The following post by Wall Street Journal Chinese (华尔街日报中文网) was deleted from Sina Weibo sometime after 10:03pm Hong Kong time yesterday, February 12, 2012. Wall Street Journal Chinese currently has just under 744,000 followers, according to numbers from Sina Weibo. [More on deleted posts at the WeiboScope Search, by the Journalism and Media Studies Centre].

[Xi Jinping will receive photo album of Xi Zhongxun during U.S. visit] Next week when Chinese Vice-President Xi Jinping (习近平) will visit Washington, DC, he will be gifted with an album of photographs including some of his father Xi Zhongxun’s (习仲勋) visit to the U.S. 32 years ago.

The post was accompanied with a link to the Chinese-language article at the Wall Street Journal’s China Realtime Report. The English-language version of that article is available here.
The original Chinese-language post follows:

【习近平将收到习仲勋访美相册】- 中国国家副主席习近平下周访问华盛顿时将获赠一本相册,其中收录了其父习仲勋32年前访美时的一组珍贵照片。

NOTE: All posts to The Anti-Social List are listed as “permission denied” in the Sina Weibo API, which means they were deleted by Weibo managers, not by users themselves.

David Bandurski

CMP Director

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