Author: David Bandurski

Now Executive Director of the China Media Project, leading the project’s research and partnerships, David originally joined the project in Hong Kong in 2004. He is the author of Dragons in Diamond Village (Penguin), a book of reportage about urbanization and social activism in China, and co-editor of Investigative Journalism in China (HKU Press).

Discourse Climate Report: May 2018

For May 2018, we have just two Chinese Communist Party phrases topping the official discourse in the People’s Daily with “blazing” (沸) ratings. These are, perhaps not so surprisingly, “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era” (习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想), President Xi Jinping’s “banner term” (旗帜语), and “Belt and Road” (一带一路), China’s ambitious infrastructure-driven foreign policy program. Several other key terms saw relative cool downs in May. They include: “19th National Congress” (十九大); “China Solution” (中国方案); and “Two Centenary [Goals]” (两个一百年).
Which Party leaders got top billing in the People’s Daily? Xi Jinping was naturally in a league of his own, with 749 appearances (articles mentioning him) for the month. Premier Li Keqiang was a distant second, with 79 appearances. The next three members of the Politburo Standing Committee come in very close to one another, almost as though following an informal rule. They are:  Wang Yang (汪洋), with 20 article mentions; Li Zhanshu (栗战书), with 19 article mentions; and Han Zheng (韩正), with 19 article mentions.
As for foreign leaders in the People’s Daily, Donald Trump still held the top position in May, with a total of 29 articles mentioning him. Relatively speaking, however, it was a cool month for the U.S. president, who had 49 mentions back in April.
We also take a look in this report at the phrase “Amazing China” (厉害了,我的国), inspired by the 90-minute propaganda film, billed as the highest-grossing documentary film in China’s history, that was released back in March. “Amazing China” peaked as a discourse phrase in the People’s Daily in March, but has since declined to zero. This follows rumors that the Central Propaganda Department ordered the documentary film’s removal from the internet back in April. That may have been the case, but we found that the film is still available online in a number of places, including at Tencent Video (腾讯视频) and Youku (优酷).
The full Chinese-language report, produced this month by Fei Yun, follows. Enjoy.

5月语象速递 | 我的国

语温 关键词语


针对党内政治纪律和思想作风的“政治规矩”、“三严三实”、“两学一做”有所升温,同时近两个月不温不火的“撸起袖子”和“道路自信”也渐渐回暖。虽然数个有关法治建设的关键词温度不变(如“科学立法”、“依法行政”、“依宪施政”、 “建设社会主义法治国家” 、“司法公正”、“司法责任制”),或降温(如“法治政府”、“司法体制改革”),也有几个关键词也显露升温迹象,包括:“良法” 、“中国特色社会主义法治体系” 、“依宪治国”、“依宪执政”,均从冷级升至温级。其中,“依宪治国”、“依宪执政”两个词大多出现于有关宪法学习宣传报告会的语境中,文章常引述习近平的话“依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,坚持依法执政首先要坚持依宪执政”。

关键词 2017年11月 2017年12月 2018年1月 2018年2月 2018年3月 2018年4月 2018年5月

除习(749次)、李(79次)之外,曝光度位列前三的政要分别为全国政协主席汪洋(20次)、全国人大常委会委员长栗战书(19次)、国务院副总理韩正(19次),三人同属热级。栗本月出访非洲三国埃塞俄比亚、莫桑比克和纳米比亚,而汪、韩两人曾出席纪念马克思诞辰200周年大会等多个重要会议 。

海南省委书记刘赐贵继续领跑地方政要曝光度榜单(88次),重庆市委书记陈敏尔跃升至次席(78次),多次位列榜首的西藏党委书记吴英杰(74次)排名第三 。与上月相比,提及黑龙江省委书记张庆伟的报道数量翻番(由31次增至66次),江西省委书记刘奇(由42次变为61次)和吉林省委书记巴音朝鲁(由45次变为65次)的曝光度也有较大提升。在过去三个月里持续降温的天津省委书记李鸿忠触底反弹,被提及的报道篇数较上月增加15次,和3月基本持平(5月为55次,3月为56次)。

  1. “列宁”和“马克思列宁主义”

5月4日,纪念马克思诞辰200周年大会在京召开,习近平在讲话中曾7次提及“列宁”,其中包含3次“马克思列宁主义” 。他引用“列宁”的话来评价马克思思想理论、赞颂马克思和恩格斯的革命友谊,将其视为马克思主义者的代表:领导了十月革命,成功实践了社会主义理论,“继承和发展马克思主义民族理论”,协助指导了殖民地半殖民地国家民族解放运动, 帝国主义殖民体系因而瓦解,人类迈入了文明进程的新纪元。

  1. “集体领导”



  1. “厉害了,我的国”


“厉害了,我的国”词频(2018年1月—4月) | 数据来源:人民日报图文数据库

The Rise of "Xi Jinping News Thought"?

At the 19th National Congress last October, Xi Jinping’s new banner term, “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,” was enshrined in the Party’s constitution. This week, it looks like President Xi may have received another honor — his own ideology in the realm of news and public opinion. The Party’s official People’s Daily reported on June 14 that a discussion forum was held on June 13 on the topic of “Xi Jinping News Thought and Theory” (习近平新闻思想理论). This marks the first time that the phrase “Xi Jinping News Thought” (习近平新闻思想) has appeared in the People’s Daily — and could be a mark of the term’s ascendance.

June 9 – June 15
➢  United Front Work Department (中央统战部) holds forum of “online representatives”(网络代表人士)
➢  Party newspapers hold a forum on “Xi Jinping News Thought and Theory”(习近平新闻思想理论), and teaching materials on Xi Jinping News Thought are published.
➢  “People’s Express” platform jointly launched by People’s Daily and Baidu
➢  Video platform Tik Tok reports daily active users surpassing 150 million
➢  City of Xiamen forms first group of “cybersecurity volunteers.”
[1] United Front Work Department Holds Forum of “Online Representatives”
On June 11, the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (中央统战部) held a forum bringing together more than 50 so-called “online representatives” (网络代表人士), including executives from top internet companies, operators of new media and we-media platforms (自媒体平台), “Big V” (网络大V) internet celebrities, online writers and others to “jointly study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech to the National Work Conference on Cybersecurity (全国网络安全和信息化工作会议), held back in April. Among those in attendance were Zhou Hongyi (周鸿祎), the founder and CEO of the software company Qihoo, Zhou Yuan (周源), the founder and CEO of Zhihu, and Li Wu (李武), the founder of Blue Whale Media (蓝鲸财经).
Zhou Hongyi, the Qihoo founder, and also a delegate to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, told those gathered that cybersecurity has already bid farewell to the era of “information security” and now moved into an era of “big security” (大安全). In this new era, said Zhou, there could be no broader national security without ensuring cybersecurity — and there could be no way of building China into an “internet power” (网络强国). Echoing the language of the Party leadership, Zhou said that everyone must abide by “the correct view of cybersecurity” (正确的网络安全观), and must employ new cybersecurity strategies and methods, actively working to create the proper environment for cybersecurity.
Key Chinese Reports:
WeChat public account “New Words on the United Front” (统战新语): 50余位网络代表人士齐聚中央统战部,共话网络同心圆!
[2] Party newspapers hold a forum on “Xi Jinping News Thought and Theory”
The Party’s official People’s Daily reported on June 14 that the newspaper held a discussion forum on June 13 on the topic of “Xi Jinping News Thought and Theory” (习近平新闻思想理论). This marks the first time that the phrase “Xi Jinping News Thought” (习近平新闻思想) has appeared in the People’s Daily — and could be a mark of the term’s ascendance. According to the report, scholars from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University and other institutions were present at the discussion forum — and all “fully affirmed the People’s Daily‘s trailblazing role in implementing Xi Jinping News Thought.”
According to the People’s Daily, there was a consensus at the meeting that since the 18th National Congress of the CCP in 2012, there had been continued breaking of new ground in the Party’s news and public opinion work (新闻舆论工作), and that the fundamental reason for these advances had been the “scientific direction” (科学指引) provided by Xi Jinping News Thought.
Also on June 14, the official Xinhua News Agency reported that a new book called “Lessons in Xi Jinping News Thought” (习近平新闻思想讲义), edited by the Central Propaganda Department and published by the People’s Publishing House (人民出版社) and Study Press (学习出版社), was now available in bookstores across China. The report said the book was important teaching material in Xi Jinping News Thought.
Key Chinese Reports:
People’s Daily (人民日报): 高举旗帜 守正创新 人民日报召开习近平新闻思想理论研讨会
Xinhua News Agency (新华社): 《习近平新闻思想讲义(2018年版)》出版发行
[3] Launch Ceremony for “People’s Express,” a New Comprehensive News Platform
On June 11, the People’s Daily held a launch ceremony for “People’s Express” (人民号), a brand new news platform created in “comprehensive strategic cooperation” with the technology company Baidu. The AI-enabled platform, which has invited more than 2,000 mainstream news organizations, government agencies and other bodies to join up, claims to provide comprehensive mobile content production and distribution services. The platform will allow individual content producers to share income on the basis of content performance.
Linkage and cooperation with commercial media platforms is a major distinguishing characteristic of “People’s Express,” according to Chinese news reports. At the launch ceremony, the People’s Daily and Baidu formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The agreement involves the linking of “People’s Express” with “Baijiahao” (百家号), Baidu’s content search and distribution platform. Users registered on the “Baijiahao” platform will be green-lighted for opening “People’s Express” accounts, and users of “People’s Express” will benefit from traffic on the “Baijiahao” platform.
Key Chinese Reports:
People’s Daily (人民日报): 全国移动新媒体聚合平台“人民号”上线
Media Observer (传媒大观察): 国家队“人民号”进军自媒体平台,用户收益百度买单
[4] Daily Active Users of Tik Tok Surpass 150 Million, Many Government Bodies and Enterprises Join the Platform
On June 12, Tik Tok (抖音), the short video platform operated by Jinri Toutiao, made its first release of numbers on users of the platform, reporting 150 million daily active users. More than 40 percent of active users are in the 24-30 age group. The platform reports that more than 500 government organs and mainstream media have joined, including People’s Daily Online, CCTV News, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and others. According to a report from Xinhua News Agency, two of the earliest official organizations to join Tik Tok, the Chinese Communist Youth League and China Peace, a website operated by the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, both recorded more than a millions fans on the platform.
Tik Tok can be said to be an up-and-coming social media platform in China, but still lags behind WeChat and Weibo in popularity.
Key Chinese Reports:
WeChat public account “Chief Editor Wen Jing” (主编温静):  抖音日活超1.5亿,与腾讯的竞争公开化底气在哪里?
[5] Xiamen Forms First Group of “Cybersecurity Volunteers”
According to a report from Xinhua News Agency, police in Xiamen have formed a “cybersecurity volunteer” (网络安全志愿者) group in order to “extensively mobilize the masses to participate in the governance of the internet.” The report said the group comprised a broad range of website managers, operators of popular WeChat accounts, security personnel at internet service companies, experts and scholars, university students and “ordinary city residents who care about cybersecurity.”
According to Chinese media reports, the “cybersecurity volunteers” of Xiamen will conduct propaganda activities concerning cybersecurity, and will be tasked with providing leads on online crimes and irregularities, “assisting the police in raising the level of prevention and control, and responsiveness, in internet security.”
Key Chinese Reports:
Xinhua News Agency (新华网): 厦门成立首批“网络安全志愿者”队伍

Flights of Speculation

As the June 12 meeting in Singapore between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un draws nearer — Kim now settling in to his suite at the St Regis Hotel — discussion of the subject on Chinese social media is a matter of some sensitivity. China has a lot at stake in the outcome of negotiations over the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, and Party leaders are no doubt eager to avoid unwanted chatter. And one area of apparent sensitivity for the authorities in recent days has been the simple question of how exactly Kim is getting to Singapore.
According to a report in The Straits Times, Singapore’s English-language broadsheet, Kim arrived in Singapore today on a jet belonging to the fleet of Air China, the People’s Republic of China’s flag carrier.
Over the past few days, posts on Weibo speculating that Kim would be flying to Singapore in an Air China 747 were deleted by censors. Previous media reports had indicated that Kim would be traveling on a Soviet-era Russian plan, but curiosity was aroused when a 747 originally thought to be scheduled for a return to Beijing from Pyongyang was reportedly rerouted to Singapore. A Weibo post at 6:56PM Beijing time on June 8 by well-known nationalist scholar Wang Xiaodong (王小东), the author of the 2009 book Unhappy China, was deleted in just under 40 minutes. “According to Japanese television reports,” Wang wrote, “[Kim] will be taken to Singapore on a China-branded airplane.”
Noting the speculation yesterday about the use of an Air China plane, and perhaps putting his finger on one point of sensitivity for China, Richard McGregor of the Lowy Institute, suggested on Twitter that China might be the “best-informed third party” at the Singapore summit:

A post at 2:07PM Beijing time today by Weibo user Xu Zhenyi (许振义), former director for Asia at the National University of Singapore (NUS), sharing a Twitter post from police in Singapore, read simply: “Singapore police will be shutting down traffic between the Changyi Airport and Tanglin Road within the next hour. It’s really possible [he’s taken] a [Chinese] national airline. Kim is coming.”
The post had been censored by 3:13PM.
Tanglin Road, referenced in Xu’s post, is the location of the St Regis Hotel, where Kim will reportedly be staying ahead of the summit.
But Kim’s flight seemed to remain a topic of some confusion. An afternoon report from South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency focussed attention on Kim’s official Soviet-era aircraft, Chammae-1, saying that it had passed through Beijing airspace and was heading southwest on a 7-8 hour journey to Singapore. And a post at 1:58 Beijing time by Chinese scholar Wu Ming (吴铭), sharing the gist of the Yonhap report, was deleted 36 minutes later.

  1. 2018-06-10 13:57:57 | 金正恩的专机“苍鹰一号”于平壤时间10日上午9时30分许从平壤起飞,飞往新加坡。根据飞机航班信息查询网站Flightradar24的消息,“苍鹰一号”穿越北京上空正在开往西南方向,没有航空器呼号或航班号。由于“苍鹰一号”的航班号未被公开,其航迹在穿过河北上空之后才被捕捉到。 ​

Kim may already have touched down in Singapore. But speculation as to how exactly he got there still seems to be flying.

New Buzzword: "Super-strong Leadership"

Remember those days when China grumbled constantly about biased Western media and how they never let up in their criticism? Well, this week we have a markedly different voice quite close to the center of power — a publication of the Central Party school that rounds up praise from the West to show how Xi Jinping is respected around the world for his “superstrong leadership,” or chaoqiang lingdao (超强领导). A consummate piece of official flattery, the article glorifies in the “chaos of the West,” to which it says Xi Jinping offers a “clear alternative.” Also this week — speaking of strongmen — we had an exclusive interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin ahead of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Qingdao. The interview was conducted by Shen Haixiong (慎海雄), the official who heads up the recently consolidated China Media Group (“Voice of China”), making him, you could say, one of China’s top-ranking journalists.

May 31 – June 8
➢  Central Party School publication runs a research article on the “superstrong leadership of Xi Jinpiing in the new era.”
➢  Ministerial level journalist Shen Haixiong (慎海雄) interviews Putin, heating up official coverage of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit.
➢  The 2017 Annual Media Responsibility Report is released, indicators including “correct channeling” (正确引导) and “secure publishing and broadcasting” (安全刊播).
➢  Guangdong’s Cyberspace Office links up with other administrative departments to carry out a purge of so-called “online fake news” (网上假新闻) and “news extortion” (新闻敲诈).
➢  The head of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission says social media in political media affairs must be developed to “attract fans” — “so that tens of millions of online users and hear the voice of the Party in the midst of the cacophony.”
[1] Party School Publication Runs Research on “Super-strong” Leadership of Xi Jinping in the New Era
In its second edition for 2018, China Leadership Science (中国领导科学), a quarterly publication by the Central Party School (中央党校), ran a research piece called “A Terrific Leader: A Study of International Praise for Xi Jinping’s Super-strong Leadership in the New Era” (了不起的领导人——习近平新时代超强领导力国际赞誉研究), which drew on foreign media reports and remarks from politicians to emphasize the “super-strong leadership” (超强领导力) of Xi Jinping. The article argues that the deep study of international praise for Xi Jinping’s “super-strong leadership in the New Era” will certainly “benefit us in further strengthening the ‘Four Consciousnesses’ (四个意识), in adhering to the ‘Four Confidences’ (四个自信), in resolutely preserving General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core status within the entire Party, and maintaining a high level of uniformity in ideology, politics and action with the central Party of which Comrade Xi Jinping is the core.”
The phrase “super-strong leadership” appeared back in January 2018 at a theoretical research conference by the China Leadership Science Academy (中国领导科学研究会) called “The Study and Implementation of the Spirit of the 19th National Congress, Forging New Leadership in the New Era” (学习贯彻十九大精神,锻造新时代新领导力), a conference organized by the Central Party School. Luo Zongyi (罗宗毅), the official in charge of education at the Central Party School, said in his opening remarks to the conference that Xi Jinping leadership ideas in the New Era, encompassed by Xi Jinping Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for the New Era and its exercise, provided a strong theoretical direction and practical guide to “the adherence to the Party’s leadership over all work.”
Key Chinese Reports:
China Leadership Science (中国领导科学): 了不起的领导人——习近平新时代超强领导力国际赞誉研究  [PDF Here: 了不起的领导人_习近平新时代超强领导力国际赞誉研究_本刊编辑部]
Central Party School Online (中央党校网): [January speech by Luo Zongyi on “superstrong leadership”] 在中国领导科学研究会“学习贯彻十九大精神,锻造新时代新领导力”理论研讨会暨第三届理事会换届大会开幕式上的讲话
People’s Daily Online (人民网): [2014 use of the term “superstrong leadership”]: 刘峰、刘志伟:习近平总书记的领导思想与领导风格
[2] Ministerial-level Journalist Shen Haixiong (慎海雄) Interviews Putin
On the eve of the summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), held in the city of Qingdao, Shen Haixiong, the head of the China Media Group (中国中央广播电视总台), the newly consolidated state-run broadcast network to be known outside the country as”Voice of China,” did an exclusive interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In the interview, which ran 40 minutes long, Putin answered questions about his impression of Xi Jinping and the prospects for the Sino-Russian relationship and the SCO. He also remarked on the Belt and Road Initiative, the North Korean nuclear crisis and other international issues.
The Shen Haixiong interview with Putin comes just two months after Shen took over as head of the newly restructured China Media Group. On March 21, China National Radio, China Central Television and China Radio International held a high-level leaders meeting at which it the formation of the consolidated China Media Group was announced, and that Shen Haixiong would serve as director and Party secretary of the group.
Key Chinese Reports: 中央广播电视总台台长专访普京 都聊了什么?
Media Tea Party (传媒茶话会): 总台台长慎海雄专访普京侧记:彻夜奋战只为最后的精彩
CCTV News App (央视新闻客户端): 有一种“网红”叫普京
CCTV News App (央视新闻客户端): 中国媒体广泛刊发总台专访普京报道
[3] 2017 Annual Report on Media Social Responsibility Released, Indicators Include “Correct Channeling” (正确引导) and “Secure Publishing and Broadcasting” (安全刊播)
On May 31, the 2017 Annual Report on Media Social Responsibility was released. The report is the fifth to be released since a pilot report was first issued in 2014. The report measures media organization performance over the past year along 8 key indicators, including “correct channeling” (正确引导), a reference to the official demand that media work to shape public opinion to suit the political demands of the Party and government leadership, “legal operation” (合法经营), “service provision” (提供服务), “cultural development” (繁荣发展文化), “secure publication and broadcasting” (安全刊播), “attentiveness of human affairs” (人文关怀), “respect for professional rules” (遵守职业规范) and “protection of news employee rights” (保障新闻从业人员权益).
According to a number of media-related WeChat public accounts that unpacked the most recent report, media organizations generally achieved the objective of “secure publishing and broadcasting” by exercising stronger controls over the social media accounts of the organization and its employees, by strengthening systems and mechanisms for “audit and review” (审读审核) of content, by applying a uniform content standard to both newspapers and social media (ensuring the latter do not report more freely), and by promoting the building of systems to gauge public opinion (舆情系统建设).
The 2017 Annual Report on Media Social Responsibility was expanded to include 40 media organizations, including 6 central-level organizations, 1 industry-specific media with national reach, and 33 regional media organizations from 29 provinces and cities.
Key Chinese Reports:
Xinhua Online (新华网): 2017年度媒体社会责任报告正式发布 发布媒体社会责任报告单位增至40家
Xinhua Online (新华网): 40家媒体2017年度媒体社会责任报告
“Media Observer” WeChat Public Account (传媒大观察): 28家报社社会责任报告出炉 我们发现了17条安全刊播窍门
[4] Guangdong’s Cyberspace Office Announces Purge of “Online Fake News” and “News Extortion” (新闻敲诈)
The Guangdong office of the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced a coordinated effort with the public security department and other government agencies to purge so-called “online fake news” (网上假新闻) and “news extortion” (新闻敲诈) between now and the end of June 2018. The campaign will focus on rooting out unofficial and unauthorized news stories on major policies (重大政策), important events (重要活动), hot-button social issues (社会热点) and sensitive issues (敏感问题) — meaning in particular those stories posted without official approval for online news services (互联网新闻信息服务许可).
Key Chinese Reports:
Cyberspace Administration of China (国家网信办网站): 广东网信办联合多部门开展网上假新闻和新闻敲诈问题整治工作
[5] Head of Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission: Develop New Media So the Voice of the Party is Heard
On May 24, Chen Yixin (陈一新), director of the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission, led an official discussion on “strengthening propaganda and public opinion work in political and legal affairs in the New Era.” Chen said that new media (新媒体) were rapidly becoming the principal channels and platforms for information dissemination, and there was a need to develop what he called “five capacities” (五个能力) in work on political and legal affairs: 1) the capacity for “online struggle” (网上斗争能力), “resolutely safeguarding online ideological security” (网络意识形态安全); 2) the capacity for the “integrated development” (融合发展能力) between traditional and new media, pushing determinedly ahead in transitioning the focus to social media; 3) the capacity for “brand innovation” in the political and legal affairs arena, strengthening new media brands in politics and law, “so that tens of millions of online users and hear the voice of the Party in the midst of the cacophony (让亿万网民在众声喧哗中听到党的声音); 4) the capacity for agenda-setting by new media on political and legal affairs, fully utilizing the “discourse resources of politics and legal affairs” (政法话语资源) to create unique hot topics that allow “firm grasp of the initiative and discourse power by new media in the public opinion arena”; 5) the capacity for new media on political and legal affairs to “attract fans” (引关圈粉), becoming media than online users turn to.
Key Chinese Reports:
Legal Daily (法制日报): 中央政法委秘书长陈一新到法制日报社调研 “三四五六”创新举措引发政法媒体人头脑风暴
The People’s Court News and Communication Agency (人民法院新闻传媒总社): 陈一新在政法宣传舆论工作调研座谈会上提出 政法新媒体“三四五六”创新举措

All About Innovation

As Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing today for talks with Xi Jinping, the Global Times had to note that the relationship between China and Russia “has innovative significance for major power relations.” Read the headlines in China these days and “innovation” is everywhere. In whatever arena a question arises — technology, economics, politics, media, culture — the answer seems to be innovation.
Sure, innovation is a global buzzword. Benoit Godin, an expert on the history of innovation as a concept, has written that the term “is used and abused and has come to mean everything and nothing.” In China, though, under the rule of Xi Jinping, the term has become all-encompassing — the political, economic, technological, cultural and ideological fulcrum on which the legitimacy of the Party turns.
When Xi gave his speech at the Boao Forum last April, an opportunity to press his vision for the global economy, it was called “Openness for Greater Prosperity, Innovation for a Better Future.” The speech had to be understood in a Chinese context as a transformation (an innovation, if you will) of the vision set by Deng Xiaoping. If Deng was the great reformer, Xi Jinping is the great innovator. Xi’s vision, moreover, is global in scope, making him, at least in the Chinese Communist Party’s formulation, someone whose standard we should all follow. “Reform and innovation,” Xi said in his Boao speech, “are the fundamental driving force of human progress.”
When a concept takes hold at the commanding heights of political power in China, one can expect it to seize every crack and valley as well.
This is something we should remember as we observe the way “innovation” has taken hold in the arena of media and propaganda. At times, the word can actually point in a roundabout way to some form of change, including the new (if not exactly creative) application of technology. But very often, it does not. Very often, it is mere repetition, and as such is meant to confer power on the political idea and the political person, rather than signal or advocate real transformation.
Take, for example, a piece today written by a local propaganda chief from Baoji, a small city in China’s west, relating the results of a fact-finding mission to larger coastal cities in which leaders from Baoji sought to ascertain how they might get their city noticed. The answer:

We must ‘go out’ and strengthen our exchanges with more areas, drawing support from our cultural strengths, innovating our methods and styles, telling Baoji’s story in a lively way, doing high frequency publicity of Baoji, turning Baoji’s influence into Baoji’s competitiveness.

When the propaganda chief boils these concepts down to specific methods, however, they are underwhelming. If the voice of Baoji is to “actively go out,” resulting in “stronger public opinion power,” then the city must “strengthen the role of the internet,” the most effective way (can you feel it coming?) to “steadily innovate the channels and methods of communication.”

The team from Guangzhou Daily accepts an “innovation” award on June 7, 2018.
Yesterday, the Chinese Newspaper Association held the award ceremony for its 3rd annual Chinese Media Innovation Summit Hangzhou (中国传媒创新杭州峰会). The list of award winners reads like a portrait of traditional Party-run newspapers making the shift to more fully multimedia organizations that operate across online platforms.
In China’s media landscape, one of the most important meanings of “innovation” over the past three years has been the transformation of the Party press system through the application of new internet tools, and restructuring within Party-run media organizations to allow for cross-production of content.
For its “Central Kitchen” (中央厨房) project — which integrates various aspects of content production, including editing, design and technology, through a dedicated central desk — Guangzhou Daily, the official Party mouthpiece of the Guangzhou city leadership, won an award this year. Hunan Daily, the official Party mouthpiece of the provincial leadership in Hunan province, won an award for another “convergence” (融合) project called the “New Hunan Cloud Platform” (新湖南云), described as a multimedia platform that has “become the chief platform through which the provincial Party committee and provincial government release important policies.”

Breaking the Grip of Western Newswires

Last Friday, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), an international political, economic and security organization with members and observer states spanning Eurasia and South Asia, held its first Media Summit in Beijing. During the meeting, attended by representatives from more than 110 media organizations, the group released a “cooperation initiative” calling on all SCO members to use the opportunity of the upcoming summit in Qingdao to “drive media dialogue and cooperation to a new level.”

In a letter of welcome published on the front page of the overseas edition of the People’s Daily on Saturday, President Xi Jinping said the meeting was a positive opportunity to promote the “Shanghai spirit,” and to work toward “a community of common future [or destiny] for humankind,” the latter phrase now an important centerpiece of Chinese foreign policy. The “Shanghai Spirit,” a phrase often used in conjunction with the SCO, refers, according to the official Xinhua News Agency, to the spirit of “mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity, and pursuit of common development.”
In typical fashion, both English and Chinese language reporting of the SCO Media Summit in state media mostly failed to provide a concrete picture of the purpose of the meeting and the expected outcomes. Xinhua quoted Ainura Temirbekova, Kyrgyzstan’s deputy minister for culture and information, as saying the “Shanghai Spirit” was “not just confined to important statements, but proved by deeds.” Dmitrii Lukiantsev, Russia’s representative to the SCO, was quoted (or, rather, paraphrased) as saying that “the organization sets a good example for building a new type of international relations and the ‘Shanghai Spirit’ is of great relevance today.”
What deeds? What examples? What relevance? None of the foreign representatives name-dropped in Chinese state media coverage seemed capable of spelling it out — although, again, Xinhua said that Temirbekova said that “China has made concrete contributions, and the cooperation between SCO countries on the global stage is the only pathway to a shared future.”
So why is China bringing together more than 100 media organizations from across Asia? What are its strategic objectives here?
If we wade knee-deep through the swamp of Chinese state media platitudes, we can find just a bit of clarity. It comes in this passage of a report by the Economic Daily quoting Fang Jiangshan (方江山), the deputy editor-in-chief of the Chinese Communist Party’s flagship People’s Daily. In the same report as it was run at People’s Daily Online, the passage was bolded for emphasis:

Declaration on International Public Opinion Environment
The strengthening and promotion of media cooperation within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a shared aspiration of all parties. People’s Daily deputy editor-in-chief Fang Jiangshan points out that the media constitute an important resource and means of national governance and global governance, and whoever controls discourse power has a grasp of great soft power, and therefore can better stand in a position of righteousness and justice (道义制高点). In the present international public opinion framework, the members of the SCO currently lack media organizations with global influence, and the media of many member states still seriously rely on Western news agencies for their international news reports. “The political security, economic development and social stability of SCO member states is upset by a massive gap in terms of digital technologies,” said Fang Jiangshan . . . . Fang believes that to change this situation, the SCO and its members states must place a strong emphasis on media development and media cooperation, further building mechanisms for media cooperation.

According to the Economic Daily report, the consensus coming out of the SCO Media Summit was that greater media cooperation among member states could help to “build a public opinion environment more beneficial to regional peace, development and stability.”
Make no mistake: the proper translation here is that China wants to work with its Asian partners in the SCO to break what it sees as Western dominance of the global narrative on governance. Imagine a world in which media and their audiences across Asia see global affairs not through the lens of the Associated Press, AFP, Reuters or the New York Times, but through the grand political vision offered by Xinhua.
It’s not difficult to ascertain which nation state, under such a “public opinion environment,” would come off as the beneficent protagonist.

A Veteran Investigator Makes a Return

There are plenty of media stories in China this week to pique one’s interest. Notably, we have some concrete numbers — and astonishing ones at that — for the vast internal censorship teams being put together by major internet businesses in China to accommodate the control demands of the Party; we have the first casualties of China’s new law against defaming heroes and martyrs, which took effect on May 1; and we have the return to form of a once prominent Chinese investigative reporter, Gao Qinrong (shown above), who was jailed for eight years more than a decade ago for exposing corruption in his native Shanxi province — and who has now brought down another official on his home turf.

May 21, 2018 to May 30, 2018
➢ Chaping (差评) returns investment made by Tencent after revelations of IP violations
➢ Internal content review team at Jinri Toutiao reached 10,000 members, and the video app Kuaishou (快手) censors a daily average of 700,000 videos deemed illegal
➢ As a law goes into effect in China protecting historical martyrs and heroes, the comic site “Rage Comics” (暴走漫画) is taken offline
➢ New figures (though from 2016) on salaries for top media company officials in China
➢ Veteran journalist Gao Qinrong exposes alleged corruption in Shanxi on his WeChat public account
[1] Chaping Returns Major Investment 
On May 23, the science and technology related we-media (自媒体) site “Chaping” (差评) announced that it had secured a 30 million yuan investment, with investment the Tencent’s TOPIC Fund topping the list. But on May 28, after Chaping faced a storm of criticism from other we-media operators over alleged copyright violations (essentially, taking other’s content and rebranding it as their own), the company announced that it had decided unilaterally to return Tencent’s investment. Zhang Jun (张军), Tencent’s top public relations executive, and CEO Ma Huateng (马化腾), both admitted over social media that the TOPIC Fund had gone ahead with the investment before conducting an adequate review.
Key Chinese Reports:
National Business Daily (每日经济新闻): 《腾讯能不能投资“差评”?》/《“差评”发文回应质疑背后:“洗稿”这件事,终于被摆上了台面》/《“差评”称主动退还投资,腾讯的尽调也不用做了
The Beijing News (新京报): 《“差评”被差评后 主动退还腾讯投资
[2] Content Review Team at Jinri Toutiao reaches 10,000 Members; Kuaishou Cleans Up Daily Average of 700,000 Content Items
On May 25, Pan Yu (潘宇), the director of media cooperation at Jinri Toutiao, revealed that in order to protect the “security” of the platform, Jinri Toutiao had built an enormous team allowing it to conduct content review on a 24×7 basis, “in order to create a positive energy climate conducive to socialist core values.” Pan also revealed that the platform had also created a team of expert advisors to enhance content supervision.
On May 27, Kuaishou issued a report on its handling of so-called illegal content for the month of May showing that on average 698,974 items of short video content had been removed on a daily basis. In addition, an average of 9,280 accounts had been blocked daily. At present, about 10 million short videos are uploaded each day to the platform, said Kuaishou, and it was doing its utmost to create “a positive, healthy, green and fair content environment.”
Key Chinese Reports:
Dahe Daily (大河报): 《今日头条媒体合作总监:背后有庞大的内容审核团队 (36氪): 《在互联网行业做审核员,他见了太多人性的黑暗面 | 这个职业不太冷
Blue Whale Finance (蓝鲸财经): 《快手通报5月处罚情况:日均清理违规内容近70万条
[3] Heroes and Martyrs Protection Law Takes Effect, “Rage Comics” is Taken Offline
On May 16th and 17th, after the we-media account “Rage Comics” (暴走漫画) posted short videos that were deemed to insult the spirit and deeds of Communist heroes and martyrs in violation of a related law that took effect on May 1,  Jinri Toutiao shut down offending accounts. Weibo, meanwhile shut down 16 accounts identified as serious violators, including @BaozouManhua (@暴走漫画), @BaozouDaShijian (@暴走大事件), @HuangJiguangZagang (@黄继光砸缸) and @DongCunruiInTheOffice (@办公室的董存瑞), while deleting a further 39 account aliases. Youku, the iQiyi (爱奇艺) online video platform, and the Zhihu question-and-answer website all removed content related to “Rage Comics” and put blocks into effect.
The “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs” (中华人民共和国英雄烈士保护法), which went into effect on May 1, stipulates the following: “No organization or individual may in public forums, online or through radio, television, film or publishing, etcetera, insult, slander or in other ways harm the name, representation, reputation or honor of heroes and martyrs.”
On May 23, two days before the official day commemorating Communist hero Dong Cunrui (董存瑞), a People’s Liberation Army soldier said to have blown himself up during China’s civil war in order to destroy a Kuomingtang fortification, Ren Jian (任剑), one of the creators of “Rage Comics” paid a visit to the Dong Cunrui Martyr’s Memorial Park, laying flowers on the memorial and offering a public apology.
Key Chinese Reports:
People’s Daily Official WeChat Account (人民日报官微): 《“暴走漫画”等16个微博账号被关闭
IT Home (IT之家):
[4] Radio, Television and Newspaper Top Brass Earning Salaries of Up To 840,000 Yuan
According to a recently released report on salaries in the media industry for 2016, salaries for top media management positions in China generally fall between 400,000 yuan and 840,000 yuan per year, or around 62,000-130,000 US dollars. These numbers represent only a slight increase from previously recorded figures for 2015. Delays in reporting these salary figures in China of course mean that in some cases top managers of media companies have already moved on to new positions.
Top salaries at listed film and television companies generally topped out at around 1.17 million yuan per year, but salaries at 50 percent of listed media companies were actually lower than 600,000, meaning monthly salaries of around 50,000 yuan.
Key Chinese Reports:
“Entertainment & Business” Public Account (微信公众号“文娱商业观察”): 《人均117万,你的领导挣多少?|2017年A股影视公司高管人均年薪排行榜
[5] Veteran Journalist Openly Accuses Discipline Inspection Official in Shanxi of Corruption; Official is Removed
On May 24, journalist Gao Qinrong (高勤荣), a native of Shanxi province, posted a report called “A Vulgar-Mouthed Disciplinary Inspection Official” (一个满嘴脏话的纪检委书记) on his WeChat public account, alleging that Cheng Wanying (程晚英), head of the Cadre Supervision Office (干部监察室) of the discipline inspection authority in Changzhi City (长治市), coordinated with the city’s top anti-corruption official, Ma Biao (马彪), to organize a campaign of intimidation against a local real estate developer, Chen Zhaoping (陈兆平), after Chen refused to pay a bribe to Cheng. At the end of his report, Gao Qinrong provided an audio recording of Ma Biao, the anti-corruption official, in which he cursed profusely. A few days after Gao’s report, Ma Biao was, according to sources, removed from his position in Shanxi for “ineffectively dealing with online opinion” (网络舆情处置不力).
Gao Qinrong has a long and painful personal history of exposing corruption in China. In 1998, he exposed an irrigation project in Shanxi province that was a scam, and for that work he was imprisoned for eight years. In 2007, Gao was awarded an International Press Freedom Award from the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Key Chinese Reports:
Beijing Time (北京时间): 《山西长治纪委书记突遭免职 曾因满嘴脏话被公开举报

The "Honor" of Simply Eating at Home

Media in the People’s Republic of China rarely, if ever, offer the straight scoop on what is happening politically. But sometimes the odd twist in the Party’s stiffened discourse can give us tantalizing clues — little morsels to feed our curiosity.
Appearing recently on the public account of the official People’s Daily on the popular WeChat platform, the following editorial prompted a wave of interest. The piece bore the headline: “Party Members and Cadres Should Find Honor in Returning Home for Dinner.”

Why the interest?
The construction “finding honor in ____” (以……为荣) is routinely used in the discourse of the Chinese Communist Party, with phrases like “finding honor in labor” (以劳动为荣) and “finding honor in hard work and frugal living” (以勤俭为荣) appearing relatively early in the Party’s history.
More recently, former President Hu Jintao introduced his own formula for the proper conduct of Party officials in 2006, the “Eight Honors and Eight Shames” (八荣八耻), which a government website at the time called a “new moral yardstick.” 
So why should the idea of “finding honor in returning home for dinner” (以回家吃饭为荣) be of interest to anyone?
First, we must consider those situations in which one might not return home for dinner — assuming one is a Party official. First, you might be too busy at work. Second, you might be treating others for a dinner out. This novel phrase, “finding honor in returning home for dinner,” is directed at the second scenario.
Sales of luxury Moutai liquor, which had dropped during the first years of Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign, have now recovered. The drink, which can cost hundreds of dollars per bottle, has long been a mainstay of Chinese banquet-style dinners.
Back on January 22, 2013, quite early in his first tenure as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping addressed Party leaders at a conference of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the CCP’s anti-corruption body. In his speech, Xi urged leaders to “go out less for entertainment, and return home more often to have dinner” (少出去应酬,多回家吃饭). The admonition was directed against the widespread abuse of public funds by officials holding lavish dinners out, often with expensive liquor, while ostensibly doing the business of the Party-state.
For the idea of “returning home for dinner” to become mixed up with this moralistic discourse about “honor,” and for it to be elevated in this way politically, suggests that while the Party has actively pushed an anti-corruption agenda under Xi Jinping, and has sought to restrain the use of public funds for evening entertainment, the problem is still widespread enough to cause concern.
The People’s Daily public account pointed out that there are now people who “have transferred eating and drinking activities from hotels to private residences and work unit dining halls, who have gone from the extravagant use of public funds to relying on their bosses.” Also criticized was the conduct of some Party members in ostensibly using their own wallets to “organize the department” (组局) for dining out.
All of this subtly remonstrative language in the People’s Daily public account article, directed at officials inclined by force of habit and privilege to stuff themselves at public expense, drew mockery from internet users who lack even the opportunity to dine on public funds.
The response from one WeChat user, who identified himself as an 80 year-old man, was a mix of puzzlement and irritation: “What honor is there in returning home for dinner?” he asked. “For more than 70 years, I’ve returned home every single day to have dinner, and never have relevant government departments offered me some sort of merit certificate to do so. Where is the honor? Let me go looking for it.”

Proper Reverence

In recent days in China, a seemingly routine human resources document arising from a new media training conference at a Party newspaper has feverishly made the rounds on the Chinese internet.
The notice, dated May 22, is from Shaanxi Daily, the official Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece of Shaanxi province. It reports that on May 18, the newspaper held a conference on new media during which the director of the newspaper’s theory and commentary division (理论评论部), Wei Yan (魏焱), “whispered in another’s ear while a principle leader of the newspaper was speaking, showing lack of reverence consciousness [my emphasis], in violation of conference discipline.” A decision had been taken, the notice said, to garnish 50 percent of the director’s performance-related pay for the month.

The Chinese Communist Party has had myriad forms of what it likes to call “consciousness” throughout its history. There was an emphasis in earlier decades, of course, on “class consciousness” (阶级意识). But after the end of the Cultural Revolution, as economic reforms were in the offing, “commodity consciousness” (商品意识) emerged to define a shift in priorities. As reforms took root, there was then “opening consciousness” (开放意识).

Science writer Fang Zhouzi asks if the leader of Shaanxi Daily thinks he is a god.

In Xi Jinping’s so-called “New Era,” the emphasis has been on the “Four Consciousnesses” (四个意识): “political consciousness” (政治意识), “consciousness of the overall situation” (大局意识), “consciousness of the core” (核心意识) and “compliance consciousness” (看齐意识). I could write a pretty hefty book trying to explain the meaning and histories of each of these “consciousnesses” — but in the current context, they essentially boil down to just one simple demand: allegiance to Xi Jinping.

Up to this point, however, no one anywhere in the Party’s vast structure, from the top to the bottom, has apparently used the term “reverence consciousness” (敬畏意识) to describe so pointedly the expected attitude of subordinates to their Party superiors.

This is why the notice from Shaanxi Daily has drawn so much attention. Writing on Weibo, and on Twitter, the scientific writer Fang Zhouzi asked: “An employee had no ‘reverence consciousness’ toward leaders of his newspaper and was fined half a month’s wages. Does this leader at the newspaper think he is a god?”
The newspaper leader who was apparently disrespected by Wei Yan’s lack of “reverence consciousness” was reportedly Li Wei (李伟), pictured in the featured image above, who serves concurrently as director of Shaanxi Daily and as a deputy minister of propaganda for the province.

According to the Shaanxi Daily notice, Wei Yan, the offending whisperer, was also ordered to write a letter of contrition for failing to show proper reverence to his superior.

China Shutters Top Leftist Website

One key characteristic of Xi Jinping’s “New Era” has been the progressive elimination of all forms of ideological variance within the Party. Growing centralization of Party power has come with a pronounced narrowing of the discourse spectrum. Everyone must converge at the center — or remain silent.
Now comes the news, not altogether surprising, that Utopia, the leftist website espousing that “our only firm belief is in Mao Zedong Thought,” could be shuttered indefinitely.
Chinese-language media outside mainland China reported over the weekend that Utopia‘s website was no longer available, following the blocking on May 19 of its public account on the popular WeChat platform. Apple Daily cited speculation that one of the key issues was the need to maintain the central position of Xi Jinping’s ideological discourse — an argument that seems at least partly supported by CMP’s recent report on April 2018 discourse in the People’s Daily newspaper, which found legacy terms associated with Xi Jinping’s predecessors disappearing almost entirely.
Other sources speculated that Utopia‘s shutdown was a pre-emptive move by the authorities to neutralize any negative fallout from concessions China might make in the midst of trade negotiations with the United States. The fear, according to one commentator cited by Radio Free Asia, was that Utopia, a site that often harbors extreme nationalist views, might openly characterize Chinese concessions as an “act of treason” (卖国行动), inviting broader criticism from its readership. At the time of the blocking of its WeChat public account, Utopia had an estimated 130,000 followers on the platform.
Utopia has often taken up extreme positions that set it at odds with the Party’s mainstream. After North Korea said in February 2013 that it had successfully tested a miniaturized nuclear device, a move that upset China’s government and prompted rare criticism of North Korea in state-run media, the Utopia website ran a disaccording message of praise — even tossing in a propaganda term, “positive energy,” introduced by Xi Jinping not long before: “For the people of North Korea to conduct a successful test of an advanced nuclear weapon at this time is a contribution to peace in Northeast Asia,” it wrote. “It increases positive energy on the Korean Peninsula, and it adds more positive factors to the future of North Korea.”
Utopia and North Korea were joined in the news headlines last month when it emerged that 32 Chinese tourists killed in a bus crash on the Reunification Highway south of Pyongyang were visiting North Korea on a tour organized by Spark Travel, a company affiliated with Utopia. The website’s editor-in-chief, Diao Weiming (刁伟铭), was confirmed to have died in the crash.
Utopia has weathered temporary shutdowns in the past. The website was handed a one-month suspension in April 2012 and ordered to undergo rectification. The order, coming at the time from the State Council Information Office, reportedly resulted from writings seen as indirectly criticizing the state leaders and “improperly discussing” (妄议) the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which at that time was several months away.
In other respects, on other issues, Utopia has been more in line with the views of the leadership. The site had long defined itself in critical opposition to Yanhuang Chunqiu (炎黄春秋), a respected journal of history and politics that frequently ran scholarship from more liberal Chinese intellectuals. The Utopia website, in fact, featured a regular special topic, or zhuanti (专题), on Yanhuang Chunqiu, a column reserved for fulsome rebuttals of the latest outrages committed by the journal — such as well-supported scholarship by historian and former CMP fellow Hong Zhenkuai (洪振快) that questioned the historical truth of a Communist Party myth called the “Five Heroes of Langya Mountain.”
Yanhuang Chunqiu has been effectively silenced as a source of liberal ideas within the Party since its hostile takeover by authorities almost two years ago.
Utopia routinely referred to the liberal journal disparagingly as “the great camp of historical nihilism” (历史虚无主义的大本营). In the context of Chinese Communist Party discourse, “historical nihilism” refers to any act or attitude of denying the Party’s politically convenient view of historical truth, however unsubstantiated. Utopia would seem, in this respect, to be in line with the objectives of the Party under Xi Jinping, which has prioritized the fight against “historical nihilism,” even listing it as number six on its roster of banned ideas laid out in the so-called Document No. 9 back in 2013.
But the fate of Utopia over the past week is a potent illustration of how determined the Party leadership now is to enforce and maintain ideological unity around the “core” figure of Xi Jinping. It is not acceptable for a liberal Party journal on the right to talk honestly about history and advocate constitutionalism as a means of solving China’s problems. Nor is it acceptable for a website on the extreme left to talk as though the way forward is a return to the ideology of Mao.
Right or left, all must come together at “the core.”