Author: David Bandurski

Now Executive Director of the China Media Project, leading the project’s research and partnerships, David originally joined the project in Hong Kong in 2004. He is the author of Dragons in Diamond Village (Penguin), a book of reportage about urbanization and social activism in China, and co-editor of Investigative Journalism in China (HKU Press).

Rural poverty and the “new countryside”: Xinhua News Agency investigates Gansu’s “Wall of Shame”

CMP’s gaze is often turned to commercial newspapers and Websites in China, which represent the best and the worst of what Chinese media have to offer. But while the contrast between party and commercial media (the “P” and the “C”, as we like to call them) can be useful [See CMP example here], there are always surprises in China’s chaotic media universe.
The surprise today is a decent investigative report from China’s official Xinhua News Agency detailing the building by local officials of a wall along a stretch of road in Gansu’s Yongjing (永靖) County to disguise rural poverty in the area. [BELOW: Screenshot of Gansu story covered at].


The story begins:
Gansu Province’s Yongjing County is a national focus of poverty alleviation, with roughly 10 percent of the population living in poverty, 70 percent in several townships and villages. Recently, nine shiny and clean walls were erected along portions of the public roads in this county, and those new to the area might find this strange.
What are these walls for? According to the local government these are “civilized walls” for the greening and beautifying of the countryside, but local peasants, not mincing words, refer to them as “walls of shame”.
The Xinhua story goes on to describe the many inconveniences caused to local peasants, including the blocking of doors and windows, as a result of the wall’s construction. The wall adds to the miseries of residents, says the story, who already have no running water and insufficient supplies of grain and other essentials.
The story quotes local leaders as saying — and here’s the broader policy import — that the building of the wall is part of its effort in the “building of a new countryside” (新农村建设).
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 18, 2007, 1:35pm]

Debate over media professionalism continues in the wake of the “tea causes inflammation” case

As the “tea causes inflammation” (茶水发炎) controversy and the tragedy of Yang Lijuan grab the eyeballs of consumers, Chinese media are turning to a question very close to home — what are their professional obligations?
In an article yesterday, China Youth Daily, a newspaper published by Chinese Communist Youth League, published the results of a brief survey in which readers were asked whether they felt media were looking after the public interest in carrying out an undercover investigation of hospital care, or whether it had failed to abide by journalistic ethics.
Of 3,309 respondents, the paper said, just under half supported the actions of the media. More than 25 percent said reporting in the case violated journalistic codes, was unprofessional, and did little to improve the “building of a harmonious relationship” between doctors and patients.
China Youth Daily quoted Zhan Jiang (展江), a former CMP fellow and professor of journalism at China Youth University for Political Sciences, as saying: “While the ‘tea causes inflammation’ affair exposes problems in China’s health sector, it also brings conflict over professional journalism ethics before the public.” This was a question, said Zhan, about ways (道义论) and whether they justify the means (目的论).
Didn’t you know tea causes inflammation?“, Zhang Ping, Southern Metropolis Daily, April 17, 2007
Looking at the ‘double edged sword’ of the media through the ‘tea causes inflammation’ case“, Guangming Daily, April 17, 2007
The ‘tea causes inflammation’ case will become a healthcare anecdote“, Guangming Daily, April 17, 2007
The ‘tea causes inflammation’ case raises controversy over media ethics“, Xinhua News Agency, April 16, 2007
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 17, 2007, 3:05pm]

Long live comrade Fang Yonggang! The battle begins over the heart of the 17th Party Congress

Over the last two weeks, Fang Yonggang (方永刚) has become a household name in China. He is not a star athlete, not a leading man in the latest Chinese blockbuster. But this obscure naval academy professor is, according to the wave of “public opinion” now boosting him high above the pack, a man to be universally admired and emulated. He is also the latest pawn in play in the great political chessgame leading up to China’s 17th Party Congress in October. [BELOW: Screenshot of Fang Yonggang features page at].


Nothing at all in the east-is-red media blitz of the Fang Yonggang story suggests it is anything more than a silly throwback to the ideological campaigns of China’s past. Moral, social and political models are of course nothing new in China. Through the 1990s, fresh models and heros, particularly those of moral fortitude, appeared in China’s media every two or three months — a recycled pantheon of caricatured, wooden Lei Fengs.
And certainly, the Communist Party fight song piping up on China Central Television’s special Fang Yonggang page is enough to induce eye-rolling laughter …But not so fast, before you move on to those headliners about Wen Jiabao’s visit with Shinzo Abe, or foreign direct investment in China.
Fang Yonggang was catapulted into the Party’s official news after President Hu Jintao paid a high-profile visit on February 20 to the professor’s hospital bed, where he is still recovering from a life-threatening illness. Hu Jintao reportedly learned of Fang’s situation on January 24 through an internal reference document, and responded by issuing an official memorandum: “We must do everything in our power to save Comrade Fang Yonggang’s life. And we must earnestly draw together and disseminate his advanced achievements.”
What are those “advanced achievements” exactly?
Fang Yonggang has been a contributor to much of President Hu Jintao’s own ideological armory — idea’s like “harmonious society“, the “scientific view of development”, etcetera. So elevating Fang Yonggang — who has the emotive and strategic advantages of being both seriously ill and a member of China’s armed forces — is to elevate the ideological “core values” of the sitting president. It is not an infantile game of perceptions, but in fact goes to the heart of Hu Jintao’s legacy and power.
Which is why Hu’s emotional visit to Fang Yonggang’s bedside …
Entering a sickroom full of fresh flowers, Hu Jintao warmly went forward to the sickbed where Fang Yonggang lay and extended both hands. Fang Yonggang, who had just undergone treatment and was half lying down in bed, tried with all his strength to sit up. Hu Jintao sprang forward, clasping his hands, and said: “Lie down, quickly lie down.”
Sitting at Fang Yonggang’s side, Hu Jintao said affably: “Today is the third day of the new year. I wanted to come especially to see you, to ask after both you and your family in the New Spring!” Fang Yonggang said with emotion: “Thank you, Hu Jintao!” (People’s Daily)
… was followed on April 9 with an announcement by Li Changchun (李长春), the powerful politburo standing committee member in charge of ideology, that Fang Yonggang’s “advanced achievements” should be studied and emulated by everyone.
The import was clear: Hu Jintao’s ideology and policies are the way forward for China, and Party officials should respect this fact as China’s approaches the all-important 17th Party Congress, where the sitting president hopes to exercise a decisive influence over the political report coming out of that plenary session, thereby controlling the Party’s “prevailing consensus” for the next five years.
A debate has lately been brewing just slightly under the surface in China about how exactly the Party should define its direction ideologically coming out of the 17th Party Congress. Hu Jintao, clearly, is blowing his own horn, and there have been indications that he might attempt this October to have his own theories written into the party constitution, a move that would bolster his legacy and solidify his hold on power.
An article by scholar Dong Degang (董德刚) in the March issue of the official magazine Scientific Socialism (科学社会主义) suggested a number of cadres, “including high-level officials and old comrades”, were wary of attempts to modify the party’s constitution at each CCP plenary session, and urged a cautious approach to adding President Hu’s theories to the document.
Dong pointed out that the 15th Party Congress had written Deng Xiaoping Theory into the party constitution, and that the 16th Party Congress in 2002 had thrown Jiang Zemin’s “Three Represents” into the mix. He argued that making amendments every four or five years showed insuffient respect for the party constitution. According to a summary of Dong’s arguments from Hong Kong’s Sing Tao Daily, he said the entry of Jiang’s “Three Represents” into the party constitution had “a definite negative impact by creating a market for the theories of one set of plenary leaders” with the goal of “firming up an individual’s place in history”.
Dong’s comments may underscore exactly what is at stake in the elevation of Fang Yonggang to the status of ideological exemplar. Like former president Jiang Zemin, whose power clique has well-noted frictions with the present top leadership, Hu Jintao may make a bid for the inclusion of his own favored theories in the party constitution.
With the unwitting help of a naval academy professor on his sickbed at the Liberation Army Hospital, Hu Jintao might be able to “kill two eagles with a single arrow” (一箭双雕), as the Chinese say — to showcase his precious theories and get the best of his arch-rival.

Naval academy professor wins president’s praise“, China Daily, April 5, 2007 feature page on Fang Yonggang
China Central Television Web coverage of Fang Yonggang
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 12, 2007, 2:29pm]

China’s Ministry of Health accuses media of foul play in undercover expose on hospital foibles in Hangzhou

In the latest showdown over watchdog journalism and media ethics in China, a spokesperson for China’s health ministry yesterday criticized media for “violating professional ethics” and “misleading the public” in a story on medical fraud that ran last month in a number of newspapers and on major Web portals and caused a nationwide sensation. In order to investigate the March story, three reporters for the official Website of China News Service submitted green tea as urine samples at a series of Hangzhou hospitals and were delivered (and of course charged for) seemingly improbable diagnoses. [BELOW: Screenshot of coverage of the tea-for-pee story appearing today at].


The article in question, “Journalists Pass Tea off as Urine and Submit it for Testing”, appeared on March 20 and announced itself as an expose of poor health practices in the face of growing knowledge of citizens’ rights. “As public understanding of health and awareness of the law is on the rise, the expectations placed on hospitals and caregivers by those suffering from illness are also rising steadily,” the article began. “But the limitations of modern medicine and the irresponsible practices of some health workers have made a tough and hot social topic out of tensions between healthcare and the ailing public.” The article continued:
Lately, many people have come forward with complaints about hospitals. A woman in Hangzhou named Chen paid 2,000 yuan [US$260] for a simple visit to the doctor, but was not even given a bill of particulars listing her prescriptions and diagnosis. One dental clinic charged 4,000 yuan for a ceramic tooth that in fact was a fake alloy. Medical personnel who are clearly general practitioners are billed as professors or experts from major Beijing hospitals.
Then came the tantalizing commercial promise: “Over the last two days, reporters from this site worked together with reporters from the ‘News 007’ program of Zhejiang TV’s Qianjiang Metro Channel to report undercover in these hospitals. The conclusions drawn from just this brief investigation are enough to make people shiver all over with fear.”
The report detailed how one reporter had prepared green tea in a glass jar and submitted it for laboratory analysis at Hangzhou’s Shaoshan Qianjiang Hospital. After asking about his general circumstances, a doctor named Cai asked the reporter to submit a urine sample. The reporter poured a bit of the green tea he had prepared into the urine sample cup and submitted at the laboratory. The results came back within five minutes, showing the reporter had an elevated white cell count and possibly suffered from a urinary tract infection. He was prescribed some medicine and asked to come back if things didn’t improve.
The Ministry of Health spokesperson, Mao Qun’an (毛群安), said yesterday that health experts had deemed the China News Service report unprofessional. It had “misled the public, and was not conducive to maintaining a normal healthcare system or building a harmonious relationship between patients and caregivers.”
Mao Qun’an said the health ministry had formed an investigative team to deal with this “incident” and that the team was conducting expert analysis at several major hospitals in Beijing. The team had, like the reporters, submitted tea in place of urine samples and found they returned similar results. But the experts were all in agreement that the laboratory equipment was designed to deal with legitimate samples, and would yield results automatically without necessarily determining there was a problem with the samples themselves.
What would media try next, Mao asked rhetorically. Beer? Soy sauce?
The spokesman emphasized that the ministry’s criticism did not mean they discouraged media supervision of the healthcare system. But the precondition of supervision, he said, should be a “respect for science”, and media should first “understand the nature of medical services”.
Undercover exposes have been a popular form of commercialized journalism in China since the mid 1990s, which saw the advent of such offerings as the 60 Minutes-styled “News Probe”, an investigative news program on China Central Television, and the rise of newspaper exposes focusing mostly on low-level corruption or consumer issues.
State funding for China News Service, China’s number-two official newswire, was progressively pulled beginning in the late 1990s, prompting the service to move — like many media peripheral to the Party’s main propaganda organs (CCTV, People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency) — toward commercial self-sufficiency.
Coverage at
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 11, 2007, 12:23pm]

Propaganda head Liu Yunshan promotes commercialization of media to strengthen China’s “cultural soft power”

As news of a visit to Henan Province by Politburo member and top propaganda official Liu Yunshan was pegged to the top of one of Beijing’s leading Internet portals today, the message, buried deep in a pile of Party shibboleths about the “scientific view of development” and “advanced Socialist culture”, was the need to develop and commercialize culture as an industry in China, thereby increasing the country’s “cultural soft power”. The message was not new, but rather a reiteration of President Hu Jintao’s guiding policy toward the media in China and a reminder of where he stands: squarely on the side of commercialization under Party control [BELOW: Coverage of Liu Yunshan visit to Henan Province tops the newspage today at].


The import of Liu’s three-day survey trip to Henan Province, beginning April 6, was essentially a reaffirmation of the Party’s zuoqiang zuoda, or “making media big and strong”, policy (把新闻传媒做强做大), which debuted in January 2002. The policy promoted the creation of powerful and profitable domestic media conglomerates in China — naturally, under Party control — that were readied for global competition.
The term “making big and strong” had been a legacy of other reforming industries in the 1990s. The media version, first conceived by the Central Propaganda Department, SARFT and GAPP, in August 2001, urged the strengthening of China’s media industry through the building of various media groups, such as newspaper groups, publishing groups, circulation groups and radio and television groups. It also called for bringing dispersed publications into united publishing groups, improving business management, increasing the move toward technology and new media, and adjustment of ownership structures, including possibly introduction of stock ownership, etcetera.
So why raise this issue again through the Liu Yunshan visit? In the news story appearing today, and possibly placed prominently on under an official order from censorship authorities, Liu Yunshan was quoted as saying that in the “contemporary world the relationship between economic development and culture is closer than ever, and a nation’s cultural status and the role of culture are more and more obvious, now forming an integral part of overall national strength.” This statement fits perfectly with the notion of zuoqiang zuoda articulated over five years ago, of the link between media commercialization — under a regime of control — and China’s long-term strategic goals.
The very idea of the BIG/STRONG strategy for Chinese media was allied with the notion of message control, the idea that without media groups of proper commercial strength and vitality, China would find it impossible to influence global public opinion. As the official media periodical Chinese Journalist, published by Xinhua News Agency, noted in December 2002: “Faced with competition from international media groups, and faced with a fierce struggle for public opinion on a global scale, China needs to have media groups capable of exerting influence and being competitive in the global opinion struggle.”
The choice of Henan for Liu’s recapitulation of Hu Jintao’s official position on the media is interesting for at least two reasons. Henan has, first of all, been a steady source of unfavorable news in recent years, including continued revelations of its AIDS crisis, the detention of world-renowned Aids activist Gao Yaojie (高耀洁), and repeated safety accidents. Secondly, Henan Party Secretary Xu Guangchun (徐光春), who has served in the province’s top job since 2004, is also a former deputy head of the Central Propaganda Department, a man who understands the Party’s balancing act between commercialization and control.
The direct message for Henan Province in Liu Yunshan’s visit was that while the province has rich “cultural resources”, it needs to do more to push ahead commercial reforms in its own media industry.
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 10, 2007, 4:02pm]

Chinese media and Web users discuss the winners and losers following demolition of China’s “toughest nail house”

Just after 7pm Monday, crews went to work destroying China’s “toughest nail house”, an isolated Chongqing residence where homeowners had vowed for days to fight for their rights and stand up to property developers [Chinese coverage]. As demolition work began, the homeowners reportedly reached a relocation agreement with city authorities. Yesterday, Chinese news media and Internet users turned to post-game analysis of the winners and losers in the standoff over the “nail house” and property rights in China — and the count was by no means unanimous. [BELOW: Screenshot of “nail house” special feature page at][“Nail house” destruction photos via ESWN].


Southern Metropolis Daily, generally home to China’s most outspoken lead editorials (社论), those representing the views of the newspaper, was silent on the “nail house” demolition yesterday, a sign, perhaps, that the outcome was not particularly to the liking of editors there, who might have opted for a more symbolic ending (preservation of a “nail house” monument perhaps?). The newspaper did, however, include a piece by editorial writer and former CMP fellow Yan Lieshan, in which he said he “more or less” agreed with the view that the “nail house” affair was a “major symbolic event following on the heals of the property law”.
“It has already caused people to look carefully and think about relevant laws and regulations, and at the same time has become a living case study in how people should approach the lines between ‘public interest’ and private property, and how they should balance the interest demands of various sides,” Yan Lieshan wrote. “In being managed properly, this provides a good classroom lesson in reaching social consensus.”
In another sign of the growing reverberations between the Web and traditional media in China — a converging of the two opinion environments — Yan Lieshan drew from the comments of one Web user to make a veiled contrast of the “nail house” affair and the crackdown on democracy demonstrations on June 4, 1989: “One week ago, a bold and well-known netizen said to me that she worried that this [“nail house”] affair would snowball into a tragedy in which all sides lost, ‘a replay of the situation back in those years.’ I knew what she was making reference to. At the time, I was rather optimistic, believing that the Chongqing authorities would not lightly resort to strongarm tactics, and that the developer, who had ‘tolerated’ [the situation] for over two years, would not play the bully …”
Yan also offered a passing criticism of foreign media and what he seemed to perceive as their appetite for the story that bleeds. If the “nail house” owners had continued to resist a resolution, he said, if “the Yangs had let emotions run hot, if they had refused to compromise and things led to tragedy, those foreign media who had incited them would not take on any responsibility whatsoever, but in a few days would move on to other news topics like mosquitoes in search of fresh blood.”
An editorial by Yang Zhizhu (杨支柱), an assistant professor at the China Youth University for Political Sciences, argued in Guangzhou’s New Express [article here] that the agreement reached Monday was the “best possible ‘win-win’ situation” for all parties involved. But the editorial stressed that this “win-win” scenario disguised a widespread “relative injustice” (相对不公), namely that the compensation given to other homeowners at the Chongqing development site was unfair, and that by extension the compensation generally given to evicted homeowners across China was inadequate. “It was precisely the universality across the country of this brutal eviction and demolition, of insufficient or delayed compensation, that generated such sympathy and support for the ‘toughest nail house'”, Yang wrote.
Writing for Hangzhou’s Metro Express (都市快报), Xu Xunlei (徐迅雷) said he was “extremely happy” to hear news of the agreement settling the “nail house” affair. “Like the people, we truly don’t wish to see a forced eviction in the face of failure to reach compromise or a peaceful agreement, much less a case of bloodshed,” Xu wrote. “At this time, no matter what the case, we should express our respect for the developer, for the Chongqing government and the courts, and for the media who consistently reported on the affair …”
Internet comments multiplied rapidly yesterday following news of the “nail house” compromise. Many Web users took issue with the suggestion in traditional media that the outcome had been a win-win situation for all sides. But postings were mostly invisible today, suggesting Web portals were being told to keep the topic cool.
“It seems many Websites aren’t allowed to speak [about this] right now? What’s going on? Everything is editorializing about the government’s side,” said one of a handful of responses visible on a Chinese bbs today. “The Chongqing nail house affair underscores how weak and ineffectual the government is,” said the only other remaining post.
As postings on the Web disappeared, perhaps the most enduring legacy left by Internet users was an ironic shift in Chinese semantics. The word “harmonious”, of Hu Jintao’s “harmonious society”, has now yielded a new popular meaning on the Web and in private conversation — “to be harmonized” (被和谐) denotes suppression and containment, so that one, for example, can be “harmonized by the authorities” (被政府和谐). Silenced and resolved.
[Posted by David Bandurski, April 4, 2007, 9:47am]

Chinese blogger “Zola” reports from the scene on Chongqing’s “nail house”

March 30 — Before and since The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof declared in May 2005 that Chinese leaders were “digging the Communist Party’s grave, by giving the Chinese people broadband”, the debate has continued over the possible political impact of the Web in China. Today, Guangdong’s Southern Metropolis Daily offered a profile of “Zola”, a young blogger from Hunan province who seems determined to score a point for new media — and make himself famous in the process. [BELOW: Screenshot fron Zola’s Weblog, with the English tagline, “You never know what you can do till you try”.] [PDF: Southern Metropolis Daily Internet page with story on Zola, in photograph with “nail house” owner Wu Ping].


“Zola” has been on the scene in the city of Chongqing reporting on the “toughest nail house” since March 28 for his own personal Weblog. His dispatches have included his observations, photographs and interviews with locals. Click here to link to photos of Zola on the scene in Chongqing. The Southern Metropolis Daily article follows:
Chinese bloggers also report the story of the ‘toughest nail house’
March 30, 2007
Southern Metropolis Daily
That photograph distributed on the Web [of the “nail house”] has already become a news event in and of itself. Many journalists have headed for Chongqing. But this time, aside from traditional media, we now have a new kind of reporting form — the blog.
On March 28, the same day that The New York Times offered its second consecutive day of coverage of the “nail house” story, blogger Zhou Shuguang (周曙光) also arrived in Chongqing.
The vegetable-selling blogger
This Hunan youth who has long toyed around on the Web, and while he was invited in November 2005 to take part in an annual Chinese Internet conference for blog essays that showed a unique character, he is not well established on the Web. Clearly, he wants to make a bigger name for himself. He wrote on his personal blog: “Driven by my sensitivity to news and my designs to become famous overnight, on Monday afternoon, after attending my friend Xiong’s wedding feast, I traveled to Loudi City and from there caught the A73 train to Guiyang. I transferred trains at Guiyang, taking the 5608 to Chongqing. In the early morning hours of Wednesday [March 28] I finally rolled into Chongqing like a crazy stone, ready to use my personal blog to report on the “nail house incident” in Yangjiaping in Chongqing’s Jiulongpo District.
“I think this is a good thing for both public and private reasons,” Zhou Shuguang wrote, saying he could, privately speaking, increase traffic to his blog, and publicly do his part to satisfy the curiosity of people paying attention to the story.
When he arrived in Chongqing, he had with him the few hundred yuan he had made selling vegetables. That day sometime past three in the afternoon, he posted his first dispatch about “my inquiries into the ‘nail house incident’ from Chongqing’s Jiulongpo”. He reported on his journey, the people he had met and people’s responses to the nail house incident. “Because of my identity [i.e., not being a licensed reporter] I could only watch from the sidelines, listening to the views of people all around me.” Zhou Shuguang saw the female owner of the nail house, Wu Ping (吴苹).
On the afternoon of the 29th, after he had made the posting “Wu Ping’s opinions twisted by official media” from an Internet bar, Zhou Shuguang returned to the inn where he was staying. His lodging fees were sponsored by a rights defender (维权户) who came from the city of Zhuhai. Before he set out, he had asked on his Weblog for sponsors and received 500 yuan, which he felt was enough to support his expenses in Chongqing.
This Mr. Chen in Zhuhai had faced forced demolition and removal and he went specifically to Chongqing to offer his support for the resident of the “toughest nail house”.
From them [Mr. Chen and others] Zhou Shuguang learned something he found shocking. “Many things we find inconceivable aren’t so because we can’t believe them but because we don’t know about them,” Zhou Shuguang wrote. He wanted to make available through his blog reports things that the traditional media might know but found it inconvenient to report.
His reports have been welcomed by Web users. “My inquiries into the ‘nail house incident’ from Chongqing’s Jiulongpo” has already drawn more than 5,000 Web hits, and his second dispatch received close to 2,000 hits within just a few hours. He has already received more than 20 notices from other Weblogs using his material, and continuous messages of support.
One Web user says: “Comrade Adorable Angry Youth Zola (Zhou Shuguang’s web alias) must really be commended for going by himself to Chongqing as an independent blogger to report on the nail house incident! This will be an important chapter in Chinese grassroots media.”
Another Web user says: “I looked at Zola’s blog today. He’s in Chongqing looking into the nail house story. I think this thing is of epochal significance. That year when Lao Hu Miao (老虎庙) used a mobile phone to take a picture of murder in Beijing’s Wangfujing, that was the first time a Chinese blogger had influence and beat the traditional media to a story, showing that blogs were a kind of media. Unfortunately, later this kind of thing didn’t happen very often, and this has a lot to do with the environment in China.”
Actually, aside from Zhou Shuguang, there have been others who have reported on the “toughest nail house” story as bloggers. A blogger called “The Musings of Tiger” (老虎论道) started reporting on the nail house incident on March 24, and the blogger went twice to the scene, writing about what they saw and felt, and including a substantial number of images.
[The Web portal] has a blog that has kept up with this news event, but it has now been shut down without explanation. There are many blogs dealing with the story from a wealth of angles, but perhaps only Zhou Shuguang has traveled from far away especially in order to file blog reports.
[Posted by David Bandurski, March 30, 2007, 4:37pm]

He Xuefeng

March 2007 — He Xuefeng is chief editor of the editorial division at Southern Metropolis Daily, a leading Chinese commercial newspaper that has become well-known for its tough investigative reporting and its strong and varied editorial viewpoints. After graduating from Anhui University, He Xuefeng worked as an editor and reporter for Southern Weekend, a leading commercial newspaper in Guangdong province.

China Youth Daily editorial calls for greater professionalism in Chongqing “nail house” reports

Chinese authorities recently lifted a prior ban on coverage of the so-called “nail house” in Chongqing, the story of a beleaguered homeowner fighting against forced removal for a development project, and coverage in the Chinese media is on the rise again today. But an editorial from China Youth Daily suggesting media have blown the story out of proportion has dragged the debate in a new direction. [BELOW: Screenshot of “nail house” coverage today at the Website of China’s official Xinhua News Agency].


The China Youth Daily editorial, written by Lu Gaofeng (陆高峰), suggests that some media have used (or abused) coverage of the “nail house” story in Chongqing to manufacture public sympathy for the “weak” in the bottom-line pursuit of bigger audiences. Lu argues that while officials must face public and media scrutiny “pure-heartedly”, the media need to hold up their end of the bargain, namely to “preserve impartiality and cool-headedness, not playing to the gallery, not misleading the public.” Lu says also that “rational analysis” has been insufficient in coverage of the “nail house” story.
Lu Gaofeng’s editorial should not, in CMP’s view, be read as an official appeal for media self-discipline, but rather as a call for greater professionalism. Unavoidably, though, the editorial raised the hackles of many netizens, who posted responses on major Chinese web portals. “I’d like to ask Lu Gaofeng,” said one Web user at, “What is the responsibility of the media? I’ve paid close attention to these ‘nail house’ reports, and some reports are clearly mouthpieces of the government and the development company, and some reports are clearly on the side of the nail house owner. What’s so strange about that? We can’t always demand that media people don’t have their own viewpoints or leanings can we?”
Selected portions of Lu’s editorial follow:
Media Overexcited in “Nail House” Coverage
By Lu Gaofeng (陆高峰)
China Youth Daily, March 29, 2007
. . . Chongqing Mayor Wang Hongju (王鸿举) said, “The ‘nail house’ incident has been frothed up like crazy on the Web, with Web hits surpassing 10 million.” Actually, that number is probably much higher.
While the interests of the masses are no small matter, and while the entanglement between a Chongqing resident facing eviction and a developer and the government may be symbolic as the Property Law has just passed, the media should face questions over its building up of this story about the “nail house”, the fight over removal and demolition and the pursuit of [legal] rights and benefits. Why is it that public opinion [on this story] should lean so decidedly to one side? Why can’t the public agree with the court’s judgement of “removal and demolition”, or the Chongqing mayor’s assertion that the resident is asking for unreasonable compensation? To a large degree it is because the media has used it ability to set the agenda and create public opinion to manufacture sympathy in its audience for the “weak” [i.e., the “underdog”].
The mass media possess the natural advantage of being able to enlarge events and public opinion. According to the views of a number of communication scholars in the West, mass media are structures of re-creation that “mimic their environment” (大众媒介是从事“拟态环境”再生产的机构). In many situations, the mimicked environments [of mass media] are not entirely accurate reflections of the objective environment, but are new “constructions” of media organizations and disseminators made according to their particular needs and interests. Some have compared this re-creative and agenda-setting function of the media to a spotlight or an amplifier — enlarging events and public opinion, drawing the attention and concern of the public, or even working as a distorting mirror — twisting or changing [things] according to the needs of the disseminator.
. . . What is regrettable is that in reports on the “nail house” we see only the extreme “focus” and “magnification” of this event by the media, their excessive “publicizing” of the issue of rights and benefits, to the point that some have even made this “removal row” into their own personal performances, seeking to win the eyeballs of the audience through a “feast” of sympathy. We seldom see rational analysis of this story from the media, or impartial reporting, or any attempt to quell [or soften] the swelling of noise [surrounding the story].
As we explore the question of good relations between media and officials, there are two points we cannot lose sight of. The first is that government offices should face media scrutiny (“supervision by public opinion”) with an attitude of public service, not using their power to keep others down, accepting criticism pure-heartedly. The second is the media’s own social responsibility, to preserve impartiality and cool-headedness, not playing to the gallery, not misleading the public.
We will not be moved: one family against the developers“, The Guardian, March 24, 2007
In China, Fight Over Development Creates a Star“, March 24, 2007
Property rights law fight hits home in China“, Associated Press, March 28, 2007
Nailing Down a Settlement“, TIME China Blog, March 28, 2007
[Posted by David Bandurski, March 29, 2007, 12:50pm]

Chinese documentary film festival “postponed” until further notice

According to a CMP source, China’s leading venue for the screening of independent documentary films has been “postponed” under an order from authorities in Kunming, the capital of China’s Yunnan province. The Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Fest, or YunFest, which has been held for three years running, was scheduled to go ahead from April 6-12 in Kunming, but an e-mail from the festival’s executive committee today said they had been notified of the postponement. [BELOW: Screenshot of e-mail from YunFest 2007 executive committee notifying festival participants of the event’s postponement/Sender’s e-mail and mobile blocked].


In the e-mail announcement, YunFest planners said they were reaching “relevant authorities” (有关部门) concerning the move. CMP has not yet been able to confirm the reasons for the postponement, but the edgy film festival, which generally features a range of independently-produced documentaries touching on sensitive social issues, might be facing more intense political pressure as China’s 17th Party Congress approaches.
The postponement announcement urged participants to hold off on travel plans and wait for further word. The text is translated below:
Dear respected selected contest participant for the 2007 YunFest:
The YunFest committee has received notice that: “The Yunnan Multi Culture Visual Fest 2007” event has been postponed.
We are urgently getting in touch with relevant authorities, and we hope that we may be able to go forward as planned.
Would everyone please for the time being not purchase airline or bus tickets and keep a close eye on the YunFest Website: . Once we have received a definite answer we will release information at the earliest possible moment.
YunFest’s executive committee apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused.
Thank you everyone for your attention and support!
YunFest Executive Committee
March 26, 2007

About YunFest
[Posted by David Bandurski, March 27, 2007, 6:23pm]