Now Executive Director of the China Media Project, leading the project’s research and partnerships, David originally joined the project in Hong Kong in 2004. He is the author of Dragons in Diamond Village (Penguin), a book of reportage about urbanization and social activism in China, and co-editor of Investigative Journalism in China (HKU Press).
Over the weekend, media representatives from Indonesia gathered with their Chinese counterparts at a forum in Beijing to discuss “friendship” and cooperation — a further sign of China’s concerted media diplomacy push across Southeast Asia to encourage trade and investment, and shape public perceptions of its regional role.
The September 1 event, the second annual China-Indonesia Media Forum (中国-印尼媒体论坛), was attended by scores of mainstream media from both countries, according to a report from the official Xinhua News Agency, as well as think-tanks and state officials.
Participants on the Indonesia side included the country’s Antara National News Agency, a key event partner, as well as Kumparan, a digital news platform launched in 2017; the national daily newspaper Republika (which went fully online in 2022); the Jakarta Post (雅加达邮报), a daily English-language newspaper; the private television network RCTI (Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia); the free-to-air private television broadcaster NET; and the online news outlet Merdeka (which in Indonesian means “independent”).
An Alliance of Positivity
According to a report from China Daily, an outlet directly under the Information Office of China’s State Council, the meeting focused on “the media’s positive role in building a community with a shared future for China and Indonesia.” This reference to a central Chinese Communist Party (CCP) buzzword in foreign relations, closely associated with General Secretary Xi Jinping, underscored the largely diplomatic nature of the event, which combined talk of bilateral “friendship” with discussions of larger media trends and media technology developments.
The event was also attended by Indonesia’s ambassador to China, Djauhari Oratmangun, who said, according to a report in the Indonesian weekly magazine Tempo, that both sides should “step up cooperation in news production and journalistic content, including by inviting journalists to report on positive aspects of each respective country.” Djauhari’s sentiment dovetailed closely with official reports in Chinese state media, which emphasized the need for media on both sides to create a public opinion environment conducive to “[promoting] relations between the two countries to scale new heights.”
The Second China-Indonesia Media Forum is held in Beijing on September 1, 2024. IMAGE: The Paper.
Addressing the event, the editor-in-chief of Indonesia’s Antara National News Agency, Irfan Junaidi (伊爾凡·朱奈迪), said the demand for China news in Indonesia is growing rapidly. In the Xinhua version of events, he echoed official Chinese talking points, and was quoted as saying that “Chinese news and Chinese stories are important to promoting friendship and cooperation.”
By contrast, a report in Shangbao Indonesia (印度尼西亚商报), a daily Chinese-language paper on finance and business, conveyed hints in Irfan’s remarks of ambivalence in Indonesian views on China. “The people of Indonesia are extremely interested in science and technology news from China, and this sort of cooperation will also help to correct misunderstandings in Indonesia about China,” it quoted the editor-in-chief as saying. “We must admit that, to this day, not all Indonesians have a positive view of China.”
Behind the Stage
One key partner in the event, cooperating with Indonesia’s Antara, was the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (当代中国与世界研究院), or ACCWS, which identifies itself as “a state-level think tank specializing in the study of international communication and cooperation.” The “academy” is directly under the China International Communications Group (CICG), a state-run media conglomerate that sits under the CCP’s Central Propaganda Department and is now one of China’s chief vehicles for external propaganda and media diplomacy.
“We must admit that, to this day, not all Indonesians have a positive view of China.”
ACCWS also hosts the Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD), a state mechanism to foster connections with young people internationally that is closely associated with what are generally termed “united front” tactics.
Fan Daqi, vice-president of ACCWS, said during the Beijing event that deepening cooperation between Chinese and Indonesian media in recent years has “drawn the hearts of the people in both countries closer.”
Beijing’s China-Indonesia Media Forum follows closely on the heels of a forum held in mid-July in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. The event, “I Read China” (我读中国), was also organized by ACCWS, and brought together more than 30 participants from media, think-tanks and academia. Co-hosts of the Jakarta event included Al-Azhar University, and Sinolingua (华语教学出版社), a Beijing-based press that is 100 percent held by the propaganda department-linked CICG.
In recent years, the buzzword “media convergence,” or meiti ronghe (媒体融合), has abounded in official documents about public opinion and ideology in China. What does this term mean? And why is it important in a Chinese political context? The quick answer — it is about remaking information controls for the 21st century, and building a media system that is innovative, influential and serves the needs of the ruling party.
The idea of “media convergence” took off in official circles in China almost exactly 10 years ago as Xi Jinping sought to recast “mainstream media” (主流媒体) — referring narrowly in China’s political context to large CCP-controlled media groups, such as central and provincial daily newspapers and broadcasters — into modern communication behemoths for rapidly changing global media landscape. More insistently even than his predecessors, Xi believed it was crucial for the Party to maintain social and political control by seizing and shaping public opinion. To accomplish this in the face of 21st century communication technologies, built on 4G and eventually 5G mobile networks, the Party’s trusted “mainstream” media had to reinvent themselves while remaining loyal servants of the CCP agenda.
Xi Jinping saw an opportunity in the global phenomenon of media convergence, the interconnection of information and communications technologies, to consolidate the Party’s control over communication — so long as it could seize the initiative.
The New Mainstream
During a high-level meeting on “deepening reform” in August 2014, Xi Jinping set the course for media convergence with the release of the CCP’s Guiding Opinion on Promoting Convergent Development of Traditional Media and New Media. He urged the creation of “new mainstream media” (新型主流媒体), to be achieved through an ambitious process of convergence between traditional media and digital media. This would result in “new-form media groups” (新型媒体集团), he said, that were not just powerful and influential, but innovative.
The process that followed involved the creation at the both the central and provincial levels, and even eventually at the county level, of “convergence media centers” that focused on the application and integration of new tools and trends like big data, cloud computing, and blockchain at traditional media — but often focused on simpler things like the creation of digital content such as short videos and news apps to accommodate the mobile-first focus of media consumers. During a visit to the People’s Liberation Army Daily in December 2015, Xi Jinping noted that communication technologies were “undergoing profound change,” and demanded that media persistently innovate in order to maintain the advantage. “Wherever the readers are, wherever the viewers are, that is where propaganda reports must extend their tentacles, and that is where we find the focal point and end point of propaganda and ideology work,” he said.
More insistently even than his predecessors, Xi believed it was crucial for the Party to maintain social and political control by seizing and shaping public opinion.
Through 2017 and the CCP’s 19th National Congress, many local and regional media groups heeded the call, developing centers for multimedia content production and distribution, and investing in the necessary technologies. But as generally the case with such top-down policy programs, there was also significant waste and confusion about priorities. While a number of larger state-run media groups such as CCTV had the resources and market to sustain initiatives like “Central Kitchen” (中央厨房), a convergence center to produce a range of multimedia content for distribution through diverse CCTV channels, local governments that copycatted such methods found themselves saddled with unnecessary costs.
But the broader trend was unstoppable at all levels of the Party-state system, core to the Party’s vision of information control for the future. In September 2020, the General Office of the CCP and the State Council further accelerated the media integration strategy with the release of Opinion on Accelerating the Development of Deep Media Convergence. The Opinion pressed media groups across the country to actively innovate while keeping to the main direction of “positive energy,” a Xi Jinping-era term for emphasizing uplifting messages over critical or negative ones. From 2020 onward, official reports and analyses by CCP communication insiders routinely referred to media convergence as a “national strategy” (国家战略).
In February 2024, a report in the official Jiangsu journal Broadcasting Realm (视听界) to mark the 10-year anniversary of of the formal start to Xi Jinping’s campaign of “convergence development” (融合发展) noted 10 major accomplishments. These included the complete theoretical innovation of the Party’s public opinion and propaganda work and the systematic rollout of a consistent program of digital development, with innovations along the way. The result, the report said, had been the creation of a “modern convergence media system” (现代融媒体系) structured at the central, provincial, city and county levels. Media convergence was no longer just about “add ons” (相加), but had been implemented “from top to bottom.”
More concretely, the report noted the development and rollout of “Party apps” (党端), meaning state-run news apps targeting Chinese and foreign audiences, and a shift toward short video (短视频) to meet changing consumption patterns. In a telling sign of how media convergence was meant to consolidate CCP controls on information at the source, the report noted that the latest version of the government’s list of approved news sources — released in 2021, and naming those politically trusted outlets other media and websites were authorized to draw from without consequences — included official news apps as well as social media channels and public accounts.
Ten years on from the start of Xi Jinping’s media convergence campaign, the leadership seems confident it has wrestled back control of a media ecosystem that from the late 1990s through the 2000s had grown restive and unruly from the standpoint of public opinion controls. This has been aided by strict media controls under Xi Jinping, as well as the swift collapse of the traditional media models (such as advertising-driven metro tabloid newspapers) that to some extent empowered more freewheeling journalism more than a decade ago. Even if there have been cases of waste, particularly at the county level, there is also a clear sense that convergence has optimized the state’s use of media resources.
Going Global with Convergence
Over the past two years, China’s leadership has also sought to capitalize on a decade of nationwide media convergence to super-charge international communication. Released in May this year, a report on media convergence development in 2023, produced by a think-tank under the official People’s Daily, noted that the development of local and regional “international communication centers” (国际传播中心), or ICCs, has been “like wildfire” (如火如荼). These centers, which draw on the media convergence resources of provincial and city-level media groups and propaganda offices, are core to Xi Jinping’s effort to remake how China’s conducts external propaganda, the ultimate goal being to enhance the country’s “discourse power” (话语权) internationally, and offset in particular what the leadership sees as the West’s unfair advantages in global agenda-setting.
According to the People’s Daily think-tank, 31 ICCs were launched in 18 provinces and municipalities, including at the city level, in 2023 alone. According to our latest count at CMP, there are now 26 provincial-level ICCs in China.
ICCs below the national level are now actively involved in producing external propaganda, much of it powered by the newest tool in the media convergence arsenal, generative AI, directed at foreign audiences through social media platforms such as Facebook, X, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Central state media and regional ICCs are working closely with state-backed technology firms to harness generative AI and streamline foreign-directed content production. Many of the media convergence centers that have sprouted up across the country over the past 10 years are now setting up centers dedicated to AI.
Ten years on from Xi Jinping’s August 2014 meeting on deepening reform, when the push for media convergence set off on the road to becoming a national strategy, the concept has become a crucial mixed bag in which the CCP leadership can pack its high-tech aspirations for information dominance, a core priority as old as the hills.
History has taught China's leadership that communication technology is a capricious force. More so, perhaps, than even at the dawn of the internet era in the late 1990s, drawing on the difficult lessons of the decade that followed, Xi Jinping is determined to pre-write the history of communication technology in the 21st century and its impact on politics at home and globally. If he succeeds, harnessing convergence media for the long-term benefit of the CCP's controlled system, this will no doubt be regarded — in the history "books" written by the Party's own generative AI — as one of the signature achievements of his New Era .
On July 2, the Beijing News kicked up nationwide health concerns in China by reporting that the state-run grain stockpiler Sinograin was using the same tanker trucks to transport both fuel and food oil products, forgoing any cleaning process between. Naturally, Chinese consumers were infuriated at the idea that their soybean oils and syrups might be sloshed together with coal-to-oil (CTL) products, which use coal as a raw material to produce oil and petrochemical products through chemical processing.
In a more active press system, Sinograin’s violations might have been revealed long ago. According to the report, the safety violations of the Sinograin oil truck fleet have long been an “open secret” in the industry — and it lays bare the fecklessness and ambiguity of national standards, which are treated as recommendations only, and routinely ignored by oil manufacturers and transporters.
The Beijing News report, which was promoted on the front page and ran to over 5,000 words on the inside pages, closely documented the transport process of both chemical and food oils. Reporters, for example, trailed one tanker truck that loaded up with first-grade edible cooking oil in the city of Sanhe, in Hebei province, just three days after it had unloaded a cargo of coal-derived chemical oil at a port to the east — without any washing or sanitizing of the tank in between.
Investigative reports of this kind, many focusing on basic livelihood concerns such as food safety, were a common occurrence in China from the early 2000s through to around 2008, when Shanghai’s Oriental Morning Post newspaper revealed that infant formula produced by China’s Sanlu Group was tainted with the chemical melamine, resulting in kidney damage and other serious health issues for infants. In the years that followed, Chinese authorities leaned more heavily on professional media in China, and investigative reporting became rarer and rarer.
Enterprising reports like that last week in the Beijing News, a state-run newspaper under Beijing municipal propaganda office that into the early 2010s was among the country’s more outspoken professional outlets, have become a true rarity in the Xi Jinping era, as the leadership has emphasized “positive propaganda” and the need for media to abide by “correct public opinion guidance.”
It goes without saying that such reports should be celebrated when they do appear. Below, we provide a partial translation.
An Investigation of Tanker Truck Transport Chaos in Unloading Coal Oil and Loading Edible Oil (罐车运输乱象调查卸完煤制油又装食用油)
Han Futao (韩福涛)
At 10 AM on May 21, an oil tanker truck slowly pulls in to an oil company in Yanjiao, [a town in central] Hebei province. One hour later, this tanker truck leaves the facility loaded with more than 30 tons of soybean oil.
What casual observers may not know is that just three days ago this tanker full of edible soybean oil transported a truckload of coal-to-oil from Ningxia to Qinhuangdao, [on Hebei’s coast]. After unloading, it was directly loaded with edible soybean oil for transportation, with no cleaning of the storage tank.
The full-page spread investigative report in The Beijing News on July 2.
Like white oil moisturizer and liquid wax, coal-to-oil is a chemical liquid processed from coal. A tanker driver revealed to a reporter for the Beijing News that it is an open secret in the tanker transportation industry that food liquids and chemical liquids are mixed [during transport] without cleaning.
From May this year, reporters for the Beijing News carried out an extensive follow-up investigation and found that the liquids transported by many general cargo tankers in China are not allotted fixed substances, but carry edible liquids such as syrup and soybean oil as well as chemical liquids such as coal-to-oil. In order to save expenses, many tankers do not clean the tank during the exchange and transportation process, and some cooking oil manufacturers do not strictly check whether the tank is clean according to regulations. As a result, edible oil is contaminated by residual chemical liquids.
In fact, there is no mandatory national standard at present for the transportation of edible oil in China. There is only a recommended Code for Bulk Transport of Edible Vegetable Oil, which mentions that special vehicles should be used for the transportation of edible vegetable oil in bulk. Because it is a recommended national standard, this means that it has limited binding force on manufacturers.
Professor Wang Xingguo (王兴国) of the School of Food Science and Technology told our reporters that although the current transportation norms are recommended national standards, they are also to a certain extent mandatory. “These are national standards,” he pointed out. “When formulating company standards, companies should rely on them. Generally, company standards need to be stricter than these standards, and certainly cannot be lower.”
Mixed Tanker Transport
Once coal-to-oil is unloaded and before edible oils are loaded, no one checks to make sure the tank is clean.
Many tankers are piled up in the parking lot of the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Engineering Base, all waiting to load up and begin transport.
The base is located in the city of Lingwu, in China’s Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It has the largest coal-to-oil project in China. In the coal-oil factory area covering an area of thousands of mu, it is possible to “transform black coal into oil" and produce liquid wax, white oil and other downstream products through a series of complex processes involving high temperatures and high pressure.
Public information shows that this "coal-to-oil" project belonging to Ningxia Coal Industry (宁夏煤业) has an annual production capacity of 4 million tons, ranking it first in the country. Most of the coal-to-oil output here is shipped to economically developed regions on the east coast, where it can be used as raw material for chemical products, or as fuel.
On May 1, trucks line up outside a Sinograin facility awaiting loads of edible cooking oil for transport. SOURCE: The Beijing News.
A tanker driver told our reporter that tankers [at the facility] are generally divided into dangerous goods tankers and general cargo tankers. Dangerous goods tankers transport products such as gasoline, diesel and other flammable and explosive liquids; as the term suggests, general cargo tankers transport more ordinary coal-to-oil products such as liquid wax and white oil that are not regarded as dangerous — meaning that they cannot be ignited by an open flame (white oil burns with the use of a special gas cooker). Those products not regarded as dangerous can be transported by ordinary transport tanker trucks.
In mid-May this year, at the Coal Oil Plant operated by Ningxia Coal, the reporter observed that both sides of the road were jammed with transport vehicles of all kinds. Many of these were transport, tankers for coal oil and general cargo. Their outsides displayed information such as their volume and the “medium” (介质) [they transport]. One tanker truck driver explained that “medium” generally refers to the substances that tanker trucks transport, and coal oil is regarded as a “common liquid.“
“Right now is the low season, and there are fewer trucks than usual,” said a driver resting in the parking lot. “During the peak season, the lot can accommodate well over a hundred trucks.“ The driver told reporters that most of these tankers are usually parked close by in the area, and once they receive a transport order, they enter the plant to queue up and load up with oil. After that, the coal oil is transported to its destination according to the buyer’s needs. “Many tankers rely on the coal oil plants year-round to make a living,“ he said.
On May 16, a tanker truck with the license plate number “Hebei E××65Z” departed from the Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base [in Ningxia]. It arrived two days later in Qinhuangdao, Hebei, more than 1,000 kilometers away. The tanker truck drove into a small courtyard on the outskirts of town, and set out again just over an hour later. The tanker did not leave immediately, but stopped on a nearby roadside. The driver opened the door as he rested inside the cab of the vehicle, the journalist from the Beijing News observed.
Pretending to ask about how business was going, the reporter from the Beijing News spoke to the driver, who revealed that he had just transported a load of coal oil from Ningxia to Qinhuangdao and unloaded it in a small yard. “They use the oil her to burn and use as kitchen fuel,” he said. He told the reporter that his tanker is one in a fleet of trucks, and that he is a full-time driver. There are more than 10 such trucks in the fleet. After unloading of coal oil, he said, he had not yet received new transport orders, so he was parking on the side of the road to rest. “Generally, we need to get [new] dispatch orders close to where we unload, and we can’t head back with empty vehicles,” he said.
After this [conversation], the Beijing News reporter remained close to observe the movement of the tanker. On the afternoon of May 20, the tanker restarted, and that evening it drove to the town of Yanjiao, just outside the city of Sanhe, in western Hebei province. There it drove into a parking lot belonging to a grain and oil company. According to guards at the facility, the parking lot belongs to Sanhe Huifu Grain and Oil Group, (汇福粮油集团). The tanker truck parked outside the facility and prepared for the transport of edible cooking oil.
At around 10 AM on May 21, the tanker drove right into the production area of the Sanhe Huifu Grain and Oil Group. The tanker had not been cleaned since unloading its cargo of coal oil [from Ningxia on May 18]. One hour later, the tanker was loaded with product the plant. According to the transport document maintained by the factory gatekeeper, the product loaded into the tanker at the factory was first-grade soybean oil, and the net weight of the load was 31.86 tons.
Over the past two years, China’s central government has pressed provinces and cities to join the national push for more effective external propaganda, which it sees as essential to building the country’s international soft power. This week, it unveiled one of the first mechanisms to measure and track progress on this strategic goal — an annual ranking to measure the relative success of cities in building their image abroad.
The “China Cities International Influence Report 2023” (中国城市国际传播影响力报告), announced on Monday, claims to take a global perspective, “synthesizing media reports and internet user responses” to determine how effective various Chinese cities have been in communicating internationally. It was jointly created by a think-tank affiliated by the official China Daily newspaper, under the State Council, and the journalism and communication departments of both Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
In practice, researchers compiling the report seem to have taken a relatively basic measure of presence across traditional media, internet and social media. How often are cities mentioned in mainstream news reports outside China? How often do social media users mention a given city in comments, and how often are these liked or shared? The result is predictable. Beijing and Shanghai top the rankings, with Hangzhou and Shenzhen following in the third and fourth places.
If there is any surprise in the report, it might be that Chongqing, China’s most populous city and a leader of inland commerce, just manages to make the Top Ten. The municipality has been one of the most active in pushing its image and that of China externally through its Chongqing International Communication Center (重庆国际传播中心), which operates the external communication platform iChongqing.
Chongqing was one of the earliest out of the gate with an “international communication center,” or ICC, putting out a call for foreign talent in February 2021 — months before Xi Jinping’s address to a collective session of the CCP Politburo that was meant to recalibrate China’s approach to external propaganda.
China’s provincial and city-level international communication centers, or ICCs, are spearheading efforts promoted by the leadership since 2018 — but accelerating since the May 2021 Politburo session — to “innovate” foreign-directed propaganda under a new province-focused strategy. This allows the leadership to capitalize on the resources of powerful commercial media groups at the provincial level, and also to take advantage of richer story resources — as Xi Jinping has made “telling China’s story well” the heart of the country’s external push for propaganda and soft power.
To date, provincial-level ICCs have been established in 26 provinces and municipalities across China, and the number of city-level ICCs is steadily rising.
Your Partner, China Daily
The involvement of the China Daily in the new ranking procedure is another feature of how the ICC push has unfolded. As the Chinese government’s flagship external media outlet, published through the State Council Information Office — the same office as the CCP’s Central Propaganda Department — China Daily is a critical and well-funded layer of the country’s international communication array. It seems to be serving as a media partner for many newly-created ICCs, particularly at the city level, where there may be less media savvy, and fewer resources, to handle external communication.
As the local Weifang Bohai International Communication Center (潍坊渤海国际传播中心) was launched late last month in Shandong province, China Daily took part in the launch ceremony as a partner, and signed a related framework agreement with the propaganda office of Weifang city. The media group has also signed such framework agreements for international communication with various official think-tanks and cultural institutions, suggesting that it is being tasked with directing broader external propaganda efforts — and is perhaps also capitalizing commercially on this policy from the top.
In May last year, China Dailysigned a similar agreement with the city of Wuhan and its Changjiang International Communication Center (CICC), which involved working closely with the city’s state-run Wuhan Media Group (武汉广播电视台), which administers the ICC under the local propaganda office, on various external promotion activities, including an account called “Wuhan Plus,” which has a special sub-domain on the China Daily website.
The social media brand currently has 2 million followers on Facebook, more than 2,000 subscribers on YouTube, and more than 43,000 followers on Twitter. None of these accounts are labeled as being state-affiliated.
As the annual city influence rankings were released this week, Wuhan came in right at the middle of the Top 10, at number five. The website of the city government quickly pounced on the news as a point that needed publicizing: "Number Five! Wuhan Makes the List of Internationally Influential Chinese Cities," read the enthusiastic headline.
More than five years ago, the top bosses at several US media companies, including the Associated Press (AP), were taken to task by lawmakers in Washington for partnerships with Chinese state media. They expressed concern that such cooperation might compromise the integrity of news and information outside of China as the country’s leadership pursued greater influence over global public opinion.
For all the criticism such partnerships have caused, they show no signs of abating. This was evidenced last month as the president of China’s official Xinhua News Agency, which sits directly under the country’s State Council, made a whirlwind tour from New York to London, meeting with top executives from AP, Reuters, and PA Media Group.
The deal between Xinhua and AP, which involved cooperation on the distribution of photos, videos and press releases, was finalized with a handshake and the exchange of signed copies. It was covered enthusiastically by Xinhua. For AP, meanwhile, the story was apparently not news — no reporting was available. The same pattern held for Reuters and PA Media Group: enthusiastic coverage from Xinhua, silence from its partners.
These deals with Xinhua should invite tougher questions about how international media companies with a stated commitment to professional standards should deal with Chinese media giants whose sole commitment — crystal clear in the country’s domestic political discourse— is to strengthen the global impact of Party-state propaganda.
These partnerships are part of a broader effort by Xinhua to deepen its global media influence, curtailing criticism of the Chinese government and shaping international discourse that portrays the CCP in a positive light. And yet, year in and year out, Western media executives insist, even against the substance of their own statements, that this type of cooperation is just normal business.
The Politics of the Purely Commercial
In 2019, as AP faced blowback from members of the US Senate for cooperation with Xinhua, the global news wire’s then-CEO, Gary Pruitt reassured the lawmakers that the cooperation was “purely commercial in nature,” and that “AP’s business relationship with Xinhua is completely separate and firewalled from its journalistic coverage of China.”
Reuters President Paul Bascobert meets with Xinhua’s Fu Hua on June 12, 2024.
According to the arrangement, Pruitt said, Xinhua and AP had agreed only to an optional arrangement by which the partners could share five text stories and five photos per day. “In practice, AP uses a fraction of those photos and publishes none of the stories,” said Pruitt. As for regular meetings on cooperation, Pruitt said, these are “often a formality.”
If it is true that AP “publishes none of the stories,” this raises the obvious question of why the arrangement is necessary or commercially viable at all. What is the point of such empty formalities? Read the fine print of Pruitt’s reassurance letter and the truth about the arrangement becomes clear. “Like most major news agencies,” said Pruitt, “AP has an agreement with state-run media in China that allows AP to operate inside the country.”
And there we have the crux. AP’s relationship with Xinhua, in place since 1972, is not commercial at all — not really. Instead, it is the political foundation on which AP and other major news agencies, including Reuters, are able to operate in China.
It should be obvious such conditionality has no place in any “purely commercial” arrangement. And as they obscure the true nature of the arrangement, news executives like Veerasingham and Pruitt do a huge injustice to the thousands of journalists who struggle each day to report the facts.
Again and again, international news executives lean into the act of the ostensibly commercial Xinhua deal. As Pruitt’s successor, Associated Press CEO Daisy Veerasingham, met with Xinhua President Fu Hua (傅华) last month, she spoke encouragingly of deepening cooperation. “We have seen many changes in the world,” she said, “but I think the relationship that the two organizations have forged together for so long is a really important indicator for how we can strengthen our relationship in the years ahead.”
Xinhua President (and senior propaganda official) Fu Hua shakes hands with Emily Shelley, CEO of PA Media Group.
What does it mean to strengthen a relationship that AP has consistently minimized in the face of scrutiny, and that it does not even care to disclose?
It bears emphasizing a simple, incontrovertible fact that no one in these instances is making clear — that Fu Hua is not merely a news agency executive but a senior Chinese official with a full ministerial rank, or zhengbuji (正部级), effectively giving him the same ranking as the country’s foreign minister. Fu was elevated three years ago to his current position from his previous role as a deputy minister of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Propaganda Department. Fu is not a champion of shared media values, or a partner in tackling the information challenges of the future. His agenda is that of China’s ruling CCP. Plain and simple.
Meanwhile, this monstrous charade underwrites Xinhua’s credibility as a news agency as it seeks to work across the world, and even to place itself at the center of global media cooperation through a mechanism called the World Media Summit (WMS) — launched in 2009 under an explicit Central Committee directive and headquartered at Xinhua.
As Xinhua signed its MOU last month with PA Media Group in London, it even reported that this cooperation was to happen “under the framework of the World Media Summit.” At CMP, we called it clearly on the WMS 15 years ago. It is time for news executives to catch up.
Fortunately, there are signs of sobriety elsewhere in the international media. On Monday this week, Christoph Jumpelt, the head of the international relations unit at Germany’s public broadcaster, Deutsche Welle, said in a keynote speech here in Taipei that all independent news outlets across the world that uphold democratic values must cooperate to counter the growing threat of propaganda and censorship. “Together, we stand a far better chance of stemming the tide of propaganda,” he said.
“What [authoritarian] regimes have in common is their fear of a well-informed public,” Jumpelt added. “This goes to show the power behind free media.”
International media like AP, Reuters and PA Media Group that claim to uphold professional values need to decide where they stand. If they insist on the charade of standing with Xinhua, shaking hands and signing on the dotted line, they should at least be forthcoming about what exactly it is they fear.
In the spring of 2013, just months after Xi Jinping came to power, reports emerged that the Chinese Communist Party had released a high-level document warning against “infiltration” of the country by dangerous ideas from the outside. When the document was published in full later that year by the US-based Mingjing Magazine, it detailed a range of perceived ideological threats, including the notion of civil society. Document 9, as the text came to be known, portrayed civil society as a threat to CCP rule: “Advocates of civil society want to squeeze the Party out of the leadership of the masses at the local level,” it said ominously, “even setting the Party against the masses, to the point that their advocacy is becoming a serious form of political opposition.”
Document 9 marked a more dramatic expression of the anxieties of China’s leadership toward global civil society. But it was also a reflection of tensions that had been at the heart of China’s relationship with civil society since its development in China in the early post-Mao era. To discuss the history of these tensions, and their relevance today, CMP sat down with Anthony Spires, an Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Contemporary Chinese Studies, whose research on China has encompassed civil society, political sociology, organizational development, and philanthropy. Released in April this year, Spires’ most recent work, Global Civil Society and China, looks at the country’s conflicted relationship with global civil society.
David Bandurski: In your monograph, you write about China’s unstable relationship with the idea of “civil society” — how it totters between the hope of enlightenment and the threat of national security. Maybe you could start by bringing us up to speed on the history of civil society development in China, and how it has grappled with this relationship.
Anthony Spires: There’s a long history of community association in dynastic times, of course, but the most recent introduction of “civil society” started in the 1980s, when there was much anticipation – and expectation in and outside China – that Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms would also lead to political reform. The violent crackdown on the protests of 1989, though, put an end to speculation about political reform, especially the hope that the government might tolerate community-based groups outside its control.
The protests also led to the birth of what we now call government-organized nongovernmental organizations or GONGOs. The basic idea there is that with the 1989 protests the government suddenly became aware of deep problems within a rapidly changing society, so it mobilized party members and state agencies to ‘go into’ society, find out what the problems were, then report back with policy suggestions. GONGOs were originally meant to be a kind of ‘transmission belt’, figuring out what problems people were encountering in society, reporting up to policymakers, then sending new policies back down into society to fix the problems. So, GONGOs are one part of the story of associational life in China.
But then, with the UN Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995, the government was required to also allow an international NGO Forum to be held at the same time. That forum is widely credited with introducing the idea of independent, bottom-up civil society organizations into post-Mao China. Although it was focused on women – including women’s rights, education for girls, and other related issues – the forum also legitimated community-based activity on a whole range of issues, from the environment to ethnic minority concerns to labor rights.
Bandurski: That time, in the late 1990s, was also when a new era of commercialized media took off in China, not to mention the birth of the Chinese internet. Did that help to spread this idea even further?
It took a few years for the idea of an NGO to spread beyond Beijing and a couple of other major cities, but the rise of the internet in the early 2000’s helped usher in a wave of grassroots NGOs in the Hu-Wen era. So, by the time I started researching these issues in 2004, there were a range of groups operating on all kinds of ‘new’ social issues, everything from HIV to autism and LGBTQ+ rights, and rural educational inequality to environmental protection. Even groups supporting sex workers – although sex work was and remains illegal in China – emerged during this period.
The rise of the internet in the early 2000’s helped usher in a wave of grassroots NGOs.
All of this happened, to be sure, alongside an influx of global civil society actors. The Women’s Conference in 1995 was a massive, attention-getting event, but prior to that, in the 1980s, the PRC government itself had begun inviting INGOs, international NGOs, to come in. Groups like the Ford Foundation, Oxfam, and a lot of others began advising and eventually running programs on everything from disaster relief to – in the case of Ford – the re-establishment of sociology as an academic discipline at universities.
Bandurski: That’s an interesting case of the benefits of global civil society engagement. What other issues were a focus then? We often hear about the environment as a can-go issue.
Spires: Yes, a number of groups went into Yunnan, in the southwest, to work on a range of environmental protection issues, which eventually grew to include work with ethnic minority groups, women’s economic empowerment, education, drug addiction treatment facilities, and other issues.
With assistance from the Panyu Workers Center, a civil society organizations, workers from Guangdong’s Liansheng Moulding Factory successfully won about five million yuan in compensation in 2013. SOURCE: China Labour Bulletin.
Guangdong, in particular, became a hotspot for labor rights activism, in no small part due to direct influences from NGOs based across the border in Hong Kong.
Although the PRC state had itself invited INGOs and actively lobbied to host the UN Women’s Conference, by around 2005 at least parts of the party had become worried that the ‘Color Revolutions’ of Europe and Central Asia might spread to its own territories. Claims that domestic and international NGOs were working as agents of foreign governments, supported by foreign money, began circulating in elite circles and, eventually, within academia and the official press.
Bandurski: In your book you use this concept, or contrast, of angels and demons.
That’s right. It was in this context that Zhao Liqing, a professor at the Central Party School, penned a short analysis asking whether INGOs – and, by extension, global civil society – were ‘angels’ helping China or ‘demons’ out to bring down the CCP and overthrow the state.
Zhao summarized the arguments of the conservative critics of INGOs, but he also noted the positive contributions they had made to China, including funding, new ideas, and new methods for addressing social problems. On balance, he concluded, INGOs were a net positive, although the country still needed to be on guard against potential negative impacts.
Bandurski: National security thinking seems always to be in the foreground in China in these days. Having observed Chinese civil society over the past couple of decades, how do you think this security mindset has impacted groups and activities on the ground?
Spires: National security concerns have grown since Zhao Liqing published his article in 2006, and they remain a constant concern not just for the state but also for Chinese civil society groups. NGOs, activists, and scholar-activists (of which there are a few at Chinese universities) have learned they need to be aware of the political wrangling over the desirability of international influences. Leading up to the 2014 Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement protests in Hong Kong, many Chinese NGOs were visited by authorities coming to check their financial records, demanding they disclose any and all contact with overseas NGOs, including those from Hong Kong.
Just a couple of years later, with the development of the INGO Law in 2016, another wide-ranging discussion of foreign influences took place within domestic NGOs, as well as within academic institutions. There were many academics at universities and at government think tanks who had been beneficiaries of foreign foundation monies, of course, taking overseas trips or being sponsored for short exchanges or periods of study at overseas universities. In short, the overall level of attention, and suspicion of any overseas connections, has just grown in the past 10 years.
With the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, of course, Hong Kong connections were thrust into the limelight again, so that nowadays many groups have to be much more circumspect and cautious when considering working with foreign NGOs, even those with approved operations and offices in the Chinese mainland.
Bandurski: Are there other factors, aside from national security, that have shaped civil society development in China?
Spires: I think national security is a common thread running through the last 20 years of civil society development, for sure. But another big change is the rise of domestic philanthropy. As Chinese entrepreneurs have gotten richer – some very, very rich – there’s been a push from the government to have them contribute to government-approved causes like education. And, of course, many entrepreneurs are also keen to ‘give back’ to society, working on government priority issues like education but also health care, the environment, and other issues they personally care about.
The overall level of attention, and suspicion of any overseas connections, has just grown in the past 10 years.
And the rise of social media – where people can put out calls for help – and offer help to others – has also changed the civil society scene quite dramatically. These are developments that can largely be seen as a result of economic growth, but I’d say their impacts on civil society are things we’re only just beginning to make sense of. Overall, it means there’s more money going towards ‘charitable causes’, and while the government would like to direct those funds where it wants them, it also opens up space to talk about the things grassroots actors are doing and the values and goals that underpin their efforts. That, in turn, means there’s increased awareness of civil society, again expanding the realm of what’s possible and the conversations people can have about what different groups in society need.
Bandurski: That growing awareness is a good segue into the question of shared values.A key point you make in your exploration of rhetoric and reality is that the idea of “universal values,” including broader notions of human rights and democracy, has gained currency. Many observers of China will have a knee-jerk response to this. How is this possible, they might say, when we know that even a high-level CCP document right at the start of Xi’s first term more than a decade ago explicitly rejected the idea of civil society, freedom of speech, constitutionalism and so on. . . My question is getting long. But could you tease out this question of rhetoric and reality? How is the Party leadership deploying its own rhetoric, how is civil society responding, and where do you see this gain in currency you write about?
Spires: Many groups that may appear as ‘non-governmental’ to people outside China are in reality PRC government creations. I wouldn’t see this as a trend, though, but rather as long-standing standard operating practice. In the book I recall meeting a civil servant in Guangdong almost twenty years ago who had multiple cards – or ‘hats’, as he called them. He normally wore his government hat in his day-to-day life, but when heading overseas he and his colleagues put on their GONGO hats so that they could get permission to leave the country more easily – there are lots of restrictions on government officials traveling overseas (even more nowadays, actually). But, as he said, wearing that GONGO hat also makes it easier to talk with foreigners.
Granted, what ‘easier’ means is up for debate, but clearly in part it means that Chinese officials have worked out that NGOs are here to stay, globally, and that GONGOs offer access to doing things overseas that may not be so easy in their PRC government official role. This is a fair assessment, I’d say. Whether foreigners should be surprised or especially concerned, however, is probably up to the context and what’s at stake morally or practically. But, inside China itself, the context is very clear – no organization with ‘China’ in its official name is going to be anything but state-approved and state-controlled.
That doesn’t mean GONGO representatives have no room to take their own initiative at times, but it does mean that, ultimately, they will be held accountable by the party-state. So, in the realm of human rights, for example, although Chinese GONGOs can utilize the language of international human rights when testifying at UN hearings, they must be careful to do so in ways that do not contradict the stated goals or policies of Beijing.
Bandurski: Given the situation in China today, what role do you think there still is for global civil society in China?
Spires: Global civil society continues to have an interest in China. It’s scaled down from before, to be sure, as there’s a sense – both inside and outside the country – that China doesn’t need so much foreign ‘charitable’ aid anymore. But the changed political climate has also meant that activities deemed potentially threatening to the state – like rights-based advocacy – are much less likely to feature centrally in the work that INGOs can do there.
Some groups have just left altogether, but the ones that have stayed have had to adapt to what the state prefers. In some ways, the situation of INGOs isn’t so different from that of China’s home-grown grassroots groups. In the early 1990s and ‘00s, there was a lot more free-wheeling dynamism in civil society activities, more experimentation, and even pushing right up against political boundaries. But today, if you’re an INGO that wants to be on the ground and make a difference on whatever issue you care about the most, you have to play by the government’s rules.
China’s foreign diplomacy often seems to rest on the ironclad premise that the world can never have enough of the country’s soft and cuddly pandas. For Sichuan, which the Giant Panda calls home, the fuzzy creature is at the heart of its latest media diplomacy push — in Portuguese.
The Sichuan International Communication Center (四川国际传播中心), or SICC, an office directly under the provincial propaganda office of Sichuan, announced the launch yesterday of a branch center in São Paulo in cooperation with the popular mobile short video sharing app Kuaishou (快手). The center’s signature outreach brand will be called “PandaNotícias.”
“Hey everyone in Brazil,” read the message from the center, “a ‘panda’ has arrived in São Paulo!” According to a promotional poster for PandaNotícias and the new SICC branch, the center’s nickname will be: “Brazil Panda Living Room” (巴西熊猫客厅). “Olá Mundo!” it said — “Hello, World!”
According to a report from Sichuan Online, the province’s government portal site, the new center aims to “create a bridgehead to boost humanistic exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between Sichuan and Brazil.” The report noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Brazil and that Brazil recently opened its third diplomatic mission in China — the Consulate General of Brazil in Chengdu.
The Sichuan International Communication Center (SICC), which was included in the province’s 14th Five-Year Development Plan in February 2021, is part of a nationwide push by China’s CCP leadership since around 2018-2019 to intensify and diversify the work of external propaganda by drawing on the resources of provincial media groups.
For more on ICCs, refer to our previous posts on the trend:
In just the second case since late 2022 of a graft probe against a standing official at the provincial level, Zhang Jianchun (张建春), a deputy minister at the CCP’s powerful Central Propaganda Department, was accused on Friday of “severe violations of discipline and law” — a signal that a corruption investigation is underway.
The decision was announced through the website of China’s top anti-corruption body, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, but no details of the alleged crimes were given. The news was reported widely across Chinese-language outlets overseas, including Taiwan’s United Daily News and RFI.
Zhang, 59, had a lengthy career in the CCP’s Organization Department, the body that essentially serves as the human resources heart of the Party, arranging for official appointments and personnel assignments. In November 2018, he was briefly promoted to deputy minister in the department, before being transferred in 2020 to the Central Propaganda Department (CPD).
According to official sources, a meeting was held in the Central Propaganda Department on Friday evening, during which Minister of Propaganda Li Shulei (李書磊) conveyed the seriousness of the allegations against Zhang. A brief release on the gathering stated only that “comrades at the meeting unanimously expressed their support for the decision of the CCP Central Committee to conduct the disciplinary examination and supervisory investigation into the suspected serious disciplinary violations of Zhang Jianchun.”
Since Xi Jinping came to power in late 2012, two senior propaganda officials have faced investigation for corruption. At left, Liu Jianchun; at right, Lu Wei, former head of the Cyberspace Administration of China.
As a deputy minister responsible largely for the news and publishing sector, Zhang appeared publicly in a largely ceremonial capacity. In the wake of the 2022 CCP congress he presided over a gathering of publishing houses to stress the importance of releasing published teaching materials about Xi Jinping’s political report. The month before he had officiated at a gathering of Party-run newspaper publishers, where he blandly emphasized the importance of adhering to the leadership of “comrade Xi Jinping as the core.”
Prior to the news of his downfall, Zhang Jianchun had not made a public appearance in two months. On April 17, he met with the visiting director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Kathi Vidal. His last appearance was on April 23, when he attended a youth reading forum.
Zhang is just the second provincial-ranked, or shengbuji (省部级), official to “fall off his horse” (落马) — list being the colorful phrase in Chinese for being sacked for corruption — since the 20th National Congress of the CCP in October 2022. He is the first senior official from within China’s propaganda system to fall from grace since the arrest in 2017 of Lu Wei (鲁炜), China’s colorful first czar of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). Like Zhang a deputy minister in the CPD, Lu was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2019.
On June 7, the municipality of Tianjin became the latest provincial-level jurisdiction in China to launch a central office for disseminating foreign propaganda. According to coverage in Tianjin’s flagship CCP-run newspaper, the Tianjin Daily, the center will focus on television, radio and multimedia products for foreign distribution, as well as “major international events,” all to “present a true, multidimensional, and lively image of Tianjin.”
The formation of the Tianjin ICC follows closely on the heels of the set up on May 31 of Zhejiang International Communication Center (浙江国际传播中心), or ZICC. A release from provincial media in Zhejiang called ZICC “an all-in-one communication platform.” The center, which consolidates state media resources at the provincial-level, comprises websites, dedicated news channels, and an “overseas social media platform account matrix” with a total follower base of over 8 million.
With the addition of the Tianjin and Zhejiang centers, the number of provincial-level ICCs in China now stands at 23.
China’s provincial and city-level international communication centers, or ICCs, are spearheading efforts promoted by the leadership since 2018, and accelerating over the past two years, to “innovate” foreign-directed propaganda under a new province-focused strategy. In June 2023, provincial and city-level ICCs in China created a mutual association to better coordinate work nationwide. The process of integrating the ICCs both horizontally and vertically, including with central state media, has begun to emerge as a core strategy in the CCP’s remaking of its overall propaganda matrix.
In a fitting illustration last week of the Chinese leadership’s unrelenting efforts to manipulate collective memory, an online essay with a shocking revelation about the wholesale disappearance of Chinese internet content spanning the 2000s was deleted by content monitors. But the post, quickly archived and shared, reverberated in platforms beyond PRC-managed cyberspace.
Written by He Jiayan (何加盐), an internet influencer active since 2018, the essay concluded, based on a wide range of searches of various entertainment and cultural figures from the late 1990s through the mid-2000s, that nearly 100 percent of content from major internet portals and private websites from the first decade of China’s internet has now been obliterated. “No one has recognized a serious problem,” wrote He. “The Chinese-language internet is rapidly collapsing, and Chinese-language internet content predating the emergence of the mobile internet has almost entirely disappeared.”
Simple searches through the Baidu search engine for public figures such as Alibaba founder Jack Ma and Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun (雷军), who would have yielded perhaps millions of unique posts during the period of the “traditional internet” from the late 1990s through the end of the 2000s, turned up few if any results, He Jiayan revealed. These wholesale absences in Chinese-language content from inside China were repeated when He used non-Chinese search engines, including Google and Bing.
The post cited several reasons for this mass vanishing, including the phasing out of private websites and blog platforms as technologies developed, the shuttering of old and unprofitable platforms by commercial providers who have no commercial incentive to maintain archives, and a lack of social resources in China that might handle archiving as a preservation initiative (like Internet Archive in the United States). But as others commented outside the Great Firewall, the most decisive factor in the loss of content and the failure to archive has been the Chinese Communist Party and its mandate for political and ideological control of history and public opinion.
Posted on Wednesday, May 22, He’s post had been removed from WeChat by the following day, yielding a 404 message that read: “This content violates regulations and cannot be viewed.”
Acknowledging the various reasons for the widespread outage of content from the period of China’s traditional internet, the fact of this mass vanishing raises huge questions about the role of the internet in the formation of collective identity — and what it will mean for entire landscapes of history to be simply gone. “In the internet era to come, as people look back on the first two decades of the 21st century, it will be a 20-year period absent from the historical record,” He wrote. “If you still glimpse old information right now on the Chinese internet, these are just the last rays of the setting sun.”
[A partial translation of He Jiayan’s post follows]
“The Chinese Internet is Collapsing” (中文互联网正在加速崩塌)
Let me ask you a small question:
If we search for the name “Jack Ma” (马云) on Baidu, and then set our search parameters from 1998 to 2005, how many pieces of information do you suppose we’ll turn up? 100 million? 10 million? One million?
I have asked in several groups, and most feel it should be somewhere in the neighborhood of millions or tens of millions. After all, the internet is such a vast reservoir of information. Jack Ma, as the stormy entrepreneur of that era, must have left a lot of traces on the Internet.
The full search results, in fact, are as follows:
Within the selected date range of “May 22, 1998 to May 22, 2005” on Baidu, there is just one positive result for “Jack Ma” (dated May 22, 2024).
This piece of information is also false. Click on the result and you’ll find it is an article posted in 2021, which does not fall within the specified time frame but is somehow, inexplicably, returned.
This means that if we set out to understand Jack Ma’s experience over this particular time period — including news reports, public discussions, his speeches, company developments, and so on — the sum total of the material we derive from this search is zero.
You may imagine this is a problem unique to Baidu. But if you switch to Bing or Google, can you obtain search results?
I tested, these two sites to search for valid information, and both were not much different from Baidu. They had slightly more, but only in the single digits still. There were also more cases again of invalid information out of order [within the time frame], results that were wrongly pulled out of the search for some unspecified technical reason.
You might wonder if this could happen because Jack Ma is one of the more controversial people out there — that for some indescribable reason, his information is unsearchable.
But Jack Ma is in fact not an isolated case. If we search for [Tencent founder] Pony Ma (马化腾), [Xiaomi CEO] Lei Jun (雷军), [Huawei CEO] Ren Zhengfei (任正非), and so on, or even for figures like [Chinese entrepreneur and internet celebrity] Luo Yonghao (罗永浩) and Sister Fu Rong (芙蓉姐姐) who were hot topics at that time, and even if we search for internet stars like [Taiwanese singer and musician] Jay Chou (周杰伦) or [Super Girl contest winner] Li Yuchun (李宇春), we still get the same results.
When we search for information about Lei Jun for the period, here are the results we get:
A search by He Jiayuan for Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun on Baidu turns up no results.
After testing various websites and people’s names, over varying time periods, I discovered a shocking phenomenon:
Nearly all of the Chinese websites that were popular back in those days — the likes of NetEase (网易), Sohu (搜狐), Campus BBS (校园BBS, Xici Hutong (西祠胡同), Kaidi Maoyan (凯迪猫眼), Tianya Forum (天涯论坛), SchoolNet (校内网), Sina blogs (新浪博客), Baidu Post (百度贴吧), and a massive number of personal websites — have completely vanished before a certain date, or in most cases have disappeared altogether. The only apparent exception is, where you can still find some information from more than ten years ago, but still very little. More than 99.9999 percent of the other content from that time has disappeared.
No one has recognized a serious problem: the Chinese-language internet is rapidly collapsing, and Chinese-language internet content predating the emergence of the mobile Internet has almost entirely disappeared.
We once believed that the internet had a memory. We failed to realize that this memory was like the memory of a goldfish.
A Chinese YouTube influencer reads He Jiayan’s deleted essay aloud, and comments on the case.
This problem came to my attention because the subject of the He Jiayan public account is the research of leading lights in society. For this reason, I routinely need to research material about such figures.
Over the past two years, I had a very distinct feeling: the amount of original material I could find online was declining in a sharp, cliff-like manner. Some of the original reports I had seen in the past were later slowly vanishing. The speeches that my target subjects had made in the past, or the articles they had written, were also becoming impossible to find. Video interviews and discussions I had seen before were also slowly disappearing.
Perhaps there was a monster devouring webpages, and it was following the historical timeline — swallowing pages starting in the past and moving on toward the present, first in nibbles and then in great bites, chomping away the Chinese internet in five and ten-year chunks.