibo, China is depicted as a “paper tiger” of sports prowess, a body cobbled together with paper money and draped with an arrogant red banner that reads: “Sporting Giant!”

David Bandurski

CMP Director

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