Two days ago, rumors began circulating on social media that there were troubles at Window on the South (南风窗), a Guangzhou-based news and current affairs magazine with a distinguished 26-year history and a reputation as one of the leading lights of professional journalism in China. It is now confirmed that Zhao Lingmin (赵灵敏), one of the publication’s top editors, has been suspended from her duties (停职).
The action is the latest in a number of disciplinary actions against journalists in the past year. Most recently, China Central Television producer Wang Qinglei (王青雷) was suspended after his program was outspoken in its criticism of the government’s handling of the July 23 high-speed train collision in Wenzhou.
It seems that the chief reason for Zhao’s suspension is an article called “China Has Risen, We Must Say Goodbye to the Foreign Policy of Revolution” (中国要崛起,必须告别革命外交), which she wrote for a recent edition of the magazine [more from the SCMP]. This article is still available on a number of blogs and chatrooms, but has been deleted from most other sites. The original link at the Window on the South website now results in an error message:
The following is a translation of Zhao Lingmin’s letter to colleagues concerning her suspension from Window on the South:
Dear Colleagues:
After a meeting yesterday I had already accepted a notice from the board [informing me] a termination was to be carried out and that [I was to] undergo self-examination. Beginning from today, I have already been released from all editorial work on this publication. The second half of the year is a crucial time for circulation and advertising for next year, and I already had many ideas and plans in place for the next few months, but none of these can now be done. Window on the South no longer requires my thoughts and consideration.
As to the “errors of political guidance” (政治导向错误) represented in the article “China Has Risen, We Must Say Goodbye to the Foreign Policy of Revolution” (中国要崛起,必须告别革命外交), I naturally see this in a different way [from authorities], but clearly right now there is not an atmosphere or opportunity for the discussion of issues on the basis of facts and principles. As the writer of this piece and as the editorial head (采编中心主任), I feel deeply sorry for the negative impact this piece has had on this publication, but magazine publishing has its own process and I can only take on the responsibility I am meant to take on. They way things are now being handled, heaping all of the burdens on the writer and on the publisher who has no direct connection to the article, magnifying the problem as a question of principle, targeting people rather than issues and selectively and brashy handling this matter — clearly, this is something I cannot countenance.
I have passed seven full happy years at Window on the South. Having made the journey from a point where I was a new hand too timid even to pick up the phone to interview someone up to this point today, I offer my heartfelt thanks to Window on the South for giving me this opportunity and nurturing. I am also thankful for the support I have received from all of you. At the same time, I feel I have given my utmost in my work, and there is nothing on my conscience. Particularly in the recent three years, as demanded by my position and my sense of responsibility, I have put perhaps all of the time and energy I could into work, to the point where it has been difficult to have a full personal life. If it had not been for this incident, I might not perhaps [anyway] have continued this way of life for too many more years. But now, in this accident, I have at last been disengaged, and I have an opportunity to live a normal and relaxed life. This morning, I discovered for the first time upon crawling out of bed that I no longer have to think about things for the sake of work. While this feeling is unfamiliar, it seems not so bad.
Over the past few months what has most gratified me is the way that most members of our editorial team have found their own independent characters and judgement, that they don’t fawn and slavishly accept things. In my view, it is on the basis of this spirit that Window on the South has stood tall these 26 years, and it is also the reason why so many colleagues have been able to press on year after year even as they are full of complaints about the situation of hte magazine. The inertial force of this spiritual community is something that no material bounty or connection could ever replace. While it may be buffeted by a larger climate and local environment that grow narrower by the day, I really hope everyone [at the publication] will continue to push on with this independent character and judgement [NOTE: By “environment large and small” Zhao is referring to larger national trends, such as tightening ahead of next year’s Party Congress, and the specific environment facing the publication, including management and local leaders]. I also hope that our department in charge (主管部门) [which administers the publication] and those in charge will respect the time-honored legacy, culture, atmosphere and values of Window on the South, having an attitude of caution and responsibility toward history in operating and managing this magazine with such a brilliant past.
I thank everyone for their concern over the past two days. I am fine, and I hope all of you take care as well.
Zhao Lingmin (赵灵敏)
August 16, 2011
关于《中国要崛起,必须告别革命外交》一文的所谓“政治导向错误”,我自然有不同的看法,但目前显然并没有一个从事实和道理上讨论问题的氛围和契机。作为本文的作者和采编中心主任,我对此文给本刊造成的负面影响深感抱歉,但杂志出版是有流程的,我只能承担自己应该承担的责任,像目前这样把所有板子打在作者和与此文无直接关联的社长身上,进行上纲上线、对人不对事的选择性和扩大化处理,显然 并不能服众。
过去几个月,最让我感到欣慰的,是采编部门的大部分同事所表现 出来的独立人格和判断力,遇事不阿附,不盲从。在我看来,这种精神力量是《南风窗》能够屹立26年的根本,也是很多同事即便对杂志的现状啧有烦言、但仍一年年坚守下来的根本原因。这一精神共同体的向心力,是任何物质上的恩惠和拉拢所不能替代的。虽然这种独立人格和判断力,在今天日益逼仄的大环境和小环境面前简直弱不禁风,但我还是期望大家能勉力坚守。也盼望我们的主管部门和新的主事者,能够尊重《南风窗》长期形成的历史、文化、氛围和价值观,以审慎和对历史负责任的态度经营和管理这本有光辉过去的杂志。