Author: David Bandurski

Now Executive Director of the China Media Project, leading the project’s research and partnerships, David originally joined the project in Hong Kong in 2004. He is the author of Dragons in Diamond Village (Penguin), a book of reportage about urbanization and social activism in China, and co-editor of Investigative Journalism in China (HKU Press).

Chained to "Convenience"

Urban management authorities (城管) in Liuyuan Subdistrict ((留园街道) in the city of Suzhou in China’s Jiangsu province recently issued an order requiring all small-time peddlers (商贩) of various foodstuffs and wares to purchase “convenience carts” (便民小推车) from which to sell their product. The carts are being sold by the Liuyuan Subdistrict for 3,300 yuan, a costly sum for most small-time peddlers coming into the city, and urban management authorities have said that those not operating with the designated carts will not be permitted to do business. In this cartoon, posted by artist Shang Haichun (商海春) to, a peddler is chained to his “convenience cart” as he sells candied fruits that presumably bring in precious little revenue.

Reaching consensus on China's reform

The once-a-year full parliamentary session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) generally offers more pretense than substance. The real legislative decisions are made behind closed doors by the Chinese Communist Party and by the 150-member standing committee of the NPC, which meets throughout the year.
But the NPC, which kicked off in Beijing today with Premier Wen Jiabao’s annual work report, can still prove interesting — even if, as one Chinese social media user remarked in a post (deleted) last week, it can look like “the world’s grandest cheerleading troupe.”
A Guangdong journalist I spoke to last week as they were setting off to cover the NPC said things could become more interesting this year because the current crop of delegates are on their way out. They might make a bit more fuss about things like China’s seriously outmoded hukou system.
It’s a logic seen quite commonly in China’s political culture. Speak up when your voice matters least, and when you have the least to lose — for this entails less political risk. (The same logic, incidentally, means that the memoirs published by retired Party leaders, the ones who have finally let their hair go grey, tend to be more critical, and more interesting, than anything they dared say while in office.)
Now that the NPC is underway, we’ll have to keep our eyes pealed for points of interest or, dare we hope, significance.
But however the NPC shakes out, of at least equal importance will be how China’s media use the opportunity afforded by the session to discuss critical issues now facing China — in the lead up, remember, to the far-more-significant 18th Party Congress this October.
The broader question we should continue to see in the headlines is about the future of reforms — economic, social and political. Does China need further reform? What kind of reform? And how can it reach a consensus on the future?
Today we turn to an interview with Zheng Yongnian (郑永年), director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore, that was run in 21st Century ahead of this week’s NPC and is cropping up on the internet today.
21st Century is a magazine published by the Chinese Communist Youth League, a center of power for current President Hu Jintao (胡锦涛).
The magazine explains that the interview was done “ahead of the current ‘two meetings’ [of the National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress]” on the crucial issue of “how to promote and create a consensus on reforms, how China can make the transition from economic reform to social reform, and how [it can] further deepen economic system reforms.”
Like many recent articles and discussions on reform in recent weeks, the 21st Century interview with Zheng Yongnian is also pegged to the twentieth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s 1992 “southern tour,” in which the paramount leader who began China’s economic reforms in the late 1970s re-affirmed the path of economic development in a series of speeches.
One of the chief points made in the interview with Professor Zheng drawn out by the magazine is that the “deepening” of reforms is not simply about “striking down vested interests.” A number of commentaries and analyses in recent weeks have centered on increasingly entrenched vested interests in China as an obstacle to badly needed reforms.
Back in January, a report from a group of scholars at Tsinghua University, including Sun Liping (孙立平), the former doctoral adviser to now vice-president and successor apparent Xi Jinping (习近平), argued that China was in the midst of a “transition trap” (转型陷阱) in which the energy and impetus to push ahead with necessary reforms was being lost. Sun’s report warned that “powerful vested interests” in China were now “holding reforms hostage.”
A brief portion of the interview with Zheng Yongnian follows:

21st Century: Opinions are quite divergent about whether to [continue to] reform or not, and how how to reform, and there is no agreement. How do you see the current state of reforms [in China].
Zheng Yongnian: I think there is little divergence over the question of whether or not to reform. Aside from a very few people who talk about how the “China Model” is the best — by “China Model” they mean something very different from how I generally mean it, that it to say I see it as a neutral term — the vast majority of people in society all support reforms. There are even many so-called vested interests people assume would oppose reforms [who in fact support them].
Why do I say that? Because while these vested interests have benefitted substantially from the reform process, they now feel little sense of security under the current state of things. So we’ve seen a large number of rich Chinese moving their wealth overseas.
In terms of the conditions for reform, things right now are far better than they were at the outset of economic reforms. As economic reforms began [in the 1970s and 1980s], there were also vested interests and the obstacles were also great, perhaps greater than they are today. At that time, the opposition came from many sides, including ideology and ideas, organizations and institutions, and financial interests. When we look again at the situation today we see that the conditions are far better.
As for how to reform, there is a lot of division right now. In my view, the ruling Party should seek quickly to move towards a greater consensus on reforms, and a specific blueprint for future reforms, by further pushing to open up and liberate [people’s] ideas (思想大解放).
Looking at a relatively successful example of reforms, the entire [decade of] the 1980s were a time of searching. On the ideological level, there was also no strong consensus within the ruling Party. At that time even the concept of a “market economy” couldn’t be raised [openly] — you could only talk about a “commodity economy” (商品经济). Aside from the very successful initial reforms in the countryside (农村改革), economic reforms in other areas never found a point of breakthrough, even though there were attempts.
Finally, Deng Xiaoping’s “southern tour” came along to change this situation. The “southern speeches” (南方讲话) Deng Xiaoping made in 1992 became the guiding ideas of the 14th Party Congress held that year. Through all of that padding [i.e., preparation in terms of ideas] the 14th Party Congress was ultimately able to establish the [ideological] superstructure of the “socialist market economy” (社会主义市场经济), bringing to an end the waffling between a planned economy and a market economy and breaking through the ideological wrangling over whether the market economy was surnamed “Capitalism” or surnamed “Socialism” (姓“资”还是姓“社”). Finally, a consensus on economic reforms was reached.
Looking back, the process of reaching a consensus on economic reform was one full of strategies [by various camps], and these strategies were at once a matter of political experience and political acumen.

How Americans Deal With Forced Demolition

Local media in the U.S. city of Seattle reported late last month that a 107-year-old warehouse building that had served as a temporary home for members of the Occupy Seattle movement was finally demolished by its owners. Media reports said Occupy members had fought to save the building since December, when 20 members were arrested for refusing to vacate the premises. In January, one Occupy member and activist, Babylonia Aivaz, said she would seek to marry the building in a last-ditch attempt to save it from demolition. A ceremony was reportedly prepared, but the building was demolished nonetheless. This story of a “forced demolition” in the United States was reported in China’s media and drew interest from readers in China, where forced demolition remains common and widely unpopular despite laws designed to curb the practice. In this cartoon, posted by artist Liu Xudong (刘旭东) to, two demolition workers (with blond hair identifying them as “Americans”) stand by with hammers and saws as a voice rises from a warehouse building that says, “Who dares demolish my husband!”

Propaganda chief plugs new culture policy book

In an article published in the most recent issue of the official Chinese Communist Party journal Seeking Truth (求是), Liu Yunshan (刘云山), the director of China’s Central Propaganda Department (CPD), introduces a new book issued by the CPD and authorized by the Party’s Central Committee outlining the basic policies on cultural development emerging from last October’s Party conference (Sixth Plenum of the 17th Central Committee).
The Central Propaganda Department first issued a formal announcement of the publication of the book, Theorizing Cultural Construction: A Collection of Important Expositions (论文化建设——重要论述摘编), on February 12 this year. That announcement described the book as follows:

The Collection offers a selection on various topics of a series of important expositions from Comrades Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, together reflecting our Party’s important theories and fundamental spirit (基本精神) on cultural construction (文化建设). It is crucial study material for the study and implementation of the spirit of the Sixth Plenum of the 17th Central Committee, further promoting cultural reform and development.

[ABOVE: A screenshot from China Central Television shows coverage on February 15 of the release of a new book from the Central Propaganda Department outlining new cultural policies and their implementation.]
Liu Yunshan’s introduction of the book in the current edition of Seeking Truth outlines six key points for cultural reform and development covered in the Central Propaganda Department volume, as follows:

1. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the status and role of cultural construction, firmly establishing a high-level consciousness and confidence in culture. [Basically, outlines China’s strategic need for not just “material” strength but also “spiritual” strength].
2. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the goals in the struggle for cultural construction, and the objective of firmly building a strong socialist cultural nation.
3. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the guiding principles of cultural construction, constantly expanding the breadth and prospects on the road of cultural development under socialism with Chinese characteristics (中国特色社会主义文化发展)
4. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the fundamental tasks of cultural construction, energetically promoting the building of the socialist core value system (社会主义核心价值体系).
5. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the impetus driving cultural development (文化发展动力), promoting the flourishing development of culture with a spirit of reform and innovation.
6. Deeply understanding the important ideas of our Party concerning the basic [ways of] ensuring cultural construction, promoting cultural reform and development in line with the strengthening and improvement of the Party’s leadership.

The full Chinese version of Liu Yunshan’s article in Seeking Truth follows:

时间:2012年03月01日 09时00分 来源:《求是》 作者:刘云山
字号:『 大字体 中字体 小字体 』 我要评论

Old propaganda for a new era

In recent weeks, China has been engulfed in a wave of state propaganda centered around Lei Feng (雷锋), a familiar Party exemplar from the country’s past. A self-sacrificing People’s Liberation Army soldier, Lei Feng ostensibly dedicated himself, heart and soul, to the Chinese Communist Party and its vision.
The new Lei Feng wave comes as China celebrates both the 50th anniversary of Lei Feng’s death in 1962 and the 49th anniversary of his formal status as a Party exemplar — March 5 each year is “Study Lei Feng Day.”
For Party leaders, re-visiting the spirit of Lei Feng is apropos in 2012 not just because of the above-mentioned anniversaries, but because there has been increasing concern, and also discussion, inside China about what many see as a progressive moral slide. Chinese — or so the argument goes — have become too selfish as rapid economic change has thrust the country forward, ahead of its own core values.

What are those core values? In the Party’s view, they must be “socialist core values” (社会主义核心价值), distinct from the universal values trumpeted in the West, as best suited (they say) to China’s unique culture and national circumstances (国情).
An important part of the program of broadly-touted “cultural system reforms” coming out of the sixth plenum of the 17th Central Committee last October was the promotion of these “socialist core values.” And so — (I’m still channeling one rather dominant Party discourse here) — in the same way that institutions like Hollywood and the Western press expound and project a set of Western “universal values”, Chinese culture in the broadest sense must transmit a unique set of Chinese values, an amalgam of (often twisted) ancient traditions and Party traditions.
Enter Lei Feng.
In an announcement earlier this week, China’s Ministry of Education said it was launching a movement of Lei Feng studies through the country’s education system, in order to “deeply implement the overall demands of . . . the Sixth Plenum of the Party’s 17th Central Committee.”
Said the announcement:

Lei Feng is a paragon for the practice of socialist and communist thought and morals, a model to be studied by the whole nation. The Lei Feng spirit is an important part of the spirit of the Chinese people, evincing the traditional virtue of the Chinese people, and in tune with our era of social progress. [It] manifests the inherent advancedness of our Party, and is a vivid embodiment of the socialist core value system.

As noted on the front page of the overseas edition of the People’s Daily today, the opening day of the National People’s Congress (NPC), March 5, also marks the 49th anniversary of the study of the “spirit of Lei Feng.” According to his official diary, Lei Feng died in 1962, but it was in 1963, 49 years ago, that Lei Feng was introduced to the Chinese public through a concerted propaganda campaign.
The Lei Feng wave fits nicely with the upcoming NPC not just because the session is the first since “cultural reforms” were trumpeted last October, but because public morals and broader social governance issues are likely to take a front seat at the session.
For example, there is talk that one agenda to be discussed is the creation of what has been called a “Good Samaritan law” — in other words, legislation encouraging citizens to assist those in need by lowering the risk associated with doing so. Talk of such legislation was ignited late last year after video surfaced of a toddler in the city of Foshan run over twice in succession by passing vehicles and then ignored by passersby.
What has the Lei Feng wave actually looked like in mainland Chinese newspaper coverage? Here is a graph showing the results day by day in more than 200 Chinese newspapers since February 1.

In an article published in at least 12 Party-run newspapers today, “The Eternal Summons: Century Symphony for the Lei Feng Spirit” (永恒的召唤: 雷锋精神世纪交响曲), China’s official Xinhua News Agency likens China to a grand symphony, in which of course everyone has their part to play.
The allegorical structure, in which Lei Feng serves as “first violin” (第一小提琴手), accords well with Hu Jintao’s notion of “harmony” and the “harmonious society”, or hexie shehui (和谐社会). All Chinese must play their part, subordinating their own tunes to the greater music of national peace and purpose.
Lei Feng, the tireless hero sacrificing personal interests for the greater good of the Party and the people, is the exemplar for all players — the virtuoso, if you will, of self-effacing struggle.
Much of the Xinhua piece is structured as a call and answer, again extending the musical theme. Like this portion, which introduces the idea that each member of Chinese society should serve as a brick in the great edifice that is China:

We ask: Lei Feng, how can we follow you today in moving forward?
Lei Feng once said: tall buildings are built up one brick and one stone at a time, and we must be the bricks and the stone, doing our piecemeal bit.
In the process of building our spiritual edifice (精神大厦), if only you are willing, we can all, like Lei Feng, be a single brick, a single tile, or even a single grain of sand . . . In Nanjing, after the Sichuan earthquake, an old man named Xu Chao (徐超) who made his way by begging, even after donating 5 yuan searched for all the cash on his person and finally went to the bank to change [the smalls] into a 100-yuan bill to put in the donation box. For this old man, this was a “bare donation” sparing nothing.
True goodness cares not who you are, or what your status is, and it cannot be measured by how much money you pay out. So long as it arises from love deep in your soul, every single person can be Lei Feng.

Of course, many Chinese would argue, and have, that the country’s present woes — including rising social unrest, and what might best be characterized as a general social malaise — are not the product of a moral deficit or an insufficiency of “spirit.” Rather, they are the product of political, social and economic marginalization.
Xinhua’s romantic story about the beggar Xu Chao exposes an appalling blindness to underlying social issues. Unpack the host of questions surrounding the poor Xu and you might have an illuminating case study on social and political gaps, on institutional negligence. But here, the hot tears of ideological fervor blind the reporters to the obvious.
As incidents like that in Guangdong’s Wukan village have sufficiently shown, Chinese are not lacking in political spirit or pluck. They certainly don’t need a moral pep-a-rally or a Lei Feng love fest.
What Chinese arguably do need, and what many increasingly demand, are institutions that, rather than exacting romantic self-sacrifice, enable participation and afford protection, so that every citizen can be clear where they stand — and can do good without fear.

Lei Feng and the exploitation of the individual

The following post by Consensus Net (共识网), the official Weibo account of China’s Leaders (领导者) magazine, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 3:46pm Hong Kong time, February 28, 2012. Lang Yaoyuan currently has just over 102,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
The post came against the backdrop of renewed use in official Party media of the image and story of Lei Feng (雷锋), a People’s Liberation Army soldier held up in official Party propaganda in the 1960s as an exemplar of duty and devotion to the Party and the socialist cause. The dusting off of Lei Feng seems to have come amidst an invigorated official campaign in China to improve public morals.

Lei Feng, such a youthful screw [in the machine] Through his extended use in the propaganda of the national machine, spirit of Lei Feng has already become to tool advocating the individual’s sacrifice of private interests. The greater the sacrifice, the loftier the image, the greater the spirit. This kind of neglect of private interests, which from its very origin sets moral standards against private interests as a value orientation, must necessarily go against human nature. And so it is very difficult [for such a standard] to serve in raising the level of social morals.

The post by Consensus Net included the following image of Lei Feng:

The original Chinese-language post from Lang Yaoyuan follows:


NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

"Zhao Ziyang" unblocked on Baidu

The following post by Lang Yaoyuan (郎遥远), the Hangzhou-based director of World Merchants Magazine, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 6:00pm Hong Kong time yesterday, February 29, 2012. Lang Yaoyuan currently has just under 70,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
Lang Yaoyuan’s post deals with the as-yet-unexplained unblocking on February 21 of an entry about former premier Zhao Ziyang (赵紫阳) on the Baidu website’s encyclopedia service, Baidu Baike (百度百科). According to some Chinese-language reports outside China, the Baidu page for Zhao Ziyang, a pro-reform figure who was ousted in the aftermath of the Tiananmen crackdown in June 1989, received more than two million visits within one day. The page has since been disabled.

That General Secretary who shed tears for our college students on the square was suddenly unblocked a few days back, and there were 2,16 million views that day. This old man, about whom for so long we could hear nothing, suddenly overnight appears again on the horizon of our awareness. Several million searches can be seen as several million tributes, so late but still not absent. At such a moment I feel how awesome (“NB”) it is to be Chinese. Chinese forget nothing.

The post by Lang Yaoyuan included the following image of Zhao Ziyang:

The original Chinese-language post from Lang Yaoyuan follows:


NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

Press official becomes j-school dean

State media report today that Liu Binjie (柳斌杰), the head of China’s General Administration of Press and Publications (GAPP) — the agency that licenses journalists and print publications in the country and oversees ideological training campaigns for media — will serve as dean of the Tsinghua School of Journalism and Communication effective March 1.
Liu Binjie’s appointment to head up the journalism school at Tsinghua, generally recognized as one of China’s top universities, is explained in media reports as a routine replacement of Fan Jingyi (范敬宜), the previous dean (and the school’s first), who passed away on November 13 last year.
However, the fact that journalism schools at three of China’s top universities are now being run by former ministerial-level (正部级) officials has led to speculation on social media that Liu’s choice might be politically significant.
Liu Binjie served previously as minister of propaganda for the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League, and as the top Party propaganda official in China’s western Sichuan province.
The current dean at Peking University’s school of journalism is Shao Huaze (邵华泽), a former top official at the CCP’s flagship People’s Daily newspaper. The dean of the journalism school at People’s University of China is Zhao Qizheng (赵启正), the former director of China’s State Council Information Office, where controls on China’s internet are centered.
It was not immediately clear from Chinese news coverage whether Liu Binjie’s appointment would mean his replacement as head of GAPP, or whether he would hold the positions concurrently.

Fake fans for Party's hero worker?

The following post by Sina-verified user @XiaoShanDoctorate (叶匡政), a researcher at an energy research center in Chengdu, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 10:31pm Hong Kong time yesterday, February 28, 2012. @XiaoShanDoctorate currently has just under 30,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
@XiaoShanDoctorate’s post, a re-post of a post by user @bxtv_XiaoFeng, criticizes the CCP-led cult around Guo Mingyi (郭明义), a manager at Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation (鞍山钢铁集团公司). Guo, previously dubbed an “Excellent Chinese Communist Party Member” (优秀共产党员), has been trumpeted as a modern-day Lei Feng (雷锋), an exemplar for all dutiful, obedient and hard-working Chinese. Fans of Guo Mingyi’s Sina Weibo account have topped six million, something Chinese internet users have questioned.

What qualification does someone whose fans are even fake have to be a moral exemplar? @bxtv_XiaoFeng: This thing is really building up! @AnGangGuoMingyi’s Weibo fan base has surpassed six million, but a great number of mummy fans (僵尸粉) are mixed in. I don’t know whether this is a propaganda strategy, but seeing it makes me a bit sick.

The post by @bxtv_XiaoFeng included the following image:

The original Chinese-language post from @XiaoShanDoctorate, with the post from @bxtv_XiaoFeng included, follows:

一个连粉丝都造假的人,有什么资格成为道德楷模? @bxtv_小丰:事情果然闹大了!@鞍钢郭明义 的微博粉丝超过600多万,大量僵尸粉混杂其间,不知是不是宣传策略,反正看着有点恶心。现在一斤被大伙揪住了!

NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

Criticism of China's National People's Congress

The following post by Ye Kuangzheng (叶匡政), a Chinese poet and scholar, was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime before 3:45pm Hong Kong time yesterday, February 27, 2012. Ye Kuangzheng currently has just under 125,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].
Ye Kuangzheng’s post is simply a re-post of a string of separate posts on China’s National People’s Congress (NPC), which will go into full session early next week. The posts, by @LiuZhongshi @LinShaX and @ZhuoShuiQingShenZl, are critical of public security spending in China and the NPC as an empty body merely trumpeting the foregone decisions of the Chinese Communist Party:

//@LiuZhongshi: The people are treated like enemies! //@ZhuoShuiQingShenZl: The government is inactive, so the propaganda leaders are very busy; popular anger runs deep, so they emphasize that society is very harmonious; morals are lacking, so they soak us in great love; public order is great, so they mobilize vast police forces.//@LinShaX: The police forces they’ve mobilized now cost hundreds of thousands more than what America spends on its army, all for the sake of protecting the world’s best-known “great meeting of cheerleaders.”

It is not clear what @LinShaX is referring to in the line about U.S. military spending. China revealed last year, however, that it now spends more on internal security than it does on national defense.
The original Chinese-language post from Ye Kuangzheng, with posts from @LinShaX and @ZhuoShuiQingShenZl included, follows:

//@刘忠世:待民如寇仇!//@浊水清尘zl: 政府无为,所以宣扬领导都很忙;民怨很深,所以强调社会很和谐;道德沦丧,所以渲染我们有大爱;治安很好,所以动用强大的警力。//@林傻X:动用的警力比美国现役陆军的总数还多十几万,只是为了维护世界上最著名的“啦啦队大会”

NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.