Author: David Bandurski

Now Executive Director of the China Media Project, leading the project’s research and partnerships, David originally joined the project in Hong Kong in 2004. He is the author of Dragons in Diamond Village (Penguin), a book of reportage about urbanization and social activism in China, and co-editor of Investigative Journalism in China (HKU Press).

Behind corrupt news, a corrupt system

Even the stars can be seen in Beijing skies at the moment. The wind raked through yesterday. The smog lifted.
Recently, as it seemed the smog would never clear, I surrendered and joined the ranks — I too bought an air purifier. After all, Doctor Zhong Nanshan (钟南山), the hero of SARS, said the smog in the north right now was more harmful than the epidemic a decade ago. You can’t just sit around, can you — breathing in those cancer causing particles and waiting for death to come?
At the moment, though, the smog in China’s media presents a more insoluble problem. As we approach China’s tenth Journalist’s Day on November 8, that smog is thicker than it ever has been. The foulness has a lot to do, of course, with the recent scandal surrounding New Express reporter Chen Yongzhou (陈永洲).
The Chen Yongzhou saga unfolded in three stages. Initially, the New Express supported its reporter following his cross-regional detention by Changsha police. It ran a bold headline, “Please Release Him,” on its front page. The next day, it ran another huge headline: “Again, Please Release Him.” These calls prompted a lot of attention, sympathy and support.
But the story took a dramatic turn after Chen Yongzhou was paraded out in handcuffs on China Central Television. He admitted to accepting money in exchange for a series of reports on the listed company Zoomlion.
The third stage was the counterattack against Changsha authorities and Zoomlion, in which critics questioned, for example, the right of the Changsha police to pursue the case across provincial borders.
There are indeed many problems with how the case has been handled. For instance: if the reporter is indeed suspected of accepting financial reward for his series of reports, then why is the charge her commercial libel and not bribery?
So I think it’s a fair point to say that greater scrutiny should be given to how the Chen Yongzhou case has been handled and what its legal basis really is.
Critics have also criticized the way Chen was paraded on CCTV. This, they say, is essentially “trial by media,” something we’ve seen on a number of so-called “legal programs” lately.
Actually, I don’t quite agree with the characterization of this as “trial by media.” Why? Because this term generally applies when we’re talking about independent media that make their own editorial judgements that impact the outcome of trials. In the case of CCTV, however, we are dealing instead with an official media outlet serving as a tool of power, for which reporting is, we should say, a “compulsory exercise.”
But the apparent revelations in the second phase of the Chen Yongzhou case — a television “confession” and rumors of high-level support from officials in Beijing — put many people in a tight spot. So this journalist we so vocally supported is in fact corrupt?
The All-China Journalists Association (ACJA), which at first showed rare solidarity with the reporter, quickly changed its tune, issuing a condemnation of the reporter’s conduct. The New Express could only capitulate and proclaim its guilt, its management suffering the consequences.
So much remains unclear, hidden by the smog. But we can say for certain that the credibility of China’s news media has plunged to a new low with this case. Media consumers must now think to themselves: if money is at work behind everything we read, where is the information we can trust?
When we look back to ten years ago, it’s incredible to think what relative prestige media had at that time. Around the time of the Sun Zhigang incident and the SARS epidemic, media were seen to be doing important work, both state-run media and commercially driven media. There was a sense that it was a golden age of investigative reporting.
It was also clear at that time that the government supported watchdog journalism, or what in Chinese is called “supervision by public opinion” (舆论监督). During Journalist’s Day in 2003, CCTV’s Accounts (讲述) program did a special segment in which it introduced a number of top journalists at the time, including Chai Jing (柴静), Qu Zhangying (曲长缨) and Ji Huiyan (冀惠彦) of CCTV, Zhu Yu (朱玉) of Xinhua News Agency, and such well-known investigative reporters as Wang Keqin (王克勤), Jiang Xue (江雪), Chen Feng (陈峰) and Zhao Shilong (赵世龙).
I recall that program with gratitude. Under the direction of anchor Zhang Xiaoqin (张小琴), who is now a teacher at Tsinghua University’s School of Journalism and Communications, these journalists shared wonderful stories about their work on a high-quality, professional program. It stimulated the excitement of a whole generation of aspiring journalists in China.
At the same time I really worry that that program might have been the pinnacle.
What many Chinese probably don’t know, in fact, is that a study done in the United States in 2003 showed already that Chinese journalism had its darker side. The disinterested results of that study indicated that among 66 countries where pay-for-play news was prevalent, the situation in China was the most severe.
The same year, I wrote a piece called, “Two Feudalisms in the Media We Must Be Mindful Of” (警惕传媒的双重“封建化”), in which I drew on the ideas of the German sociologist Jürgen Habermas and urged greater attention to the dangers of political and commercial manipulation of the media.
That piece, now a decade old, is as relevant today as ever.
These days, some of the journalists featured in the Accounts segment have retired. Others have left the profession. A few continue to hold on against the odds. The glories of those days have faded, and the rot we have seen spread through government and through business is now infecting the media as well.
The situation is more serious now than it ever has been. I don’t have reliable numbers available, but I would suggest that journalists who accept red envelopes as a matter of course now outnumber those who refuse.
In a piece called, “Rent Seeking in the Media is Unforgivable” (新闻寻租不可恕), Caixin editor-in-chief Hu Shuli (胡舒立) recently wrote about the chaos prevailing in China’s media. Hu’s piece drew a strong reaction from many journalists — a rare tide of dissenting opinion for a popular editor whose views are generally praised.
One of the chief objections to Hu’s piece was that by criticizing corruption in the media before the full facts of the Chen Yongzhou case have come to light — particularly given problems in how the case has been handled — Hu Shuli risked inviting further constraints on the already limited space enjoyed by journalists in China.
In fact, the two sides are on the same page. While it’s certainly true that we can’t glimpse the facts in the Chen Yongzhou case clearly as it stands right now, those journalists finding fault with Hu Shuli’s points must appreciate just how horrifying the situation really is in the media right now with respect to corruption.
As I was writing this piece, a number of people genuinely concerned about the future of journalism in China were busy canvassing opinions and exploring the possibility that news media might themselves prohibit such practices as pay-for-play and news extortion.
This should have happened long ago. But I have doubts about the effectiveness of this approach. First of all, checking abuses in the media cannot depend on moral restraint alone, just as the war on corruption has to be supported by legal mechanisms that at present don’t exist.
Secondly, there is the question of the relationship of media to power. Those media that are closer to power enjoy greater status. Some people have rightly pointed out that Chen Yongzhou’s newspaper, the New Express, is just a small-time player in the larger scheme of things. There are much more powerful “ghosts” of misconduct — and they are hiding inside the bigger media players [such as state-run media].
Third, rights and obligations must be balanced. If all we do is prohibit media from rent seeking, and we don’t ensure that their basic right to perform a monitoring role is protected by the law, then this type of supervision [including investigative reporting] can only weaken as a result. And right now, it’s position is already weak. If we say media supervision was in a position of strength ten years ago, we certainly cannot same the same today.
Fourth, right now new media are becoming more and more influential while traditional media are increasingly under financial strain. So if these problems, like accepting red envelopes and doing soft coverage, were a problem before, they will become even more so now. There are no exit mechanisms for news media, and we’ll certainly see some of them sacrificing their discretion on their way out.
Is it possible that news corruption is now lingering haze that we cannot dispel? In any case, it seems that this year we have little choice but to spend Journalist’s Day in a smoggy gloom.

Guidance of Public Opinion 舆论导向

The following is an excerpt from “Major Events,” an item appearing in China Comment, a magazine published internally by the Central Propaganda Department:

In the afternoon, Zhao Ziyang speaks with officials from the Propaganda Bureau and others responsible for the ideological work of the Party. “Open things up just a bit. Make the news a bit more open. There’s no big danger in that,” he says, adding. “By facing the wishes of the people, by facing the tide of global progress, we can only make things better.” Once Zhao’s words are conveyed to news media through comrades Hu Qili and Rui Xingwen, support for the student movement rapidly seizes public opinion and wrongly pushes matters in the direction of chaos. Several large newspapers, television and broadcast stations in the capital offer constant coverage of the students’ wishes. Subsequently, movements nationwide begin to gather strength, and the numbers of participants swell. Headlines and slogans attacking and deriding the Party also multiply in papers of all sizes, the content becoming more and more reactionary in nature.

China Comment (半月谈), June 1989

In a series of dictates following the events of June 4, the Central Propaganda Department stated in no uncertain terms that news media must “uphold correct guidance of public opinion.” During 1994’s National Working Conference on Propaganda Thought, propaganda officials said the press must “arm the people with scientific principles, guide the people with correct public opinion, mould the people with a noble spirit, and invigorate the people with excellent works”. “The political tumult of 1989, and the severe missteps in the leading of public opinion taught everyone in the Party an important lesson,” Jiang Zemin said in a meeting with propaganda ministers on January 24, 1996.

In a speech on September 26 of the same year, Jiang Zemin said after paying an inspection visit to the People’s Daily that correct guidance of public opinion was good for both the Party and the people, and incorrect guidance potentially calamitous for both. Jiang emphasized that “control of news and public opinion had to be placed firmly in the hands of those who had a deep respect for Marxism, for the Party and for the people.” “Those units responsible for news and public opinion must place firm and correct political bearings above all other priorities,” he said, “thereby upholding correct guidance of public opinion.”

The particular aspects of “guidance of public opinion” have generally been defined as follows: 1. Major Party media must not print or broadcast content that in policy or spirit is at odds with the Party; 2. Media should actively promote the policies of the Party and facilitate public understanding of these policies; 3. If public opinion differs from the Party on any matters, the media are responsible for sufficiently guiding the public so as to bring their opinions in line with the Party spirit; 4. If news reports or propaganda appear concealing certain trends at odds with the aims of the Party, the media must act to prevent the possible spread of these trends; 5. News that is not in the interest of the Party must be rejected, and media must not be so bold as to publicize such news; 6. The media must ensure correct and unerring guidance of public opinion by thoroughly respecting the Party’s discipline of propaganda; 7. The media must provide journalists with a foundation of expert knowledge and research in propaganda techniques in order to improve the results of propaganda guidance.

Guidance Today

“Guidance of public opinion” is still routinely found in CCP guidelines today, and increasingly under Xi Jinping has found its way also into national laws relating broadly to the media. In his February 2016 speech outlining his media policy, Xi reiterated that media needed to “firmly adhere to correct guidance of public opinion” (牢牢坚持正确舆论导向). In the same speech he stressed that media operated by the Party-state must all be “surnamed Party” (姓党), upholding the ‘Party nature”(党性).

As digital transformation has re-defined the media landscape in China, however, adhering to “correct guidance of public opinion” is no longer strictly a matter for traditional media and its editors, managers and (licensed) journalists. As hundreds of millions of internet users are actively involved in the sharing and creation of content, including chats, they are all, for the CCP, important nodes of “guidance.”

Regulations released in September 2017 by the Cyberspace Administration of China on the management of chat groups on social media services such as WeChat, QQ and Baidu Post Bar specified (emphasis added) that “providers of information services through internet chat groups on the internet, and users, must adhere to correct guidance, promoting socialist core values, fostering a positive and healthy online culture, and protecting a favorable online ecology.”

Guilt and shame in China's media

As all eyes turn to the mysterious jeep that burst into flames this week near the Tiananmen Gate, the fate of New Express journalist Chen Yongzhou (陈永洲) is bound to fade into the background. But we must remember not to forget Chen’s story. It has, very possibly, all the makings of a cliff-hanging crime thriller — and we are barely into the first chapter.
As we all know, Chen’s saga began as a relatively simple story: a newspaper making a rare public call for the release of its reporter, who had been detained by police on slander charges for a series of investigative reports.
Just as it seemed the tide might turn against Chen Yongzhou’s accuser, Hong Kong and Shenzhen-listed Zoomlion, and against Changsha police, the state-run China Central Television ran an on-camera “confession” in which Chen said he had accepted money to run a series of false reports on Zoomlion. The day after the “confession” aired, Chen’s newspaper, the New Express, published a front-page apology, saying it had not adequately reviewed his reports.

chen yongzhou

The story line suddenly changed. This was no longer about a courageous and desperate campaign by a newspaper to protect its own. It was about a journalist who had maliciously attacked a company for personal gain, and who in the process had smeared the reputation of his newspaper and his profession.
The All-China Journalists Association (ACJA), an official organization ostensibly representing the interests of media personnel in China — and which initially pledged to look into Chen’s detention — immediately flip-flopped, condemning the reporter’s confessed actions.
There were no new facts in the case, mind you. For its part, the ACJA seemed to drop its promised investigation; it was enough that the reporter had confessed on TV:

The All-China Journalists Association (ACJA) Saturday condemned a Chinese reporter who has been detained on suspicion of releasing unverified and untrue stories about a company.
Chen Yongzhou, a journalist with the New Express based in the southern city of Guangzhou, confessed to police that he had released a series of unverified and false reports about the engineering giant Zoomlion at the request of others.
Chen’s behavior has seriously violated journalistic professional ethics and harmed the media’s credibility, said the ACJA in a statement, adding that the New Express should also be held responsible for dereliction of duty over the past year.

That is a marvelous opening paragraph from Xinhua News Agency. It tells us, in twenty-four words, everything we need to know about the Chen Yongzhou case. Notice, the reporter has been “detained on suspicion of releasing unverified and untrue stories about a company,” but the ACJA, nominally charged with protecting him, has already “condemned” him.
There we have it. Chen Yongzhou is guilty until proven so.
There are so many lingering problems and questions in this case. But one of the biggest ones, obviously, is whether Chen’s confession was coerced. It’s a fact that he was marched in for his televised confession between two police officers. He was in handcuffs and wearing a prison jumpsuit. Web users in China also noted what appeared to be (but no one can possibly confirm) an abrasion on his neck just inside his collar. Can anyone with half a brain for law and reason take this confession to mean anything at all?
Here is what Wei Yongzheng, China’s most prominent media law expert, said in an article today:

This program of China Central Television’s, allowing a detained suspect to face the television camera and confess before the whole country . . . directly violates Criminal Procedure Law, which states that “no person may be forced to confess their own crimes.” When someone has been deprived of their personal freedom, and when they are escorted out in prison garb and in handcuffs by a pair of brawny police officers — to say that they are consciously and willingly confessing their wrongs in their own words wouldn’t fool even a three year-old child.

Legally speaking, then, this confession means nothing in terms of Chen Yongzhou’s guilt or innocence. But it speaks volumes about the conduct of Changsha police and China Central Television.
Here again is Wei Yongzheng:

The China Central Television program exposes the illegal behavior of the police. The Prison Statute clearly stipulates: “Restraints may be used, with the approval of the prison warden, in cases where there is reason to believe an offender might use violence, resist, escape or attempt suicide. In emergency situations, such equipment may be used initially, and then report be made to the prison warden. [Such equipment] should be removed outside the above-mentioned conditions.” . . .
The new Criminal Procedure Law introduced last year made additional demands about not forcing confessions, and also made stipulations about protecting the secrecy of information during the process of investigation and trial. Our media must study these important regulations diligently, making fundamental changes to the method of reporting confessions by suspects before trial. This report from CCTV not only failed to make these adjustments, but was even more flagrant than usual in its violations. This is perplexing and disappointing.

The upshot here is that the broadcast “confession” by CCTV’s Morning News program should be understood not as evidence of Chen Yongzhou’s guilt, but as a bleak illustration of how his rights have been violated by both police and the media.
The deeper irony is that while the CCTV “confession” propelled the Chen Yongzhou story away from the narrative of the victimized journalist and established the idea of the journalist as a breaker of laws and ethics, the only demonstrably unethical and possibly unlawful media conduct in this case is that of CCTV.
Other media, including the New Express, and agencies and organizations like the ACJA, have seized on the televised “confession.” They have reported it, and acted on it, with the assumption that it is the disinterested truth. In doing so, they have gone against their legal and professional duties, says Wei Yongzheng:

I must express my condemnation in seeing the statements of the All-China Journalists Association and other agencies, which simply repeated the confession of the reporter in this case. And I will not jump on the bandwagon in judging that the reporter is guilty. This [restraint] accords with the law. I hope that the police in this case and the media, in accord with the law, will immediately stop propagating the idea that the suspect is guilty. And I hope the case can be sent quickly to the procuratorate for investigation. If indeed a crime has been committed, then an impartial verdict must be rendered by the court in strict accordance with the Criminal Procedure Law. Only then can the truth be revealed and all doubts be eliminated.

Indeed, given what a steaming dog mess this whole case has become, how can we possibly know who is telling the truth? It is a well-established fact that state media in China have been among the worst offenders in cases of journalistic misconduct, including the acceptance of bribes and gag fees.
We can easily imagine the following totally hypothetical scenario: a listed company, stung by a series of reports from a commercial newspaper, pushes local authorities to arrest the reporter responsible; shamed again by a very public call for the reporter’s release, the company (and local authorities) seek out a program on state-run television, which agrees to air a forced confession by the reporter in exchange for a generous advertising purchase; the televised confession is a public relations coup for the listed company, turning the news narrative around and pushing its stock price higher.
The role of the ACJA in the Chen Yongzhou case is particularly shameful. Consider what the association says in its formal response to the CCTV “confession”:

The association safeguards reporters’ legal rights and interests, but also strongly opposes all unethical practices, including the abuse of rights in news gathering, and publishing false stories in exchange for cash.

CCTV’s decision to air the Chen Yongzhou “confession” was quite clearly an “abuse of rights in news gathering.” And that abuse directly concerns the “legal rights and interests” of the journalist at the center of this story.
On both accounts, the All-China Journalists Association has failed itself and China’s professional journalists.

The New Express story in today's papers

Guangzhou’s New Express, which made international headlines yesterday with a brassy front-page editorial calling for the release of one of its reporters from Changsha police custody, has repeated the call on its front page today.
In a bold headline in blue brackets toward the bottom of today’s front page, the New Express says of reporter Chen Yongzhou: AGAIN WE ASK FOR HIS RELEASE. A smaller headline reads: “Everything must be resolved within the framework of the law. You cannot detain first and [rationalize] charges later.” A jump directs readers to page A05, where there is a lengthy story summarizing the Chen Yongzhou case — drawing on reporting from other media, including the official Xinhua News Agency and The Beijing News.
More details on the circumstances of Chen Yongzhou’s detention have also emerged.
Chen Yongzhou’s wife told a reporter from The Beijing News that on the morning of October 17, Chen Yongzhou received a telephone call from Guangzhou police saying that there were new development’s in a report of theft the family had filed months earlier. Chen’s wife accompanied him to the police station, she said, because she was most familiar with the situation. When they arrived at the station they were taken into an interview room. Four or five officers then came in and identified themselves as Changsha police, saying Chen Yongzhou would be placed under criminal detention effective immediately.

New Express 10 24

So far, plenty of other Chinese media have followed suit with this story. We are hearing that a strongly worded editorial from Guangzhou’s Southern Metropolis Daily was removed by propaganda authorities. The headline of that editorial apparently was: “Cross-Regional Detention Sends Chill Through Media; The Abuse of Police Powers Does Not Stand Before the Law.”


Original page layout for an editorial to be run in today’s Southern Metropolis Daily that was eventually, sources at the paper say, killed by censors.
However, the Southern Metropolis Daily has managed to publish a second editorial on Page 02 today, and it has plenty to say.
The editorial argues that the Chen Yongzhou case is about a serious abuse of power by authorities in Changsha. “Even more unsettling,” the editorial says, “is if local authorities act only to serve local economic interests, if they ignore legal limitations and preventative regulations to pursue cases and arrest suspects, not only is this the ugly result of the failure to limit power, but it becomes a serious example of power doing evil.”
The editorial also reiterates a point many people have emphasized over the past 24 hours, that even if an investigation shows that a news report contain serious factual errors causing demonstrable damage to a company’s business and reputation, the focus of legal action should be the media itself, not the individual reporter.
Images for a number of other important editorials and reports appearing in China’s media today follow.

The Beijing Times

The Beijing Times: “Seeing With Cool Heads the Issue of Damage to Business Reputation”

Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News: “Reporter for Guangzhou’s New Express is Detained by Changsha Police”

The Beijing News

The Beijing News: “Detaining Reporter for ‘Damaging Business Reputation’ is an Abuse of Police Powers”

Paper goes public over reporter's detention

In a rare case of open resistance by Chinese media against intimidation by the authorities, Guangzhou’s New Express newspaper today published an editorial on its front page appealing directly to its readers following the cross-regional detention of one of its reporters by police from Changsha, the capital of neighboring Hunan province.
Under the bold headline, “Release Him,” the editorial occupies the full front page of today’s New Express. The finer bolded text directly above the headline reads: “Dear Readers, our reporter Chen Yongzhou (陈永洲) reported on financial problems at Zoomlion and was taken into custody by the Changsha police outside their jurisdiction, accused of damaging business prestige. Over this matter, we must speak out.”
Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Development is a construction machinery company based in Changsha and listed on both the Hong Kong and Shenzhen stock exchanges (SZSE: 000157, SEHK: 1157). In a series of 15 news stories published in the New Express between September 2012 and June 2013, Chen Yongzhou alleged that Zoomlion had exaggerated its profits and manipulated the market.

New Express frontpage call

Chen was reportedly taken into custody in Guangzhou more than a week ago by four policeman from Changsha — clearly operating far beyond their jurisdiction — who charged that Chen had “damaged the business reputation” of Zoomlion with his reports. The New Express initially kept quiet about the detention, hoping the matter could be resolved reasonably behind closed doors. Today’s front page editorial, with its acerbic and mocking tone, was apparently a measure taken by the newspaper as a last resort.
Police in Changsha formally announced the arrest of Chen Yongzhou on their official Sina Weibo account yesterday, October 22. The message read simply: “New Express reporter Chen [Yongzhou] was legally detained on October 19 on criminal charges of damaging commercial reputation. The case is now under further investigation.”
The comments directly below the Weibo announcement railed against the Changsha police. “The reporting activities of the New Express are a matter of corporate conduct, so why are you arresting an individual?” one user wrote. “Legal channels must be respected! This kind of thing makes people feel like local police networks truly are despotic!”
“How much money did Zoomlion pay you?” asked another user.

Changsha Police Weibo

For the moment, coverage of Chen Yongzhou’s arrest is appearing elsewhere on the internet, including on Xinhua News Agency’s website. The case is likely to be relatively non-sensitive so long as it is framed as a case of overbearing conduct by local authorities.
A quick translation of the New Express editorial follows:

Dear Readers, our reporter Chen Yongzhou (陈永洲) reported on financial problems at Zoomlion [a listed global construction machinery company] and was taken into custody by the Changsha police outside their jurisdiction, accused of damaging business prestige. Over this matter, we must speak out . . .
Please Release Him
*Written by our newspaper’s commentator*
Imagine, you are a journalist, and you write some reports that are critical of a certain company. Then, one day, Uncle Policeman come and arrests you.
Don’t get over-excited. They have their reasons, after all. [They accuse you of] “damaging [the company’s] business reputation.” So can’t they investigate you for a few days, or for a few weeks?
Now, our New Express reporter Chen Yongzhou has the misfortune of becoming that poor soul.
We really want to come clean.
Because we have always believed that if we just go out and responsibly do our reporting, there won’t be any problem; and if by chance there are problems, we can print corrections in the newspaper, and apologise [for our errors]. And if things are really serious, we prepare for the courtroom — and if we lose, we pay compensation as it’s demanded. If [given such eventualities] we must close our doors, well then, that’s only what we deserve.
But the facts show that we have been too naive.
When, after three days and three nights [in custody], Chen Yongzhou finally got to see a lawyer, he said he could hold out for another 30 days — longer than that, he dare not say.
He tried to weep but there were no tears.
It must be said that we exercised extreme restraint in dealing with this attack [on our paper] — for five mornings last week, after he was taken away, we didn’t make a sound. Last Saturday, we said nothing. On Sunday, we said nothing. On Monday, we said nothing. Yesterday still, we said nothing.
Why? Because we thought all along that the safety of our lively colleague was the most important thing, and if we could get him back through forbearance and working under the table, this was worth it. We hope readers, and especially our colleagues [in journalism], will forgive us for these decisions, which were so unrighteous, which showed such lack of revolutionary dedication and courage. We were truly cowardly, selfish and shameful.
However, we have no regrets.
Because while the police are strapped with guns and are capable of force, and while Zoomlion pays a lot of taxes to the city of Changsha and has powerful backing, they are still our class brothers, and a disagreement is still a disagreement among the people (人民).
If we were given another opportunity, we would still say: Uncle Policeman, Big Brother Zoomlion, we beg of you, please set Chen Yongzhou free!
If we were given another chance to speak, we would also say:
We have diligently studied all 15 of the reports Chen Yongzhou wrote about Zoomlion, but could only find that we mistakenly wrote what should have been “advertising and entertainment fees of 513 million” as “advertising fees of 513 million.” If Brother Policeman can find any evidence of shabby reporting on our part, please make notice of it and we will gladly doff our hat. Because we still believe that — some day, at least — you will have the same full respect for the law that we have.
We would like to thank those four police officers who came from Changsha for keeping one eye closed, so that yesterday night Chen Yongzhou’s young wife, shaking with cold, could peacefully leave her own home.
We would also like to thank you for not employing your secret weapon to arrest another person you have set your eyes on, the head of our economic news desk. Just for the record, he really isn’t at home. For days, he hasn’t dared to return home. I’m not kidding.
Oh, and to Gao Hui (高辉), the esteemed assistant to the CEO of Zoomlion, we brought a case against you for infringement months ago [for verbally attacking Chen Yongzhou on Sina Weibo and releasing his personal information]. We hope you’ll give us a bit of face and acknowledge the case. We won’t make any sudden moves against you. We pay just a bit of tax every year, and our business is far short of the hundreds of millions [that Zoomlion does].
The Hunan native Zeng Guofan, [an official during the Qing dynasty], once wrote a couplet: “Two old bones can keep a vigorous mind and spirit alive (养活一团春意思,撑起二根穷骨头).” [NOTE: This phrase means, essentially, that you must have a bit of backbone].
Our newspaper may be small, but we have those two bones at least.

Below is an image of one of Chen Yongzhou’s “exclusive” reports about Zoomlion.


The original Chinese version of the piece, as posted to the New Express website, follows:


CCTV anchor Bai Yansong at HKU

The China Media Project would like to invite anyone interested to attend a special talk tomorrow (Tuesday, October 22) by Bai Yansong (白岩松), a veteran news commentator for China Central Television.
We apologize for the short notice, but hope everyone is able to attend what should be a interesting talk and lively discussion.


The Two Sides of China (中國的AB面)
By Bai Yansong, news commentator, anchor and journalist for China Central Television (CCTV)
The talk will be conducted in Putonghua
When: 22 October 2013 (Tuesday), 6:00pm-7:30pm
Where: Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, Graduate House, HKU
Free admission
About the speaker:
As commentator for China Central Television’s “News 1+1” program and the host of its “News Week” program, Bai Yansong is a a noted broadcaster, known for his piercing insight into current affairs. A graduate of the Communication University of China, Bai has been with CCTV since 1993, when he got his start on the network’s “Oriental Horizon,” CCTV’s pionneering current affairs programme. He was born in Inner Mongolia in 1968.

Xi Jinping Plays With Fire

China’s top leadership has recently commemorated the 50th anniversary of something few people have probably heard of — the “Fengqiao experience.” Ring any bells?

Almost certainly not, because this is what I would call a “cold term” (冷词), a Chinese Communist Party buzzword that has long fallen out of use and favor owing to its association with the Mao era. That has all changed in recent days.

The fanning to life of this Mao-era term is a lamentable surprise, the latest reminder of those chilly winds that have lately been blowing so strongly from the left, particularly as we near the 120th anniversary on December 26 of Mao Zedong’s birth.

What is the “Fengqiao experience”?

This “Fengqiao” does not refer to the Maple Bridge of Tang dynasty verse. Fengqiao, literally “Maple Bridge,” is a township in the city of Zhuji (诸暨市) in China’s Zhejiang province. Fifty years ago, Zhuji was a county, and Fengqiao was a district of that county.

There are two chief points of background to understand. The first is that in 1962, during the Tenth Plenary Session of the 8th CCP Central Committee, Mao Zedong once again raised the prospect of “class struggle” (阶级斗争). It was at that meeting, in fact, that Xi Zhongxun (习仲勋), the father of current president Xi Jinping, was purged after being falsely charged with leading an anti-Party clique.
The second point is that it was in 1963 that Mao Zedong launched his Socialist Education Movement (社会主义教育运动), also known as the Four Cleanups Movement (四清运动). This was essentially a ploy to root out elements within the Party that Mao regarded as “reactionary.”

Here is how the top Party leader of Fengqiao District reflected back on the Four Cleanups in the official People’s Daily fourteen years later, on December 21, 1977:

In 1963, the seven communes in my district, under the leadership of the work team of the provincial Party committee of Zhejiang and the prefectural and county leaderships, carried out the first group of socialist education campaigns. During this movement, complying with Mao’s great injunction to “never forget the class struggle,” the masses were mobilized, enemies and friends distinguished, and four types of destructive activities perpetrated by reactionary elements (四类分子) were thoroughly exposed. At that time, some grassroots cadres and activists, full of revolutionary fervor, demanded that all reactionary elements involved in destructive activities be rounded up. Faced with this situation, we organized cadres and the masses to study a series of Mao’s guidelines and policies on struggling against the enemy. Through detailed ideological and political work, and a massive campaign of study and debate, awareness was substantially raised among cadres and the masses, who recognized that by relying on their own strength they could deal with an rehabilitate the enemy. This overcame the simple reliance . . . upon violent methods, relying instead on the masses classifying and listing the enemy, carrying out struggle through education, review and explanation, and relying also on the masses carrying out monitoring and rehabilitation locally. As a result, not one person was rounded up, and still the vast majority of enemies were dealt with.

fengqiao county leader

These so-called “reactionary elements,” or silei fenzi (四类分子), referred to landlords, wealthy peasants, counterrevolutionaries and evildoers (坏分子). A subsequent investigation, done after the end of the Cultural Revolution and printed in the February 5, 1979, edition of the People’s Daily, showed that the population of Fengqiao was 130,000, of which some 3,000 had been identified as “reactionary elements.” That means that 1 in 50 people in Fengqiao were regarded as “enemies.” The persecution of people like this across the country was part of the awful political landscape of that era.

In 1963, the work team of the provincial Party committee of Zhejiang summarized the methods employed in Fengqiao in a document called, “Experiences in Struggling Against the Enemy During the Socialist Education Movement in Fengqiao District, Zhuji County” (诸暨县枫桥区社会主义教育运动中开展对敌斗争的经验). During the National People’s Congress in 1963, the minister of public security, Xie Fuzhi (谢富治), gave a speech called, “Relying on the Strength of the Masses, Strengthening the People’s Democratic Dictatorship, Transforming the Majority of ‘Reactionary Elements’ into New People” (依靠群众力量,加强人民民主专政,把绝大多数“四类分子”改造成新人). Xie’s speech made specific mention of the example provided by Fengqiao.

Then, on November 20, 1963, Mao Zedong added his written instructions to the Xie Fuzhi speech, in which he said: “The example of Zhuji raised here is a good one — various regions should follow this example, expanding the work through pilot programs.”

On November 22, when Mao Zedong spoke with the deputy minister of public security, Wang Dongxing (汪东兴), he said: “Of all the work carried out by the ministry of public security, the most important was the question of how to work among the masses, how to educate and organize them so that they can take part in the general work of public security. Judging from the experience of Zhuji, once the masses have risen, they can do things as well as you and as strong as you. You must not forget to mobilize the masses.” (NOTE: The implication here is that public security officials should not focus on simply arresting “reactionary elements,” but must organize the masses to “reeducate” and reform them.)

Before the Cultural Revolution, the ministry of public security released materials about Fengqiao, but the People’s Daily never reported on these. On December 21, 1977, the People’s Daily published the piece from the top Party leader of Fengqiao District quoted above. That piece was called, “Raising High the Red Flag of Fengqiao Erected by Mao Zedong, Relying on the Masses to Strengthen Dictatorship” (高举毛主席树立的枫桥红旗 依靠群众加强专政). It was the first introduction to what would be called the “Fengqiao experience,” or fengqiao jingyan (枫桥经验):

In the struggle against the enemy, arrest is necessary and proper for a small number of class enemies; as for those you can choose to arrest or not, none should be arrested; you must mobilize the masses to carry out a struggle of reason, to deal with the enemies, carrying out on-site monitoring and rehabilitation, without the need to submit issues to higher authorities. This experience was affirmed and praised by the greater leader and teacher Mao Zedong.

PD Dec 1999

On September 5, 1978, the People’s Daily published an official editorial called, “Rectifying and Strengthening Public Security Work” (整顿和加强社会治安工作). It talked about how “Fengqiao District in Zhejiang’s Zhuji County relied on the masses to carry out on-site rectification of reactionary elements, reforming the vast majority of them into self-supporting laborers for the law.” “Their successful experience,” the article said, “was praised by Mao Zedong, and was known as a red flag on the front lines of public security.”

What is the “Fengqiao experience”? That’s it. And now, half a century later, it is being remembered in China with highest honors.

Vanishing and Reemerging

The People’s Daily is our weathervane for judging political affairs in China. Its discourse is strictly regulated by the system of public opinion guidance (舆论导向). The Party leadership, in other words, chooses its words carefully, and the language we see in the People’s Daily is to a large extent reflective of prevailing consensus.

There was not one mention of the “Fengqiao experience” in the People’s Daily throughout the 1980s. This was the era of Deng Xiaoping, and while Deng had said that the Party would “continue to uphold Mao Zedong Thought,” it was he who led the entire CCP in criticizing the errors of Mao Zedong. In 1981, the CCP passed its Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the Republic, which rejected the Socialist Education Movement.

On May 2, 1991, the People’s Daily published a report that praised Fengqiao for having “relied on the masses to preserve social stability.” But it made no mention of the 1963 example provided by Fengqiao.
Over this period — from 1980 through to the end of the 1990s — we passed the 20th, 25th, 30th and 25th anniversaries of Mao Zedong’s written instructions on the “Fengqiao experience” in 1983, 1988, 1993 and 1998 respectively, and in none of these cases was the date commemorated.

The first reappearance of the “Fengqiao experience” in the People’s Daily was on December 2, 1998.
On December 1, 1999, the People’s Daily published an article called, “Establishing Stability and Development: A Record of the ‘Fengqiao Experience’ in Zhejiang’s Zhuji” (立足稳定和发展——浙江诸暨“枫桥经验”纪实). The piece included the words of the current Party secretary of the city of Zhuji, in which he called “reliance on the masses, dissolving tensions and preserving stability” as the “Fengqiao experience” of the new era.

In the People’s Daily there are plenty of superficial references to the “Fengqiao experience.” But in the 14 years from 1999 to 2012, there are just 49 articles with the term “Fengqiao experience” in the People’s Daily (10 in the headline). Of these, four pieces appeared in 1999, two in 2000. There were no pieces using the term in 2001 or 2002. The rest of the articles using the term, 43 in all, appeared during the Hu Jintao era.

After Hu Jintao came to power, China entered what has been called the “age of stability preservation” (维稳时代). In 2003, the 40th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s written instructions on the “Fengqiao experience” was commemorated. At a ceremony in Zhejiang province, Central Committee member Luo Gan (罗干) said of the “Fengqiao experience”: “Dealing onsite with the resolution of tensions can enable to the greatest possible extent the resolution of conflicts at the grassroots [local] level, [so that problems are] resolved locally, resolved when they are still at an early stage” (People’s Daily, November 27, 2003, page 1).

In November 2008, during commemorations of the 45th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s written instructions on the “Fengqiao experience,” the hues of stability preservation were even deeper. Security chief Zhou Yongkang (周永康) said during the commemoration event, held again in Zhejiang, that “Party and government leaders at various levels must earnestly fulfill their prime responsibility to preserve stability.” He urged leaders to “grab [problems at] the source, grab the roots [of tensions] and grab the foundation” (People’s Daily, November 25, 2008, page 1).

The reemergence of the “Fengqiao experience” and its rise in temperature had to do directly with the intensification of the regime of stability preservation in China. The “onsite rectification and monitoring” of 50 years earlier had transformed into a new stability preservation slogan, “resolving problems locally.” This “resolution” really meant local officials needed to prevent their local petitioners from reaching Beijing. The “problems,” in other words, had to be rounded up and locked into black jails.

Governing the Nation by Mao (以毛治国)?

Until recently, no top Chinese leader since Mao Zedong had ever been quoted publicly in the People’s Daily or other state media making remarks on the “Fengqiao experience.” Not Deng Xiaoping. Not Jiang Zemin. Not Hu Jintao. But now Xi Jinping has broken the mold with his “important instructions on the development of the ‘Fengqiao experience’.”

Now we have Party media emphasizing that “the vitality of the Fengqiao experience lies in its following of the mass line.”

The “Fengqiao experience” for which Mao Zedong issued written instructions in 1963 was only ever about — and could only have been about — the class struggle. It was not, and could not possibly have been, about (as we have seen in state media this week) “employing legal thinking and legal methods to resolve problems and tensions concerning the vital interests of the masses.” Mao Zedong’s mass line was about organizing the masses to control evildoers, in other words a kind of “mass dictatorship” (群众专政).

These ideas are poles apart from modern ideas of rule of law. How can they possibly be implemented in a present-day China that is at least ostensibly a “people-oriented” (以人为本), “harmonious society” (和谐社会)?

There is an old saying in China, that if you don’t see the larger trends clearly before you act, your actions will be misguided, regardless of whether those actions are firm or flexible.

China’s general trend today is clear. The Cultural Revolution ended 37 years ago. Reform and opening has gone on for 35 years now. We’ve had a market economy for 21 years now. We signed the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 15 years ago.

As a major nation on the international stage, with a market economy, there is no other way for China except to govern according to the Constitution. Without constitutionalism, without full and sound rule of law, without a healthy civil society, there can be no peace and stability. Right now, to drag out this experience from the era of class struggle, which is all about struggling with internal enemies — this is not just climbing trees to look for fish, it is playing with fire.

The most obvious signal we can read from this commemoration of the “Fengqiao experience” is that this is a new validation of Mao Zedong’s ideas about governing the nation. Mao Zedong’s legacy is in fact one of the Chinese Communist Party’s most damaging negative assets. Since the end of the Cultural Revolution, while Mao has been revered as a symbol — as the “God card” (神主牌) — his general course in governing the nation (class struggle, comprehensive dictatorship, the continuous revolution, the command economy, the people’s commune system of government, etcetera) has been rejected outright for 30 years. Both Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao dreaded “the stain” of Mao (沾毛).

Who would dare, in this day and age, to “manage state affairs with Maoist ideas” (以毛治国)?

On October 14, People’s Daily Online published an article called, “Why the ‘Fengqiao Experience’ Can Become the China Experience.” The author of the piece was Lan Yuqing (蓝蔚青), the deputy director of the China Society for Scientific Socialism (中国科学社会主义学会). Lan wrote:

From the beginning, the “Fengqiao experience” dispensed with the idea of “class struggle as the key link,” and introduced the idea of governance according to law. Comrade Mao Zedong’s validation of the “Fengqiao experience,” and the central Party leadership’s endorsement of the “Fengqiao experience,” comes not only because it upholds the Party’s mass line, but also in order to resolve the problem of excessive violence and incarceration that come with the expansion of the class struggle.

Lan article on CPC

What sort of logic is this?

Mao Zedong always gave priority to the “two hands of revolution” (革命的两手). In 1964, he severely criticized Liu Shaoqi (刘少奇) for being a “closet rightist” (形左实右) in the midst of the Socialist Education Movement. He said that “the focus of this movement is cleaning up those within the Party who are established capitalist roaders.” Was this really about “dispensing with the idea of class struggle” or encouraging “governance according to law”?

During the “first 30 years” of Party rule, there were all sorts of written instructions from Mao Zedong that tinkered with policy. Concerning the Great Leap Forward and the Great Famine, we could also choose to be selective about our history, overlooking the purge of Peng Dehuai. And we could focus instead on Mao Zedong’s six internal Party missives of 1959, in which he sought to address the errors of his own policies. Maybe there are documents we could use selectively to suggest Mao Zedong was in fact a counterrevolutionary?
Lan Yuqing’s article is strange indeed. After 1962, did Mao Zedong’s class struggle not result in indiscriminate death and incarceration? But Lan describes Mao as a champion of governance according to law, as having rejected the idea of “class struggle as the key link.” This is tantamount to suggesting that Mao wasn’t Mao, that Mao opposed Mao. What can we call this kind of logic but demented?
The serious danger of this advocacy of the “Fengqiao experience” lies in how it confutes the first 30 years of CCP rule and the last 30 years of CCP rule, in how it ignores the facts of history, disregards logic, and shoves aside the very real pain the public feels over the Mao era — particularly those who suffered directly during that period.
As we near the 120th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s birth, the rashness of this drum-beating in the state media sends a chill through the hearts of countless millions.

Your only report on the World Media Summit

It’s that time of year again. No, I don’t mean the Nobel Prizes. I’m not talking about the International Emmys. It’s time for the World Media Summit.
You know, that buzzing international meeting to carry on serious strategic dialogue about the future of media at the pleasure and expense of China, the country with the world’s most robust system of media controls. Or, as it is better unknown to all, the media event all major global media players attend but none bother to actually cover. Why not? Because under the surface it’s all just a little too disgusting.


For those of you not familiar with the World Media Summit — because only Chinese media have covered it (enthusiastically too) — here is how the state-run China Central Television describes its impetus and origins:

During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, President of Xinhua News Agency Mr. Li Congjun respectively held working talks with the leaders of the global major media such as News Corporation, The Associated Press, REUTERS, Kyodo News, BBC, etc., exchanging the views on the challenges of the digital multi-media era, enhancement of exchange, cooperation and win-win, etc. All the parties reached consensus that it is necessary to hold the World Media Summit, which builds an efficient platform for the global media to communicate with each other and pool collective wisdom, sparking their thoughts and wisdoms, discussing survival and development, and talking about cooperation and future.
From 8 to 10 October 2009, the World Media Summit was successfully held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. This summit was jointly initiated by nine global leading media organizations in the world – Xinhua News Agency, News Corporation, The Associated Press, REUTERS, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo News, BBC, Turner Broadcasting System and Google Inc., and organized by Xinhua News Agency, which absorbed the leaders of more than 170 media organizations from across the world.

So, this was a more or less spontaneous meeting of the big guns in global media, “jointly initiated” by “nine leading media organisations.” Because a bit of shoptalk among global media leaders could be a very productive thing. “Survival” is at stake, after all. And couldn’t we all benefit from the pooling of “collective wisdom”?
Well, not exactly. The Global Meeting Summit was, make no mistake, the idea of China’s leaders at the most senior level, the direct product of a specific media policy launched by then-President Hu Jintao in 2008 and designed to combat what China saw as its strategic failure of “discourse power” internationally. China wanted a bigger voice. And it wanted to influence all of the other voices talking (negatively, always SO negatively) about it.
What better way to close the gap than to get ALL the global media bosses around the conference table — and of course also around the dinner table?
At the helm of the summit since the beginning has been Xinhua News Agency chief Li Congjun (李从军), a member of China’s central party committee who was deputy chief of China’s Central Propaganda Department for over six years before he took on the top Xinhua job. In February 2009, eight months ahead of the first summit, Li wrote in China Journalist:

According to the central committee’s strategic demand for “strengthening outside propaganda/publicity” (大外宣), we must work hard to get our own voice out at the first moment from the actual scene for important news and sudden-breaking incidents . . . constantly enhancing the affinity, attractiveness and infectiveness of Chinese news reports to the outside world, actively seizing the initiative and our right to have a say in international public opinion channeling, working to create an objective and amicable international public opinion environment. . .
[We must] actively seek out new horizons, new mechanisms, new channels and new methods in the area of outside dialogue and cooperation, particularly, as by the demands of central party leaders, successfully organizing the first meeting of the World Media Summit, building a platform for dialogue among first-rate international media (国际一流媒体), further raising the capacity of Xinhua News Agency to make its voice heard in the international news and information sector.

So . . . To sum up, the World Media Summit, this ostensible back-slapping affair offering an opportunity for media leaders to talk media strategy, is fundamentally about China projecting its influence over global media agendas. Any global media bosses at the summit who do not realize this — though I suspect plenty of them do — are woefully deceived. I want all of you participants at the World Media Summit right now to pick up your complimentary Xinhua News Agency fountain pens and write this on the back of your hand: “I am not here because China really wants to talk about the future of global media. I am here because China wants to channel the future of global media.”
I realize I’m laying the sarcasm on thick. But I’ve written with some seriousness about the World Media Summit since its first “presidium” in 2009, and one of the things I find most incredible is that there are virtually no news reports of the event anywhere outside China. This is an international summit about media, hosted by a country that has an abysmal record this year alone on media and information (including the crippling of Sina Weibo, its most vital media platform), and no one wants to talk about it.
Is this not news? Well, let me help out by providing a list of three interesting possible stories emerging from this year’s summit:
1. According to reports from Chinese state media, next year’s World Media Summit will be hosted by the New York Times. Why? What does this mean? How is it linked, if at all, to the business interests of the New York Times in China? What does the New York Times have to say for itself?
2. On the World Media Summit agenda this year is the feasibility of creating new global prizes for journalism. How would the media groups involved in these future prizes through their summit participation balance their professional goals and values against attempts by China’s leadership to use the prizes to push its own values? If the prizes had been awarded this year, would David Barboza have been considered for his Pulitzer Prize-winning report on the family of former Premier Wen Jiabao?
3. As media bosses wine and dine with Xinhua News Agency chief Li Congjun, they might like to know that Li wrote last month in the official People’s Daily that “[the Party must be] confident and courageous in its positive propaganda, [carrying out] the public opinion struggle with a clear banner.” His article was one of the most hardline pieces on the CCP’s press control priorities to appear in China in recent years. He spoke in extreme terms of the attempts by Western media and “hostile forces” to Westernize China. “This again sends a warning to us,” he said, “that strengthening [China’s] international discourse power is of urgent importance.”
Participants should know that this — the strengthening of China’s discourse power — is the real reason they have been invited to the World Media Summit.
Li’s words are more than just rhetoric. They are another sign among many in recent weeks of a very real crackdown on speech and civil rights in China. You can read up here on the arrest of Liu Hu, a journalist with Guangzhou’s New Express. Or maybe brush up on the recent arrest of a middle school student accused of spreading rumors on social media.
But don’t let the news spoil your dinner.

And for those who are interested, here are your global media representatives:


wms 2

Hooked by the Internet

Changing China One Post at a Time

In September 2013, Yang Dacai, a top safety official in China’s Shanxi province, was sentenced to 14 years in jail for corruption. The sentence was the end of a saga that began online more than a year ago, when Chinese internet users heaped criticism on Yang for smiling at the scene of a deadly bus crash. Over a period of days, web users searched out a number of photos in which Yang appeared to be wearing luxury watches. How, they asked, could he afford such luxury on his modest salary as a public servant? The outcry eventually led to an official investigation. In the above cartoon, posted by artist Zhu Senlin (朱森林) to Sina Weibo, dangling “@”s — symbols of the internet — hook a corrupt official (presumably Yang Dacai) around his luxury watch, lifting him out of the filthy sea of corruption. The message at the top reads: “Changing China, One Post at a Time.”

The Word “Struggle” Creeps People Out

In an article last week in Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao (联合早报), CMP Director Qian Gang outlined the emergence in recent weeks of “public opinion struggle” (舆论斗争), a new hardline term to characterize the Chinese Communist Party’s bid for dominance over public opinion. [Our English version of Qian Gang’s article is here].

One important piece Qian Gang mentioned was an early rebuttal in the China Youth Daily to an August 24 editorial in the Global Times called, “The Public Opinion Struggle: A Challenge We Cannot Avoid But Must Face Head On” (舆论斗争,不能回避只能迎接的挑战). Written by Cao Lin, the piece is an important look at the political and historical overtones of the term “struggle” — and why, as the author says, “it makes people uneasy.”

Our partial translation of Cao Lin’s rebuttal to the Global Times editorial is below.

It’s important to note that when Cao Lin wrote his piece, “‘Public Opinion Struggle’ is a Term That Makes People Uneasy“, the term did not yet seem to have a secure position in the mainstream Party discourse. That changed just a few days later, on August 30, as the People’s Daily ran an article citing the need to “effectively channel public opinion and actively launch a public opinion struggle.”


‘Public Opinion Struggle’ is a Term That Makes People Uneasy
August 27, 2013

By Cao Lin (曹林)

In a China marked by reform and transition, strong offensives [on key problems] are difficult to get moving, tensions are everywhere, problems abound, and interests, ideas and values are diverse. Add to this the fact that the internet has offered a platform by which various different viewpoints can be expressed and you have a public opinion environment in which a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers blossom. Various interest groups, trends in thought, and various kinds of people — all gather to express themselves and their demands on the internet, which is the freest medium. Thoughts stir, viewpoints cross swords, interests vie. And while it is true that the friction sometimes gives off the scent of gunpowder . . . generally speaking this only happens on the level of opinions . . . and there is a basic, bottom-line consensus under which [these pluralistic ideas] can be tolerated: the law.

We don’t need to be overly anxious about ideas crossing swords online. First of all, because the internet does not equal the real world. Voices online are most often amplifications of the real world, and often the most extreme ideas are the ones that find a market on the internet. The internet does not represent the real China, and mixed up voices on the internet do not mean a mixed up reality. Secondly, we must have trust in the discretion of the public. We must believe that the more we seek the facts the clearer they will become, that the more we pursue the truth the more apparent it will become. In the process of the free interchange of ideas, the public will grow more intelligent. We cannot say on the one hand that “the eyes of the masses are sharp,” and on the other hand avoid giving them any choice at all. If we have full confidence in our mainstream values, then we should allow these to be tested through debate. Third, we must not regard the different voices appearing online as floods and scourges. We should thank the internet for allowing different voices to be expressed. If they were not expressed and released, they would conceal much greater dangers. Fourth, Chinese reforms are currently in danger of losing their driving force, and the open contest [of ideas] on the internet helps melt away the hard ice, balancing against vested interests and providing much-needed energy to reformers.

Therefore, we should maintain a kind of tolerance for these contesting viewpoints and this stirring of ideas, protecting the open discussion of different viewpoints even as we pass new laws and contracts to define the bottom line [for acceptable online conduct]. I disapprove of the tone in some media (such as the Global Times), which have chosen to see the deliberation [over certain issues] as an irreconcilable “struggle.” They come up with this sensational logic of the “public opinion struggle,” elevating debate and deliberation to the level of a “struggle,” and seeing different viewpoints as “value bombs” (价值观炮弹), or as “an assault on the system” (攻击体制), and collective attention to various issues or news as examples of “siege” (围攻). They talked about the need to “recognize the seriousness of the public opinion struggle.”

This idea of a “public opinion struggle” fills people with dread. This high-spirited “struggle” [the first character of the two-character combination for “struggle”] is full of violence and viciousness, making people think of the bloody “struggle sessions” (批斗) [under Mao Zedong’s rule], of bitter life-and-death “combat” (战斗), of the ridiculous struggle against the roots of ideas in oneself, and even of the idea of “class struggle” that fills everyone with bitter memories. Words like “struggle” were basically tossed out of our political dictionary after the start of economic reforms in China. People gradually forgot these revolutionary-era terms. So to use “public opinion struggle” to describe the contesting of ideas today is a blast from the past.

For example, there is a certain senior colonel [in the People’s Liberation Army] who write on Weibo: “I think back to the gunshots of that great counteroffensive sixty years ago. That year the battle was on Triangle Hill. Today the battle is on the internet! . . . I firmly believe that the people of China will thoroughly pulverize the unbridled attacks by those antisocial and anti-China forces. I wait in hope!” This kind of warmongering, Cultural Revolution-era tone, using “war thinking” to approach online debate, really makes me wonder whether I’ve done something wrong in how I’ve opened my own Weibo [NOTE: the author is being sarcastic here, which comes across poorly in our poor translation].

How has the discussion of different viewpoints, the debating of different ideas, become a “struggle”? Who are we getting ready to “struggle” against? If we talk about “struggle,” this has to imply a life-or-death showdown, so an enemy must be designated. So who exactly is the enemy in this contesting of interests and conflict of opinions within our society?

The basic fact is that conflict has long existed between the government and the people in the public opinion sphere. Owing to a lack of communication between the two there has been a great deal of misunderstanding, and the government has sought all along to someone break through these two public opinion spheres — and by “break through” I mean they have sought the fusing of the two, which means communication. This logic of the “public opinion struggle” flies entirely in the face of this communication. It’s no longer about communication, but about struggle.

There are officials who really pine for the era when “public opinion was uniform” (舆论一律). But in the internet era, when everyone has a microphone, “uniformity of public opinion” is frankly impossible, and we can’t just hurry out and “struggle” against anything that is different. China can’t possibly backtrack.