This week we had a range of Chinese media stories, including two debates happening online and in the news pages — one about a finance expert’s suggestion that China’s private sector should “yield” to the public sector in light of economic pressures and the need to concentrate national strength, and another about the authenticity of a police propaganda photo (above).
Also this week, a notice on changes at the National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) suggests the body will no longer be responsible for the management of journalists’ press credentials in China, news publishing, the printing business and other areas, but will focus instead on online video and strategies for convergence across networks (telecoms, radio and television and the internet).
Also on our list is the apology from Netease for unspecified content violations, which we covered several days back.
September 8 to September 14, 2018
➢ Idea that “the Private Sector Should Leave the Field” Subjected to Criticism
➢ Special Funds Approved for Political and Ideological Education at Chinese Universities高校思想政治工作专项资金设立
➢ Netease Finance Announces “Rectification” of Platform
➢ Authenticity of Hunan Propaganda Photo Called Into Question
➢ National Radio and Television Administration Announces Personnel and Other Adjustments
[1] Idea that “the Private Sector Should Leave the Field” Subjected to Criticism
On September 12, finance expert Wu Xiaoping (吴小平) published an article online called “China’s Private Sector Has Already Achieved the Task of Assisting Public Sector Development, and It Should Now Leave the Field” (中国私营经济已完成协助公有经济发展的任务,应逐渐离场), arguing that the role of the private sector has been to “assist the public sector in achieving leapfrog development,” and that this goal has already been achieved. For this reason, wrote Wu, “in the next phase, it will not be so easy for the private sector to expand blindly.” Wu further noted that the United States and other developed economies have are coordinating to contain China’s rise, and the country would face unimaginable pressures and obstacles if it could not find ways to consolidate its national strength.
Wu Xiaoping’s arguments were attacked in many Party media. On the 13th, the Economic Daily, the China Business Times and The Beijing News all issued responses emphasizing the so-called “two unmovables” (两个毫不动摇) – the idea, emerging in the political report to the 19th National Congress of the CCP in October 2017, that both public and private sector development must be encouraged and supported. The WeChat public account “People’s Daily Commentary” (人民日报评论) said that in a period of difficult transition for the Chinese economy the role of the private sector was more crucial than ever.
Some commentaries appearing on WeChat argued that there was merit to Wu Xiaoping’s arguments and that the strong reaction reflected collective concern over the direction the economy was heading.
Key Chinese Sources:
People’s Daily (人民日报): 踏踏实实把民营经济办得更好(人民时评)
Economic Daily (经济日报): 对”私营经济离场论”这类蛊惑人心的奇谈怪论应高度警惕——“两个毫不动摇”任何时候都不能偏废
China Business Times (中华工商时报): 毫不动摇地坚持我国基本经济制度
WeChat Public Account “People’s Daily Commentary” (人民日报评论): 人民日报评民营经济:只会壮大、不会离场
The Beijing News (新京报): “私营经济应离场论”, 实为不懂国情之怪论
The Beijing News New Media (新京报新媒体) [link already disabled]: 建议“私营经济退出”,称”2018年A股大牛市”,吴小平是谁
WeChat Public Account “Phoenix Online Finance” (凤凰网财经): 私营经济应离场?谬论刺激的焦虑才是真问题!
[2] Special Funds Approved for Political and Ideological Education at Chinese Universities
Special funds from China’s Central Treasury have been approved for political and ideological work at China’s universities (高校思想政治工作专项资金), entering the overall budget for the Ministry of Education. In recent days, the Ministry of Education has released a document called Provisional Regulations for the Management of Special Funds for Political and Ideological Work at Universities (高校思想政治工作专项资金管理暂行办法), providing the specific applications, management and principles of the special fund at Chinese universities.
The provisional regulations stipulate that uses of the special fund include: carrying out study and propaganda campaigns at Chinese universities on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism With Chinese Characteristics for the New Era; cultivating of “advanced models” (先进模范) and “superb exemplars” ( 优秀典型) for use in political and ideological education that have national relevance; developing lessons and methods for promoting praise for “excellent Chinese traditional culture” on campuses, and for creating a healthy campus culture; conducting research on political and ideological work at universities, and other programs.
Key Chinese Sources:
The Paper (澎湃新闻网): 教育部:设高校思想政治工作专项资金,建立监管长效机制
Guangming Daily (光明日报): 高校思政工作专项资金怎么用 (中国政府网): 教育部关于印发《高校思想政治工作专项资金管理暂行办法》的通知
[3] Netease Finance Announces “Rectification” of Platform